Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW (2 Viewers)

Very well said. If all Manufacturers did this you would have a race to the bottom and then imagine what kind of figures we would get. Its all about a level playing field.
EBAY has proven a resounding success at getting the DAK and ACW products to market. Many retailers are finding sales slowing rapidly overall. This is partly due to the economy and partly due to large inventory gluts, Conte's two for one sale is a great model for inventory problems plaguing not only our industry but the whole of the economy ( have you seen retail sales numbers?), Certainly there are too many manufacturerers serving too few buyers. Demand is shrinking while supply had grown.

What I am finding with many retailers is a complete resistance to inventory accumulation, hence they will not re-order many of our DAK and ACW products, they simply have no cash left to do so, I go to shows and sell them left and right. The bottom line is most mid to large toy soldier retailers simply don't have the financial resources to re-stock every single line thats produced. As we are quite new its been quite a struggle to get the products out in the channels in decent enough numbers.

The amount of Britians Conte and Yes K&C in warehouses unsold has created a sort of " glut " of product creating resistance to much new buying. Store closures abound and may get worse. But through it all we are still creating and shipping new product to eager collectors ( e.g. Arnhem and 14th Brooklyn ). So why for a moment would you judge us so harshly at a time when much creativity is needed to ensure products find a customer.

What we find on EBAY is a great pool of customers, albeit bargain oriented, that love our product. We are able to continue selling these incredible DAK and ACW sets and grow new customers all the while. If we waited for the dealers to re-order DAK and ACW, we'd be out of business and there would be no Arnhem, no 14th Brooklyn no HJ and all else that is to come. Now you wouldn't want that, now would you?

P.S. A little birdy just told me, we're almost out of DAK 88, MkI, R75 and ACW Cavalry and artillery: you better order while you can:)

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

.....its beyond me why anyone would castigate someone for selling off stock, at discount or on the open ebay market unless of course you were trying to make a living or fund further purchases thru the secondary market.....

This is the crux of this issue.

And I doubt you will see any complaints here from collectors that just buy for their own enjoyment of the hobby and are very happy for the opportunity of an underpriced model.
I think part of the problem is that new Toy soldiers (produced after 1966) are not really rare. If the Britains bands were limited to 2 500 that is not truly a limited edition. Similarly if the Tunisian Tiger is limited to 1 250 that is not really limited. The reason Old Britains stuff is limited is because most of those fantastiac bands and marching sets were destroyed by the kids playing with them over the years. To find a set mint in the box is truly rare. Now all the toy soldiers that have been sold by various companies since 1973 are probably still out there in some-ones cabinet relatively unscathed. So if 1000 of certain tank was made back in 1999 then 1000 of that tank still exist. If all those collectors suddenly decided to dump that particular set on the market then there would be 1000 sets available for sale all at once. Then what price would the tank command then? So it seems the whole thing is a bit artificial. It relies on us all hoarding our figures and not deciding to sell them just like that. I agree with Dog Soldier the market is just not that big.
Remember there is more than one type of collector. Some collect just because they want to others are speculators. I am in the middle I collect because I love toy soldiers and I also do my share of speculating. And the toy soldier world is alot bigger than you think most collectors dont participate in forums.
Remember there is more than one type of collector. Some collect just because they want to others are speculators. I am in the middle I collect because I love toy soldiers and I also do my share of speculating. And the toy soldier world is alot bigger than you think most collectors dont participate in forums.

Which are no doubt the ones you will here complaining about the cheaper prices :D
I am the person who started this thread. I agree with OzDigger and redhugh and most of the other comments.I am a collector only, not a speculator.I like the Collectors Showcase products and am really excited they are selling their products on eBay for such a low price. With more auctions ending soon,I would be pretty stupid to call up Collectors Showcase and order product at retail instead of taking my chances on eBay.If Collectors Showcase is not happy with his dealer network, maybe he should sell direct to the collectors at these lower prices ????
Panzer 441 posted this message yesterday ( look up his posts ):

"I would like to sell my Russian Front Figarti Tiger I Tanks. Each tank is $210."

Thats right $210, didn't those tanks retail for $295.00? And your giving these guys a hard time for selling items, you are unbelievable my friend, devaluing FIGARTI products like that shame shame. Thats the pot calling the kettle black.

Your Too funny, cheers anyway you do provide nice entertainment:)

I am not attacking the company, just warning other Forum members of questionalbe business priactices. Since this thread went up I have received yet another private message from now a 3rd Forum member that is unhappy with the service and how he was treated.

I am not naming the other members as that is their business to do so. I am simply advising other members to be aware of this situation.

Some people will ignore this information, that is their choice. Myself I like feedback before I send my money off to a new seller.

As they say an educated consumer is the best customer.



Sorry, I was discussing the price volatility. If you have had a bad dealing, that is understandable and everyone has an certain opinion once burned and I can certainly understand that one.

I too looked up their EBAY rating: 99% satisfaction,

so it seems they are doing something right with their customers. I like the fact that I can now add pieces ( DAK ) without paying what were pretty high prices. So there is quite a bit of value there. Fun thread, never a dull moment on Treefrog.
Hi Guys,

K&C normally wouldn’t comment on this discussion but since Collectors Showcase brought us into the mix as a means of justifying their new business practice, we felt we should give our two cents.

Collectors Showcase states categorically that among other problems there is a ‘glut’ on the market… a ‘resistance’ to new products… and that he is ‘shut out’ of many dealers because they are already tied to Britain’s or K&C. Quite frankly, we see this as a ‘red herring’ for the real issue presented… Discounts.

