Corona virus (4 Viewers)

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I believe it will be years if not decades before the real truth of this pandemic will be finally revealed.As far as government and medical leaders I don't hold any of them over a fire (even though there are some I don't like) as they are human and most have never encountered anything like this.The stress of knowing that if you make a wrong decision it could cost many lives is unimaginable to me.
Meanwhile Louis,

According to THE HILL and The Texas Department of Health, Texas has the single largest spike this past Saturday in COVID cases. Apparently, over 1800 were reported in one day which adds to the 47,000 confirmed cases thus far. Likewise, today the Governor is announcing yet another phase of re-opening and that includes Gyms. So, there in lies the genius of Texas policy: cases go up and while your at it relax more restrictions too...oh and don't forget your drive thru margarita!


I love my State, but this is just madness. The logic is reprehensible, if not just plain dumb...stoopid...with a double "oo".

We would love to go out to dinner, catch a movie, etc. But at the risk of exposure? Nah man.

This all reminds me of the Mayor in the movie "Jaws". Remember how he was hell bent on re-opening the beach? So much so, that he convinced a citizen to go in the water AS IF all was okay. Meanwhile, the Police Chief was having a aneurysm.

Its disgusting isn't it?

John from Texas
We are fairly locked down still in Massachusetts. There is supposed to be an announcement today that manufacturing, construction and houses of worship will open. People are going to be mad it’s limited to that. I personally think our governor has done a great job with all of this. He’s basing everything on science and not emotion or pressure. Surveys have shown that people are pretty satisfied with the job so far. And he’s a republican in a wildly Democrat state.
Massachusetts Republicans should run for president more. They are smack in the middle of the political spectrum!
Meanwhile Louis,

According to THE HILL and The Texas Department of Health, Texas has the single largest spike this past Saturday in COVID cases. Apparently, over 1800 were reported in one day which adds to the 47,000 confirmed cases thus far. Likewise, today the Governor is announcing yet another phase of re-opening and that includes Gyms. So, there in lies the genius of Texas policy: cases go up and while your at it relax more restrictions too...oh and don't forget your drive thru margarita!


I love my State, but this is just madness. The logic is reprehensible, if not just plain dumb...stoopid...with a double "oo".

We would love to go out to dinner, catch a movie, etc. But at the risk of exposure? Nah man.

This all reminds me of the Mayor in the movie "Jaws". Remember how he was hell bent on re-opening the beach? So much so, that he convinced a citizen to go in the water AS IF all was okay. Meanwhile, the Police Chief was having a aneurysm.

Its disgusting isn't it?

John from Texas



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So what I'm hearing from these posts is that California and Massachusetts have governors that did a good job, Texas and New York maybe not so much. I love the Jaws Mayor analogy for Texas and especially Florida, it is spot on. What I take from this is we need to look at the plans/actions/reactions of the California and Massachusetts governments in formulating a comprehensive nationwide plan for the next pandemic. Stay safe everybody!:salute::

check out this website if you haven't already...

you can click on USA to see individual states...
then click on states to see individual counties...
you can also view current and yesterday for comparisons...

I think Abbott opened the beaches too soon..
and expect a new cases outbreak soon...
as they have been packed to the gills with tourists...

while Texas has been extremely low on deaths so far...
it's gonna be a cootie explosion soon here in Texas in my opinion...
too many people visiting the Island that don't wear PPE gear...
I hope I'm wrong...
So what I'm hearing from these posts is that California and Massachusetts have governors that did a good job, Texas and New York maybe not so much. I love the Jaws Mayor analogy for Texas and especially Florida, it is spot on. What I take from this is we need to look at the plans/actions/reactions of the California and Massachusetts governments in formulating a comprehensive nationwide plan for the next pandemic. Stay safe everybody!:salute::

"formulating a comprehensive nationwide plan"
We should have had one to begin with!
Mike and John are right, we can start opening up but very deliberately and with imposed safety regulations.

With freedom comes responsibilities!

I listened to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve on 60 Minutes last night. He tried to be optimistic but warned that
a resurgence or second wave of the virus could put us into a depression. The government needs to add to the stimulus
spending to prevent more bankruptcies and insolvencies and keep people home if need be.

There are some positive news on vaccines but still at least a year away from general distribution. Today it was announced
that a promising vaccine from Moderna Inc. showed early signs of immune system response in the body that could help
fend off the new Corona virus.
We are fairly locked down still in Massachusetts. There is supposed to be an announcement today that manufacturing, construction and houses of worship will open. People are going to be mad it’s limited to that. I personally think our governor has done a great job with all of this. He’s basing everything on science and not emotion or pressure. Surveys have shown that people are pretty satisfied with the job so far. And he’s a republican in a wildly Democrat state.
Massachusetts Republicans should run for president more. They are smack in the middle of the political spectrum!

