Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW (1 Viewer)


Feb 14, 2008
Yesterday I posted a comment on how the Collectors Showcase is selling on eBay and Collectors Showcase responded with a comment on how his line is selling for good prices.The original comments are below.I called it dumping. What would you call it?

Any person with ebay knowledge can see how Collectors Showcase is selling on eBay with a completed auction search or look up Collectors Showcase with a Bidder search of completed auctions.

Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

DAK Infantry Retails for $70 sold on eBay 2/17 for $24 # 310020275974

DAK Panzer I Retails for $160 sold on eBay 2/17 for $82 # 310021805359

DAK Panzer I Retails for $160 sold on eBay 2/10 for $88 # 310020275417

DAK BMW Retails for $130 sold on eBay 2/17 for $68 # 310021801688

DAK Kettenrad Retails for $130 sold on eBay 2/10 for $51 # 310020275691

DAK Rommel set Retails for $56 sold on ebay 2/10 for $24 # 310020275691

ACW Union Infantry Retails for $66 sold on eBay 2/17 for $31 # 3100218067

ACW Union Command Retails for $50 sold on eBay 2/17 for $22
# 310021806062

ACW Union Artillery Retails for $130 sold on eBay 2/17 for $79
# 310020277707

ACW Confederate Command Retails for $50 sold on eBay 2/10 for $42
# 310020276884

ACW Confererate Artillery Retails for $130 sold on eBay 2/17 for $78
# 310021806062

ACW Mounted Cavalry Retails for $66 sold on ebay for $22 & $46

All of the above sets sold well below retail prices even when you factor in the $19.95 shipping fee tacked on to the sale.

The DAK 88 retails for $120 and did sell on Ebay 2/17 for $201.50 and $150 & $132 previously. This is the only CS set which brought a good price obviously.

My original comment Monday
Collectors Showcase is dumping lots of ACW and WW2 Dak product on eBay for prices way below retail what you pay from Michigan Toy Soldier , Hobby Bunker or any other Collectors Showcase dealer.When new Arnhem releases come out, I will wait a few weeks for the initial frenzy to subside, and then pick up some bargains from Collectors Showcase on eBay.

The Collectors Showcase comment Tuesday
" Dumping " my friend is quite a word to be using when we achieve at auction prices at or above retail, have you seen the final prices that items sell for? Indeed you have not, Arnhem my friend is at 60% sold out as it is shipping, you'll wait a long time until those items ever appear on EBAY and if they do it will be by private collectors at appreciated prices.

EBAY has proven a resounding success at getting the DAK and ACW products to market. Many retailers are findind sales slowing rapidly overall. This is partly due to the economy and partly due to large inventory gluts, Conte's two for one sale is a great model for inventory problems plaguing not only our industry but the whole of the economy ( have you seen retail sales numbers?), Certainly there are too many manufacturerers serving too few buyers. Demand is shrinking while supply had grown, simple economics 101.

What I am finding with many retailers is a complete resistance to inventory accumulation, hence they will not re-order many of our DAK and ACW products, I go to shows and sell them left and right. The bottom line is most mid to large toy soldier retailers simply don't have the financial resources to re-stock every single line thats produced.

The amount of Britians Conte and Yes K&C in warehouses unsold has created a sort of " glut " of product creating resistance to much new buying. Store closures abound and may get worse. But through it all we are still creating and shipping new product to eager collectors ( e.g. Arnhem and 14th Brooklyn ). So why for a moment would you judge us so harshly at a time when much creativity is needed to ensure products find a customer.

What we find on EBAY is a great pool of customers, albeit bargain oriented, that love our product. We are able to continue selling these incredible DAK and ACW sets and grow new customers all the while. If we waited for the dealers to re-order DAK and ACW, we'd be out of business and there would be no Arnhem, no 14th Brooklyn no HJ and all else that is to come. Now you wouldn't want that, now would you?

P.S. A little birdy just told me, we're almost out of DAK 88, MkI, R75 and ACW Cavalry and artillery: you better order while you can:)

Hope that helps clarify our massive " dumping " program on EBAY

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

Re: PANZER441 need a math course?