King & Country’s position has always been that manufacturer direct to consumer discounts only result in marginal temporary gains which are quickly reversed. It may allow for increased movement of a manufacturer’s backstock but in the long term it:

1) Devalues the product as a whole.
2) Destroys relationships with dealers who have effectively been undercut by their own supplier.
3) Creates an even more competitive and hostile atmosphere among dealers who now have to enter into price-wars with one another simply to attract customers seeking out the lowest prices.

This does nothing to help the industry and furthermore only ends up putting companies out of business. This is precisely why K&C is vigilant about price control.

While we feel that the toy soldier business is welcoming to new companies who offer new and exciting products, resistance to start-ups is par for the course in any industry. King & Country experienced this as well. It is only when a new company offers a product in an innovative or improved format … or when it meets a need or desire in the market that a new company can begin to gain a foothold. The well deserved success of John Jenkins or New Model Army (while it was in business) are a perfect example.

Anyway, that’s the King & Country point of view. We would like to hear what people like George (Minutemen) and Shannon (Treefrog) as well as Richard (Britains) think.

You guys need to listen to Andrews post because most of you are defefnding CS. Bussiness practices like this will lead to a race to the bottom! Which will in turn mean lousy product. But it sounds like some of you dont care and would be content on filling your collections full of junk as long as you got a "deal" Brilliant!
Having K&C now weigh in on this subject so quickly I find to be the most flattering attention yet focused on my small company ( all of two persons! ). Our new Arnhem, 14th Brooklyn and HJ products must have quite a stimulating, and chilling effect, on not only on our customers but on the industry status quo as such.

I find this debate lively, healthy and good for the industry. As it makes public what such great new releases are saying to those that would have us collect the same figures, with the same poses over and over again. The organized attacks and barbs are indicative of an underlying fear, one that threatens to unseat those that have decided that this industry is theirs that somehow the free market is not working in this industry.

Hear me, that times and products in this sector and all: will and must always evolve. To try to hold back this evolution is futile. Arnhem is simply a harbinger of fantastic things to come, the toy soldier collector is about to enjoy a renaissance in sculpting paint and animation not seen in this sector. I have decided to make it my vocation to do so. Because my unique backround of art computer design and a love of military history makes it so.

So while these attacks go on, I continue to create, sculpt and prototype some of the newest most fabulous and most limited edition pieces that the industry has yet to see.

One thing that cannot be stopped is progress, no matter how hard those that enjoy a lions share of the industry now would like. A new epoch in toy manufacturing has begun and will change the detail, sculpting and posing like nothing else before it, let the customer be the king! He is the ultimate decider.

Anyhow I wish all goodwill and have enjoyed the ire that these excellent new offerings have grown, it is by far the most flattering accolade I have yet received.

Happy Toy Soldier Collecting To One And All!


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The items on EBAY are their first release I believe and took a half a year to arrive on EBAY, I bought in September of 07 my 88 guns for full price,
Hi Guys,

While we feel that the toy soldier business is welcoming to new companies who offer new and exciting products, resistance to start-ups is par for the course in any industry. King & Country experienced this as well. It is only when a new company offers a product in an innovative or improved format … or when it meets a need or desire in the market that a new company can begin to gain a foothold. The well deserved success of John Jenkins or New Model Army (while it was in business) are a perfect example.

Anyway, that’s the King & Country point of view. We would like to hear what people like George (Minutemen) and Shannon (Treefrog) as well as Richard (Britains) think.


While on the subject of dealer opinions I'd like to hear how the dealers feel about HB's change in operation, it's obviously doing there dealer network no good the way there handling there "New" strategy. :cool:
As regards value and devalue, at the end of the day the market decides the price. If something is overpriced or underpriced then that will become apparent in sales and in the secondary market. The other issue is step forwards in quality ,which result in increasing prices, on the other hand that can also result in a devaluing of previous offerings. An example might be the old vs new warbirds , the desirability of the old ones has fallen with the release of the new ones.

While i would like to acquire many releases , I can only justify a certain budget, as otherwise you can spend a whopping amount in a short space of time on this hobby. So if product comes along that I like at a cheaper price which means I can buy more of it then happy days. Prices are rising , so is quality, but for me personally , its hard to justify on an ongoing basis single item purchases north of $150 except in exceptional circumstances. So from my point of view , I can only afford a certain amount of 'quality' and I don't think I would class items around that price bracket as 'filling my collection with junk'.:D Good luck to those that can afford regularly the higher prices and the premium for extra quality ;)

Bring on the sales :p:p:p

p.s don't have a chance of snagging the 88 cheap now with all the interest round the ebay sale :(:(:(:D:D
Everyone seems to forget that Collectors Showcase has not even shipped its first series which may compatible with other manufactures like King & Country (which we know everyone on this forum collects).

The Waffen SS Kursk series figures were the wrong scale (too big).

The Africa Korps series was the right size, however, the painting (flesh colors, etc.) needed some wok.

If the Arnhem series is the right size and the paint colors have been corrected....I will most likely purchase almost all of them at the West Coaster.

The Collectors Showcase (in my opinion) is moving older product on ebay because it is not 100% compatible with what most of us collect.

If their Arnhem series is should sell well at retail....If its good and sells well at retail....dealers will pick it up!
Well, I have done my best to warn everyone, I have heard from several other Forum members that have also had those that choose to ignore the of luck.

Don't complain if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Looks like this is getting really interesting now - a good ol' cat fight is just what we need to liven things up!
Well, I have done my best to warn everyone, I have heard from several other Forum members that have also had those that choose to ignore the of luck.

Don't complain if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.


Your concern is very heartfelt, but I think a 99% approval rating on EBAY for the company speaks volumes. While your deep concern is very endearing maybe we've all had enough.

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