Corona virus (1 Viewer)

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Wearing a Disposable Surgical masks or Cloth masks will Not stop you contracting a Virus as they are really tiny. These masks are meant to reduce the chance of transmission of infections to Other people in-case the wearer either Knows they have a virus or Doesn't know if they are asymptomatic.

That is why Nurses wear such masks in surgery etc, to reduce the chances of passing on their own infections to vulnerable patients. You need to wear PPE with more physical barriers and some technology to actually stop contracting a virus, and even then these more effective masks etc are not 100% effective.

The message being, don't think your an invulnerable Super Hero if you have your Mask on ^&cool
Back when I was attending about 20 or so shows a year and putting up involved and dramatic table displays, I'd incorporate painted scenery into my displays, most of which I did myself, I used to buy the heavy duty painter/sanding masks with two elastics, a metal nose clip and a small filter on the front, I basically stopped painting scenery about two years ago, but I had a few of the masks here.

That is what I wear, not those flimsy cheeseball masks I see everyone wearing.

I remember back in early March before the **** officially hit the fan I'd see a random person here or there wearing a mask and I'd think "Look this moron"; now when I see someone not wearing a mask, I think "Look at this moron"...………………...
you know the mask is really most effective to keep the wearer from spreading his germs...but I'm sure it provides some protection for the wearer...I always wear one and am offended when someone tries to get close to me to chat...whether they are wearing one or not...and I tell was a little awkward at first...but they back off quickly when I tell them I'm not comfortable standing this close to you...and if I offend them...that's just tough chit...
Regarding masks I have a relative who is in procurement for a major company that needs good N95 masks during their day to day operations.

When buying in the tens of thousands pre virus cost was less than $1. Price on most recent order was $11 for the same mask. They paid it. Naturally they are made in China.

Saw a guy from Emergency Management Florida on Tucker Carlson talking about problems getting mask supplies for Emergency workers. They are basically being outbid even though Florida appears to have paid upfront. The YouTube clip had 12,000 comments below it when I saw it.

So you might pay $4 and expect your supply to arrive soon. Meanwhile another outfit pays much higher and your order goes further back in the queue.
I'm not surprised about people not wearing mask.They are fed up with "Big Brother" trying to control every movement they do.They are worthless, it is suggested that you change them every 20 minutes. Fachi himself said they aren't that effective at first,now he said they are.He must have bought stock in the companies that are making them.I knew when I saw Trump in Arizona at that company that's going to make 20 million a month what the deal was, BIG BUSINESS! I understand medical personnal using the good ones but the rest are trash.I bought 10 last week and the first day the ear straps broke on 3 of them.I can't breathe right with the **** things on.I actually feel like freak walking around with them on.I only use them to go in store.We are required to wear them at work but most of us pull them down as it's a pain in the *** trying to work.We aren't in a climate controlled area.Walking around and looking at people I feel like I"m in a low budget sci-fi movie .

Companies that make masks, rubber gloves, hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes are going to make a fortune, you'll see hand sanitizing stations everywhere you go, the Hell with Amazon, Ebay, Gillette, Coke and Pepsi stock, give me 60,000 shares of purel.

Anyone see some clambrain walking around with one of those plastic face shields yet; they look like welding masks, but they are clear plastic, quite a get up.

Sure, why not, just put on a hazmat suit and get it over with.

Selling at a toy soldier show in the future is going to be a barrel of laughs; "Hi, I'd like to buy this figure, can you sanitize your hands, then wipe the figure down with a sanitizing wipe, spray the inside and outside of the box with Lysol and slide it into a microwave oven and run it on high for two minutes before you give it to me?"

Imagine staying at a hotel; remember how in the old days they'd put a paper wrap around the toilet bowl lid like that was supposed to reassure you they cleaned off the ****ter; now they'll have to send a team into scrub each room from floor to ceiling, some people regardless will pack Clorox wipes in their travel bag and douse the room themselves, God forbid the hotel does not do it right.

Nothing is ever going to really be the same after this, much like flying was never the same after 911.