Agreed, our governor did a tremendous job, shut down bars and restaurants the second week of March, limited gatherings to 25 or less, required people out in public to wear a mask a few weeks ago, we still have about 1000 to 1200 positives a day, about 100 to 125 deaths, but the number of people requiring hospitalization has gone way down, hospitals are getting back to treating non covid patients and doing elective surgeries and such.

He's been great...……...
Not to open up is not an option unless you want to see the country destroyed.We have to keep going.That's what our ancestors did no matter the hardships.My grandparents went through World War 1,the 1918 pandemic,the Great Depression and World War 2 in the space of 30 years.They never talked about it much unless you asked them and they said things were hard but you made do.

check out this website if you haven't already...

you can click on USA to see individual states...
then click on states to see individual counties...
you can also view current and yesterday for comparisons...

I think Abbott opened the beaches too soon..
and expect a new cases outbreak soon...
as they have been packed to the gills with tourists...

while Texas has been extremely low on deaths so far...
it's gonna be a cootie explosion soon here in Texas in my opinion...
too many people visiting the Island that don't wear PPE gear...
I hope I'm wrong...
Thank you for the link. I hope you are wrong too! I just keep hoping there will be an effective vaccine soon.
"formulating a comprehensive nationwide plan"
We should have had one to begin with!
We dropped the ball. It is not the first time, and it won't be the last. In my lifetime there have been two presidents I thought were effective leaders, one from each party. Whether they meant well, or were corrupt, or just incompetent, the rest have been a massive cluster-f@ck! When this country gets off this disastrous cold-civil war stance it has been on since Clinton was re-elected, and stop hating and fearing people who disagree with us, maybe we can get a real leader elected.
"Stocks rallied on Wall Street Monday as investors became hopeful that more progress was being made in getting countries past the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. The S&P 500 jumped 3.2%, erasing its losses from last week.

Investors welcomed signs that European countries were taking more steps to lift lockdowns. They were also cheered by word of encouraging results in very early testing of an
experimental coronavirus vaccine
from Cambridge-based Moderna. Over the weekend, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell expressed optimism that the US economy could begin to recover in the second half of the year."

We'll get through this, hang in there everyone...……………….
"Stocks rallied on Wall Street Monday as investors became hopeful that more progress was being made in getting countries past the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. The S&P 500 jumped 3.2%, erasing its losses from last week.

Investors welcomed signs that European countries were taking more steps to lift lockdowns. They were also cheered by word of encouraging results in very early testing of an
experimental coronavirus vaccine
from Cambridge-based Moderna. Over the weekend, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell expressed optimism that the US economy could begin to recover in the second half of the year."

We'll get through this, hang in there everyone...……………….

Not if you keeping using lime green colors ;)
"Stocks rallied on Wall Street Monday as investors became hopeful that more progress was being made in getting countries past the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. The S&P 500 jumped 3.2%, erasing its losses from last week.

Investors welcomed signs that European countries were taking more steps to lift lockdowns. They were also cheered by word of encouraging results in very early testing of an
experimental coronavirus vaccine
from Cambridge-based Moderna. Over the weekend, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell expressed optimism that the US economy could begin to recover in the second half of the year."

We'll get through this, hang in there everyone...……………….

I don't know George. I think its a, "Rah, rah, go team" kind of thing. I'm happy the market went up today, but the market will probably go down tomorrow. We're in a world of hurt and its going to take a long road to recovery.
The market does not reflect the economy. Stock valuations are on the high side and we know that second quarter earnings will be dismal. As chairman Powell said unemployment could hit 25% and bankruptcies are increasing exponentially.
What is really upsetting is that it is estimated that at least 30% of the job loses will not be coming back. Part of the stimulus should be money for retraining. Just like we did with the GI Bill after WWII that sent 10 million veterans to college
and technical schools.
Fidelity reported today that the cash in money market accounts is "massive" and with interest rates near zero the market will benefit on any glimmer of good news.
So its possible the employment numbers and earnings will be somewhat discounted but if we get another spike in Virus cases due to premature openings or worse a second wave the markets could get crushed.
I am going to make a general comment on the data that is being thrown around - Cases will spike if there is an increase in testing, it is mathematics. SO, for those of you in Texas, I would suggest you watch a couple of key variables instead of the headlines of spiking. Hospitalizations as well as Deaths. You can have a spike in cases due to testing, if hospital and death tolls do not spike, then it is ok if you have a spike in positive tests.