Nice dream prices on EBAY bub, I guess you'll be shopping for showcase goodies in another dimension, I checked your numbers WRONG!
I added their shipping and handling, which admittadly is high and you are off by a mile,

Oh by the way what is your point with all this, you must hate these guys, some people just don't know how to make friends.
Although panzer's numbers seem generally correct (I did a spot check), I'm wondering what the point of the thread is. If you have a dispute with Collector's Showcase, it might be more beneficial to do this through pm or contact the company directly.
Re: Ooops

I did take a second look on EBAY and while your numbers are low Panzer411 there do seem to be some pretty good deals ongoing on some sweet Showcase sets.

Hmm...I do think I'll place a bid ! :D
About a year ago I tried to warn everyone to be careful when dealing with CS. My advice would still be the same, both myself and another Forum member had a bad experience dealing with them.

For what its worth.

As a collector, I am very glad Collectors Showcase is selling their own product for such a low price on eBay.I usually pay Retail prices for my King & Country pieces,so it is a nice change to see these kind of prices for such a good product as Collectors Showcase.I only noted the eBay auction results to show the prices Collectors Showcase were really selling for and not selling for retail or higher prices as they claimed. I did give the 88 gun auction credit for a higher than retail price. I have no dispute with Collectors Showcase and I hope they continue to come out with exciting products.
This entire thread is unfair to a small company that has the guts to offer their products at low starting prices on eBay to enable new collectors to appreciate these terrific models first hand.
I agree with Oz about the quality.Heres a new company and they make without doubt the best ACW Artillery i've seen, very good indeed.

Collectors Showcase is undercutting there dealers as well as pissing off others who payed the regular retail price. Heck why dont all the makers do this, dump it all on ebay buy everthing at lower prices! And years from now we can all have display cabinets full of worthless junk! I have yet to talk to a single collector that does not want his collection to rise in value. If something happens to me I want my wife and son to be able to sell my collection and use the money for something they want. I do not want to leave them piles of unsellable metal and plastic! Sounds to me someone is having trouble selling thier line. Only 300 sets should have been sold out long ago! I am glad I decided not to buy them.
As the owner of the company I am deeply saddened at what appears to be a few individuals needing to vent problems well beyond the industry at my company. How sad indeed to buy toys and expect they will financially safeguard ones future.

In regards to NJJA please contact our company in regards to whatever you feel might have mishandled so we can get you well taken care of. Your comments are out of the norm completely.

Im finding these forum entries to be very sad indeed, if dealers have depleted inventory and have no intention of purchasing again, we at the company will be certain to get our products into the marketplace any way we can. It has been a very trying time to get dealers to pick up the line, most dealers are tied to either Britians or K&C and have large payments due each and every month to them. This helps to ensure we are " shut out " of many dealers, even though we may have a superior product.

Trust me we grow daily and I find more and more customers coming to us as a viable alternative to other products in the market place.

I wish one and all very happy collecting, and all of the wonderful support from all of our fabulous customers old and new!

It seems like guys are quick to extol the virtue of the free market when they are making huge mark ups but when it works in favour of the customer then suddenly it is unfair.
The forum is to express are views and opinions. Because my opinion is different than yours does not mean I am "whacked". I have no ill will towards CS I just stated my opinion. And Brian my point was I would like my collection to be worth something I dont believe there is anything wrong with that. Dont make assumptions of my lifestyle that is offensive.
Wow this is turning into a really interesting thread! I'm not commenting on anything though - just yet!
I don't collect in the hope of recouping my cost , so if a deal comes along , i'm happy cos I can buy more for the same budget, I recently got the two conte landing craft in a two for one deal, I otherwise would not have had budget to get both at full price, it was an inducement for me to buy and it worked:)

its beyond me why anyone would castigate someone for selling off stock, at discount or on the open ebay market unless of course you were trying to make a living or fund further purchases thru the secondary market,
certain items will be in either a seller's or buyer's market for whatever reason and its unrealistic to expect everything to maintain value or appreciate in value. Its a free market and not some sort of cartel and the winner is the consumer who gets the goods for cheaper.

This is an interesting topic because we hear often the rationale why stuff should be sold at full price but rarely hear any encouragement or cheers for discount sales etc ,
so bring on the sales :D :D:D:D
I personally think Brian is just giving what the reality is in today's economy as well as a free market. As a business, he needs to move out inventory PERIOD. It is the same as every business, how many times does Polo have a sale on last years merchandise??????