Restaurants, sporting events, rest areas, convention centers, supermarkets, malls, retail stores, banks are all going to have to go through all sorts of procedures and sanitizing steps around the clock. Imagine all the businesses that are going to pop up as a result of this; "Having a function at a hotel, call 1-800-nuke your facility and we'll come in with team of 40 workers dressed in hazmat suits and we'll sterilize the building floor to ceiling so you won't have to worry about any of your guests suing you because they got sick at you shindig"...………………

What are churches going to do, put out fresh bibles and hymn books before every mass on Sunday, then burn those books in a pile once the service is over and bring in fresh ones for the following week?

Restaurants will have to have disposable menus; read it once, throw it out. Buffets will all be closing left, right and center, no more salad bars at restaurants, no more prepared foods at supermarkets, when you have a party, no more of those trays of food with little heaters underneath to keep the food hot, catering companies will be a thing of the past, no more dunkin donuts, "Hey, what guarantee is there someone didn't breath on those donuts!!"...…...……

Imagine buying a used book; "Yeah, I'm going to need the complete medicals on the former owner", when I buy a collection, will I have to put all the figures on the back of a flat bed and run them through a car wash before anyone takes a risk and buys them?

What a ****show the world will be like from now on.

At the supermarket when you walk in they have a station set up with container of sanitizing wipes, I'd always grab one and wipe down the carriage hand rail and the upper compartment, mostly due to a parent bringing his kid in and sticking him in the top compartment while the kid pisses and ****s himself going around the supermarket or drools all over the carriage, I was one of the very few who did wipe down my carriage before this pandemic to end all pandemics hit the US...…… they crank through probably three containers of those wipes a day if not more.

This pandemic is like other doomsday scenarios; some see misery and pain, others see dollar signs.

The whole point of those masks is to wear when YOU are sick so you don't go spreading it everywhere, if you are healthy, it's pretty pointless to wear one.

A true oxymoron; if you are sick, stay the @#$% home, it's not that hard, but some people are dumb as stumps.
you know the mask is really most effective to keep the wearer from spreading his germs...but I'm sure it provides some protection for the wearer...I always wear one and am offended when someone tries to get close to me to chat...whether they are wearing one or not...and I tell was a little awkward at first...but they back off quickly when I tell them I'm not comfortable standing this close to you...and if I offend them...that's just tough chit...

Hey another idea for a business; selling portable cones of silence for people to walk around in; "HEY BACK OFF, YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME, DO IT FROM THE REQUIRED SIX FOOT DISTANCE THERE BUDDY!!"...……………….
Back when I was attending about 20 or so shows a year and putting up involved and dramatic table displays, I'd incorporate painted scenery into my displays, most of which I did myself, I used to buy the heavy duty painter/sanding masks with two elastics, a metal nose clip and a small filter on the front, I basically stopped painting scenery about two years ago, but I had a few of the masks here.

That is what I wear, not those flimsy cheeseball masks I see everyone wearing.

I remember back in early March before the **** officially hit the fan I'd see a random person here or there wearing a mask and I'd think "Look this moron"; now when I see someone not wearing a mask, I think "Look at this moron"...………………...

Very few people wear masks (about 10%) where I live, including myself. The main thing that continues to reduce the impact of Covid19 in Australia compared to other countries like the US is our small population in a large country. Space is a great protection, maintaining the 1.5 M distance rules and making sure you wash your hands a lot and don't touch your face or other people etc. I have the same masks you mentioned, they don't stop paint fumes and won't stop viruses, but better than nothing I guess. You have to spend some serious money on a mask to get decent virus protection. Masks are ok at slowing the spread of viruses from people with the virus, they won't help much in protecting you from them. That's what the experts say anyway.
Good summary by George.

My biggest concern is the possible lack of buffets in our future {sm2}

George, get yourself a hazmat suit, plastic boots and top of the range mask and take some pics of yourself "cleaning" the toy soldiers and their boxes. Could be a marketing tool that might impress some concerned collectors{sm4}.
Good summary by George.