Numbers produce headlines, but the true state of facts is in the detail.

We have an office in Southlake and I have a number of relatives in Texas. They are reporting the Government did a pretty good job there.

Regarding National Plan. There is a little thing in our Constitution called State's Rights, hell I believe a pretty heated disagreement took place in 1861 over that fact................You can have a National Response Plan but unless you declare the entire Country a FEMA disaster area, then the President or Congress cannot dictate to the States unilaterally. Long story short, not happening. I have said this before and I will say it again, this Virus may be the same Virus, but its geographic coverage is very different in how it affected regions, cities and areas. All you have to do is look at high population in geographically confined areas - that is where your case spikes and your death toll predominantly is.

I am going to make a general comment on the data that is being thrown around - Cases will spike if there is an increase in testing, it is mathematics. SO, for those of you in Texas, I would suggest you watch a couple of key variables instead of the headlines of spiking. Hospitalizations as well as Deaths. You can have a spike in cases due to testing, if hospital and death tolls do not spike, then it is ok if you have a spike in positive tests.

Numbers produce headlines, but the true state of facts is in the detail.

We have an office in Southlake and I have a number of relatives in Texas. They are reporting the Government did a pretty good job there.

Regarding National Plan. There is a little thing in our Constitution called State's Rights, hell I believe a pretty heated disagreement took place in 1861 over that fact................You can have a National Response Plan but unless you declare the entire Country a FEMA disaster area, then the President or Congress cannot dictate to the States unilaterally. Long story short, not happening. I have said this before and I will say it again, this Virus may be the same Virus, but its geographic coverage is very different in how it affected regions, cities and areas. All you have to do is look at high population in geographically confined areas - that is where your case spikes and your death toll predominantly is.


Agreed; the "spike" in cases is going to happen as a result of an increase in tests. AGAIN, the key is number of hospitalized/deaths. In MA, we got hammered, the number of positives has been hovering around 1500 a day, but the number of hospitalizations has dropped like a stone, down to less than 10%, the number of deaths too. Our hospitals were never overwhelmed like they feared, highest number was about 50% capacity, many MA hospitals have gone back to treating non covid cases and are started to do elective surgeries.
I am going to make a general comment on the data that is being thrown around - Cases will spike if there is an increase in testing, it is mathematics. SO, for those of you in Texas, I would suggest you watch a couple of key variables instead of the headlines of spiking. Hospitalizations as well as Deaths. You can have a spike in cases due to testing, if hospital and death tolls do not spike, then it is ok if you have a spike in positive tests.

Numbers produce headlines, but the true state of facts is in the detail.

We have an office in Southlake and I have a number of relatives in Texas. They are reporting the Government did a pretty good job there.

Regarding National Plan. There is a little thing in our Constitution called State's Rights, hell I believe a pretty heated disagreement took place in 1861 over that fact................You can have a National Response Plan but unless you declare the entire Country a FEMA disaster area, then the President or Congress cannot dictate to the States unilaterally. Long story short, not happening. I have said this before and I will say it again, this Virus may be the same Virus, but its geographic coverage is very different in how it affected regions, cities and areas. All you have to do is look at high population in geographically confined areas - that is where your case spikes and your death toll predominantly is.


Tom here is why I disagree with you on both matters.

Sure hospitalization rates and death rates are important factors for planning your response. But testing results are just as important if not more so because when you see a spike in positive tests you will without a doubt see a spike in death and hospitalizations within a short time.

I believe in states rights but in this case a national response is essential for controlling this pandemic. We are a very mobile society so unless you want to wall in states and require testing to get in you are putting those in the less affected states in jeopardy. One state, region or community has limited virus cases so they open restaurants, bars, movie theaters, shopping malls, stadiums, etc...So what happens when an adjoining state or community closes down because they have a high number of cases, Simple, people in the infected states will undoubtedly go to the open states and communities to do
their shopping and entertainment.....then BINGO you now have the spread of the virus in an area that used to be safe.

This virus is highly contagious, spreads rapidly and is now proven to be deadly to all demographics. So unless we are willing to quarantine an area and enforce travel bans only a national agenda will work. New York State is opening in the upstate area and you can bet that New York City people will be
visiting those areas just like they did to Long Island and the Hamptons.

I wish there was a simpler answer, hopefully this new vaccine will come sooner than later.
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