College Football 2012 (1 Viewer)

About the only thing worth seeing so far is McCarron's girlfriend.

Google his mom. There are at least two things you will like about her. No shame in losing to this Bama team. They have no weaknesses. I hope someone has Sahara in their prayers. It's going to be a long night of heavy drinking. I haven't seen a beatdown like this in a while.
Google his mom. There are at least two things you will like about her. No shame in losing to this Bama team. They have no weaknesses. I hope someone has Sahara in their prayers. It's going to be a long night of heavy drinking. I haven't seen a beatdown like this in a while.

Yeah, it's a good thing he's in a bar. Someone better call his boss and tell him he won't be in tomorrow.

There are definitely some interesting photos of AJ's Mom on the web.
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About the only thing worth seeing so far is McCarron's girlfriend.

I thought poor Brent was going to have a stroke, he was pretty fired up over that crowd shot.

This is men vs boys, Lacy has more moves out there than Ex Lax, Alabama is incredibly athletic.

Saban would have to have a screw loose to ever leave there, 5 million a year and the pick of the litter year after year.

Poor Joe, 4 shots already and it's only halftime, hope he's not the designated driver........................
All that's left now is Brent's speech on what a great year it has been for ND. His liver spots are creepy in high def so hopefully they keep it short.
All that's left now is Brent's speech on what a great year it has been for ND. His liver spots are creepy in high def so hopefully they keep it short.

The shorter the better, but you know it's coming.
About the only thing worth seeing so far is McCarron's girlfriend.


I've almost ensured victory for ND by picking Bama. :wink2: Mike is likely heading to Vegas to place his bet on the Irish.

Mike is more likely going to the bank to make a loan to pay his bookie on this game...they were never in it...totally overmatched everywhere...good pick Combat...
I can't ever remember ND being humiliated like this. It's like their defense is practically not there.
The hardest hit the Bama QB took was from his own center.
I can't ever remember ND being humiliated like this. It's like their defense is practically not there.

I thought this might happen. I'm a UGA Dawg and the way Bama ran on us in the SEC Championship, I figured they might could do more of the same against ND. We've got a pretty good defense and we just couldn't stop the run. They are tough.
Quite big news down here due to the Brisbane player Jesse Williams in Alabama team. Seems four more players from his local Brisbane team also getting into US College teams.

Talking about him making about $4 million in NFL draft which would make him higher paid than any team player in any football code in Australia !!!
Does the SEC have a stranglehold on the National Title or what? 7 in a row and 11 since '92. Time to bust up the SEC. Even if the same team(s) keep winning, at least they can be under another conference name.:rolleyes2: Kind of boring going into a new season and knowing what the outcome is probably going to be in September. The SEC is just too good right now. ^&cool -- Al
In addition to what Al said, ND wasn't probably as good as it was made out to be. They came from nowhere to slowly climb the charts. I think part of that has to do with the ND mystique. They're on the right path with Kelley but maybe it was too much too fast.
Another typical example of Men vs Boys. No offense, ND not even in the same league as Bama. Would have rather seen a Bama vs Texas A&M rematch or even Bama vs GA rematch. SEC is class of football right now. No argument or doubt about it. The pure difference in speed/quickness has never been more prevalent IMO than this game. Teo looked like he had on cement shoes when trying to keep up with Lacy. Pure talent and ability along with great prep/coaching carried the day on this game.

One final question, can someone please find Lou Holz, I want to hear his excuse on this one for Notre Dame. What a maroon. If we are all honest, on paper they never had a shot and once the ball was kicked off, it was over.

Another typical example of Men vs Boys. No offense, ND not even in the same league as Bama. Would have rather seen a Bama vs Texas A&M rematch or even Bama vs GA rematch. SEC is class of football right now. No argument or doubt about it. The pure difference in speed/quickness has never been more prevalent IMO than this game. Teo looked like he had on cement shoes when trying to keep up with Lacy. Pure talent and ability along with great prep/coaching carried the day on this game.

One final question, can someone please find Lou Holz, I want to hear his excuse on this one for Notre Dame. What a maroon. If we are all honest, on paper they never had a shot and once the ball was kicked off, it was over.



I'll agree with you on most of this, but not all. Indeed I believe ND was overmatched by Bama. Bama has more talent and on paper should win this matchup, but the key word is should. One thing I learned in athletics over the years is never underestimate your opponent. I think this is one area that Saban is a master, not letting his team get over confident. I've won games/matches against superior opponents and lost to inferior opponents as well. A fumble here, an interception there, a blocked punt, etc. can change a game in a hurry. That's why you line up and play. But I think you are right, ND was voted high/#1 because of their tradition and the fact that they were undefeated. They had a great year and overcame many close calls. The same could be said of Florida. They had a great year and won several close calls, but I felt the media/analysts jumped on their bandwagon a little too much as well. Their only regular season loss was to us (UGA), and I felt like they were not as good as they were made out to be. Anyway, I was pulling for Bama, even though they beat us in the SEC game and I think we probably would have beaten ND as well.
That was brutal. I really don't know how else to explain it. I knew after watching Alabamas first drive that ND would be in for a looong night. NDs D didn't show up at all the offense looked horrible and special teams had some bad breaks. I know someone mentioned that it might have been to fast for ND and I think I agree with that statement after watching last nights game. There is no way ND should have been in that game. Hats off for having a terrific year but I would have much rather enjoyed seeing a game between ND and a FSU or Florida where ND might have stood a chance. Alabama was just too good of a team. Alabama looked like a pro team in a college uniform.
Well thankfully my friends called the hounds off after the score was 28-0. So instead of 6 shots it was only 4. Between the beer and shots my night quickly came to an end. Once the game had endedmy buddy drove me home and I literally slept for 13hrs. I have not drank that much since my college days and let me tell you I don't miss the hang overs one bit. I had today off anyway so thankfully I didn't have to miss any time at work.
My condolences Joe. I have been watching ND since the mid 60s and my son is an Alabama fan so I had to endure his taunts all night, and this morning too -- goes with the territory I think.

Maybe in a couple of years they'll be ready to meet Alabama on their own terms.
Among many strange things to ponder about the BCS format is that Bama would not even have been in this game if an undefeated Ohio St. wasn't on probation. The Irish had a decent chance to beat the Buckeyes and be national champs even though there might be five teams in the SEC that could beat them! And Oregon would have been in this game instead of Bama if they beat Stanford at home. A missed chip shot FG was the difference in that OT game. So you have to be both lucky and good to get to this game. The Irish had a great season and played with a lot of grit, but they ran into a buzzsaw. The defensive numbers are startling. ND hadn't given up a TD drive of longer than 80 yards all season. Bama had two in the first half! They dismantled an Irish defense that played lights out all year long. And they did it straight up running right at them. No trickery or scheme to fool them. Just bigger, faster and stronger guys blowing them off the line. The Bama O-line may be as good as it gets at the college level. Bama was not only bigger and stronger but also faster than ND. That's spooky good when 300lb+ linemen can chase down your mobile QB in the open field.
Yes, my son was going on about Bama this and Bama that this morning and I mentioned how Alabama isn't even in the game if K State and Orgeon don't lose on that crazy weekend. His reply was well you need some luck sometimes, which brings up the old refrain, "I'd rather be lucky than good." In Alabama's cae they were both lucky and good.
Good points Combat. There are so many reasons a playoff is needed and not just the 4 team playoff it's going to in 2014. We need an 8 team playoff covering 3 weekends. Wouldln't really be a big problem and would solve most of the debating.... settle it all on the field.

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