Now, as for the product, I am a big fan of the vehicles and have purchased them. Whether I bought at full retail or sale or some of both or whatever, that is my perogative as a consumer.

I just don't get it, why is the company being attacked?

I also have never understood, why retail is the only thing to pay? I have paid above and below and to me, that is life.

I have personally stated on numerous occasions that some of Andy's K&C stuff that doesn't sell well SHOULD BE DISCOUNTED so that dealers can get rid of the inventory, but that is his company and his choice.

Random thoughts,

I could be wrong about this but when the new owners of Britains took over didn't they quickly retire some pieces and try to have old inventory moved so they could new product from the new regime (Richard Walker and the Osens) in place at the dealers?

I am not attacking the company, just warning other Forum members of questionalbe business priactices. Since this thread went up I have received yet another private message from now a 3rd Forum member that is unhappy with the service and how he was treated.

I am not naming the other members as that is their business to do so. I am simply advising other members to be aware of this situation.

Some people will ignore this information, that is their choice. Myself I like feedback before I send my money off to a new seller.

As they say an educated consumer is the best customer.


I am not attacking the company, just warning other Forum members of questionalbe business priactices. Since this thread went up I have received yet another private message from now a 3rd Forum member that is unhappy with the service and how he was treated.

I am not naming the other members as that is their business to do so. I am simply advising other members to be aware of this situation.

Some people will ignore this information, that is their choice. Myself I like feedback before I send my money off to a new seller.

As they say an educated consumer is the best customer.


Me to, I have checked their feedback and it's 98.9% which is higher than most sellers, isn't it :rolleyes:
This will be fun to see in the futrure if anyone still buys from CS at retail. Why would you just wait till it comes on ebay for cheaper! Oh I believe someonelse said that. And why would dealers stock thier shelves with CS product if they have to worry about it hitting ebay for half price a few months later? CS business practices are none of my business and neither is how others choose to buy. I dont like that type of undercutting and it seems neither do others emailing to agree that if they knew figures would hit ebay they would have waited. This is only my OPINION no one needs to get mad or call me wacked I dont believe this is good for the hobby and that is why Andy at K@C probably does not do this.
And they say silence is a "virtue" lol

anyway, here in lies the problem,

in the grand scheme of things the toy soldier world,historical miniature world or whatever you want to call it, its really not that large as compared to most industries and the demand is simply not there,

it seems that most if not all manufacturer's of toy soldiers allow the consumer to purchase directly from them as well as dealers, well from a business perspective this is NOT good for retailers, i hear about all these shows where dealers and manufacturer's attend and they are all competing for a "slice of pie" where that "pie" is not that big in the first place,

now we come to the so called "dumping" "two for one sale", interesting enough that these manufacturer's offer such deals and low prices (albeit great for the consumer you and i ) not so good again for the retailer, leaves them with stuck inventory that they purchased at original dealer cost and now can't compete with these sales, if i was a retailer wouldn't make me very happy, sure its good for the manufacturer and the arguement "it brings in new buyers" but now what does the dealer do ??????????????

beacuse this is such a small market, its not like grocerie's or clothing where a manufacturer can sustain several retailers for the same item, there is a great disadvantage once again for the toy soldier retailer,

its a good 2 -5 g's a month for a retailer to even open his/her doors, not including other expenses such as wages, insurance and so forth, they need to sell quite abit of "scrap metal" or "balls of plastic" don't ya think ???????

i do hear and see one company who adheres to a strict policy when it comes to dealers and their pricing, that seems pretty fair, everyone is on an equal playing field but yet they themselves still sell direct to the consumer (again, where is the retailer support)

why don't the manufacturer's offer a promotion to retailers when the need arises to reduce inventories, i don't know, maybe they did but i have not seem any retailer offer any kinds of special pricing or the same deals as one manufacturer is doing ?????????????

economics 101 does not = business 101

this is really not about manufacturer "dumping" or "reducing inventory" more so disrespecting and not supporting your dealers and if the dealers choose to put up with this, so be it, their choice, but if they choose not too than the MANUFACTURER will have a rude awakening at some point and it will greatly affect their avenues of reaching the consumer,

a little bit off the topic here but i think its relative to the discussion,

definition of discussion - A discussion is an oral exploration of a topic, object, concept or experience


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