My biggest concern is the possible lack of buffets in our future {sm2}

George, get yourself a hazmat suit, plastic boots and top of the range mask and take some pics of yourself "cleaning" the toy soldiers and their boxes. Could be a marketing tool that might impress some concerned collectors{sm4}.

The lack of buffets thing bums me out too; one of my guilty pleasures is Chinese buffet, we have one here in Taunton that was out of this world, people used to come from miles around to eat there, I can't see them reopening, which is very disconcerting.

Yeah, I'll make sure I suit up as I handle everyones little army guys, protocol has to be followed in all industries...………………...
The last time I used a Buffet was on a cruise to Thailand several years ago with a girlfriend. They had an outbreak of Norovirus on the ship, not uncommon apparently, I don't recall them closing the Buffets then but maybe they should have. Since this Covid19 outbreak I doubt I'll ever go on another cruise, not very impressed with the integrity of Cruise Lines, they caused a lot of Covid related deaths in Australia, they're just money hungry SOBs IMO.
Masks are important but I preferred the earlier Music discussion.

I was still in Junior High School when the Music Television Show 'Countdown' first aired on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) in 1974. The program was hugely popular in Australia and ran until 1987, the compare Molly Meldrum could barely form a sentence but he kick started a lot of famous groups, including ABBA surprisingly.

Here's a video about that:

Music videos have changed a lot since those days of course. The following is still my favourite, apparently Ed Sherran is in it:

I see that they are selling masks with holes for straws. Isn't that defeating the purpose of the masks.{eek3}^&grin

George as always your posts are a hoot to read and I really enjoy them. When I first stepped foot in Japan in '91 I went outside for a smoke at the military air terminal. There was a Japanese taxi driver there waiting for a fare with white gloves on and a with surgical mask. It was in the middle of July and I was like ***? My young dumb *** couldn't not square "white glove" service with a surgical mask. Well, anyway practically all taxi drivers wear white gloves and ALL Japanese citizens wear a mask when they are sick, got a cough or the sniffles. They wear them out of respect to their fellow man as NOT GET THEM sick. I soon appreciated the whole mask thing in the winter if and when you were packed in a Japanese train with no room to move. So, yeah I got used to masks as an indicator that A) this person is ill and B) they are preventing the spread of said illness by wearing a mask and C) you can got about your business working, shopping etc until you are so sick you can't do it anymore and STAY HOME. The Japanese mask thing taught me how respectful they are to each other even if they don't know you.

8 and half years later I come back to the US and am welcomed back to snotsville USA, where parents let their kids run amuck with crusty noses, people pick their noses unabashedly , and sneezes aren't covered AT ALL. Just grossville man and I swear before this Pandemic people had no manners or couth about them when it came to social graces. So, in a sense I am happy to see people taking measures to protect themselves and others via masks, gloves and shame on those who live in bliss that they are not immune to sickness (of any kind). It will change though to the Japanese model and there will come a time when you are sick and will put on a mask to prevent the spread AND everyone will appreciate you doing it.

Personally, I think the masks are sexy. I was at Micheals yesterday picking up some gifts and a young lady walked by me with the prettiest ice blue eyes I had seen in a while. I mean like wow and it reminded me of when I was in the middle east where the women have to wear abayas with their faces covered. We were ordered NOT to look at the women AT ALL with the threat of UCMJ punishment and I gotta tell ya it was easy because with all those black coverings there's really nothing to see. I did however break the rules once when I was in a shoppette getting a Pepsi (no coke just Pepsi) I remember opening the cooler and just taking in all the cold air because it was a searing hot 130 degrees out side and was just standing there like...AHHH. Anyway, I got my Pepsi and closed the door and headed right into a lady who had taken off her face covering to inspect some fruit in the small produce cooler. I was awe struck with her profile and when she was satisfied with her fruit she straightened up and turned to look right at me with her full face exposed and she had the most amazing light brown golden eyes with the dark mascara around them and then...

...we had a moment.

Where she looked at me and I looked at her. It was only seconds but in those seconds we broke the religious law, the UCMJ and every other social taboo of an American gawking at a Saudi national woman. It was as beautiful as she was and I will never forget her face that went from surprise, to curiosity, to acceptance, to a eye brow raise and a slight smile to horror as we both quickly looked away from each other as to make sure we were not caught. She quickly covered her face and I did an about face as if nothing ever happened and quickly paid and got the hell out of there to return to my unit.

So, when I saw ole girl yesterday with those beautiful eyes I was not only taken aback by how mesmerizing her eyes were but taken aback to moment when getting a Pepsi to cool off afforded me the opportunity of witnessing the most beautiful face and eyes in one of the most miserable parts of the world.

Mask on I say.

John from Texas
George as always your posts are a hoot to read and I really enjoy them."

Thanks, just doing my job, lightening the mood as best as I can.

A friend of mine just send me a text; "burning some brush, having a few people over, grab some adult beverages and come on over, we'll social distance"...……

Yeah, no can do.

And that sucks, but we need to stay in our lanes and ride this out, there will be plenty of time to get together down the road.

I just heard some ad on the radio about commencement speeches for high schools and colleges being given by celebrities; some general, some politician, Eli Manning...………..

Eli Manning? What is that hayseed going to say "Best of luck graduates, if a moron like me can pull two Super Bowl wins out of my ***, the sky is the limit as to what any of you can accomplish"...…………………………….
George as always your posts are a hoot to read and I really enjoy them."

Thanks, just doing my job, lightening the mood as best as I can.

A friend of mine just send me a text; "burning some brush, having a few people over, grab some adult beverages and come on over, we'll social distance"...……

Yeah, no can do.

And that sucks, but we need to stay in our lanes and ride this out, there will be plenty of time to get together down the road.

I just heard some ad on the radio about commencement speeches for high schools and colleges being given by celebrities; some general, some politician, Eli Manning...………..

Eli Manning? What is that hayseed going to say "Best of luck graduates, if a moron like me can pull two Super Bowl wins out of my ***, the sky is the limit as to what any of you can accomplish"...…………………………….

Hard to resist a drink with the guys, that mask with the hole for a straw may be more useful than people think :wink2:
George as always your posts are a hoot to read and I really enjoy them."

Thanks, just doing my job, lightening the mood as best as I can.

A friend of mine just send me a text; "burning some brush, having a few people over, grab some adult beverages and come on over, we'll social distance"...……

Yeah, no can do.

And that sucks, but we need to stay in our lanes and ride this out, there will be plenty of time to get together down the road.

I just heard some ad on the radio about commencement speeches for high schools and colleges being given by celebrities; some general, some politician, Eli Manning...………..

Eli Manning? What is that hayseed going to say "Best of luck graduates, if a moron like me can pull two Super Bowl wins out of my ***, the sky is the limit as to what any of you can accomplish"...…………………………….

I don't know if I would say normal around here, but they are in some parts of the State making graduation plans, they will not be 300 person ceremonies, but they are talking about staggering it to distance levels over several days. Not the same but at least the kids get to march.

Our beach is open now, so far so good, but the main people enjoying are either day trippers or owners or private rentals as the restaurants are still carry out and the activities are not open yet. I am betting outdoor seating will start sometime in the next month here.

I think 20 out of 26 Counties lifted the most restrictions last night. I am not going to get into the 6 Counties that didn't as IMO 3 of them I fully understand and throwing politics out, it is a potential health issue and they are probably not far off from an opening. Of course (in today's world), 3 of them are a political ****eshow. I just sit back and shake my head.

Anyhow, also got notice the Preakness Stakes are on for October 3. I have been a season ticket holder for 25 years, sit on the finish line, always a nice event. That said, I am thinking about just transferring my tix to 5/15/2021. Mainly because I just see it being a crapshoot as to how they pull it off, I think I may skip that circus this year.

So on it goes, but at least for us there is some opening. Numbers have been declining so we are looking more to the end of this tunnel everyday. I think we may even get lucky that a toy soldier show or 2 in the Fall may just occur. I have no idea on the big ones Chicago or Hackensack, but I do believe the regional ones may have a shot if the trend continues!@

Wearing a Disposable Surgical masks or Cloth masks will Not stop you contracting a Virus as they are really tiny. These masks are meant to reduce the chance of transmission of infections to Other people in-case the wearer either Knows they have a virus or Doesn't know if they are asymptomatic.

That is why Nurses wear such masks in surgery etc, to reduce the chances of passing on their own infections to vulnerable patients. You need to wear PPE with more physical barriers and some technology to actually stop contracting a virus, and even then these more effective masks etc are not 100% effective.

The message being, don't think your an invulnerable Super Hero if you have your Mask on ^&cool

Would have to totally agree with Oz. Surgical masks are designed for the wearer to reduce the chance of infecting others, not the other way around. Also its not recommended you wear one for any great length of time. They restrict your airways which isn't healthy.

You've got loads of bacteria in your mouth and nasal cavity and when you breath you pass them naturally, however a mask restricts this process and you have every chance of sending nasty stuff back into your lungs etc if you wear one for prolonged periods.

Your immunity system is designed to combat such things. Reduce its exposure to bacteria and boom you've got your second wave.

Its not natural to hide away and self isolate and distance yourself from others.

Trust nature guys, its been protecting us for centuries!
I don't know how much to trust news reports, but I read an article on MSN News I found really disturbing. It compared the response of the Governor of California and the Mayor of San Francisco to Cuomo and DiBlasio. According to the article, the Mayor of San Francisco took the advice of an expert who had handled epidemiology on a national level for the Obama administration, and entered an executive order giving herself emergency powers February 26th, before there was a single confirmed case in her City, and entered a shelter-in-place order right away. The Governor of California supported her, and entered a similar order for the entire state a few days later. In New York, upon similar advice, Cuomo and DiBlasio bickered, failed to work together, and did not start taking actions until there were confirmed deaths from the virus, in mid to late March (basically 2-4 weeks behind California). As a result there have been 1100 deaths in California, only 35 in San Francisco, while there have been 30,000+ deaths in New York, 20,000+ in Manhattan. If this article is true, I take back all the nice things I had been saying about Cuomo and DiBlasio, they really dropped the ball.

In the article, officials from the New York City Department of Health are anonymously quoted, throwing DiBlasio under the bus for not listening to them. Cuomo, on the other hand, initially followed the advice of the Head of the State Health and Hospitals Corporation, who told him that shelter in place was a waste of time, and that they needed to build up the Hospital beds and medical supplies so the system would not be overwhelmed as it had been in Italy. Cuomo's people indicated that another reason they acted more slowly once it became clear shelter in place was necessary was push back from employers. The feared the backlash from shutting down the biggest state economy overnight. While this gives a reasonable explanation for Cuomo's actions, DiBlasio seems to have just chosen to ignore the threat. Both Cuomo's and DiBlasio's people also blame their initial inaction on receiving incorrect information from the Federal Government (read Trump), downplaying the risk of the virus as no worse than the Flu. Having heard Trump repeatedly make these assertions early on, I can believe this part of the report.

On the other hand, I read another article indicating there were different strains of the virus, and the one in California, which came directly from China, was far less virulent that the one in New York, which passed through Europe and the Middle East before reaching New York, and had mutated and gotten more deadly along the way. While this might explain the far greater number of deaths in New York, it still doesn't explain the delay in acting. Additionally, around 10,000 of the deaths in New York were in nursing homes, and the article indicated that while the State and City were initially working together to handle the nursing homes, the State supposedly took over and refused further aid from the City, and initially were sending infected nursing home residents back to the nursing homes, rather than quarantining them in hospitals, compounding the problem.

At this point, I am not sure what to believe. Anybody from California on the forum want to chime in on their State and local government's response? I trust members of this forum a lot more than the press at this point.
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Without debating the specifics, it is clear that California took action very early, quicker than other states, which is probably why their numbers are better; San Francisco actually took action two days before the State did. DeBlasio and Cuomo don’t get along and I’m sure that did nothing to help the situation.
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