COVID the 3rd (12 Viewers)

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It is very encouraging that we now have some effective treatments and yes this can keep the death rates down. Unfortunately too many will still die and have lingering health problems. This virus is also known to morph and develop immunities to some treatments.
Even with these new treatments why take a chance when wearing a mask and social distancing are not that difficult. But yes the more therapeutics the better and hopefully the vaccines will be over 80% effective and enough of the population will agree to take them.

You are right. Like a wildfire we must starve rather than feed it.
Isn’t one of the concepts that people forget is that independent US states and people understood the importance of being one and voluntarily united? We realized unity couldn’t be forced, but was critical to our survival. To me this is what’s been forgotten.

Voluntary unity is important and that requires me to make sacrifices and not just demand others make sacrifices.

That concept went south (pun intended) in 1865, when around the time that the Civil War was ending, the Supreme Court ruled that once a State had joined the Union, it lost its right to independence, and no State could cecede from the Union. In my humble opinion, the anti-federalists were right. All of the abuses that they warned of have become common practice, and all of the comprimises written into the constitution to get the various free/slave and/or big/small states to agree to it have come back to haunt this country in spades. The complete inability to author a unified response to the Covid crisis has only served to highlight these deficiencies.
That concept went south (pun intended) in 1865, when around the time that the Civil War was ending, the Supreme Court ruled that once a State had joined the Union, it lost its right to independence, and no State could cecede from the Union. In my humble opinion, the anti-federalists were right. All of the abuses that they warned of have become common practice, and all of the comprimises written into the constitution to get the various free/slave and/or big/small states to agree to it have come back to haunt this country in spades. The complete inability to author a unified response to the Covid crisis has only served to highlight these deficiencies.

You hit the nail on the head and it has been further pushed to the extreme for the last 150 plus years by the quest for power, money and wealth through politics. I truly believe that the privilege to serve has been replaced by the quest for wealth and power to dictate your ideas on others. Discussion, compromise, positivity got thrown out in dribs and drabs over that time period and we are stuck with what we have today.

That said, I would not trade living here for anywhere in the world. SO, rather than worry about it, I tend as I said before to employ the look out for number 1 strategy and try to act intelligent in doing so without screwing over anybody else. You make your own luck in this world.

You hit the nail on the head and it has been further pushed to the extreme for the last 150 plus years by the quest for power, money and wealth through politics. I truly believe that the privilege to serve has been replaced by the quest for wealth and power to dictate your ideas on others. Discussion, compromise, positivity got thrown out in dribs and drabs over that time period and we are stuck with what we have today.

That said, I would not trade living here for anywhere in the world. SO, rather than worry about it, I tend as I said before to employ the look out for number 1 strategy and try to act intelligent in doing so without screwing over anybody else. You make your own luck in this world.


I agree with your first sentence and we and many on this forum have done well in this country partly due to our "privilege".

But I am very scared that we are becoming an "Aristocratic Oligarchy". When so much wealth is concentrated in so few and the cost of running for public office is in the tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars Democracy suffers.
We can discuss this offline but it is something to think about.
Someone should write a book on the politicization of the mask. You have two extremes. Some folks wear them even when they have no apparent purpose. Like when riding alone in their cars. Others refuse to wear them under any situation believing that their rights are being violated. My opinion on the mask is that it is a minor nuisance. If it helps anyone for me to wear it, then I'll wear it. But I have yet to see any real evidence that it will save 100,000 lives or is more effective than a vaccine. I think its effectiveness has been overstated or at least not validated. It certainly may help, and for that reason alone people should wear them, but it may not be a game changer. The fact that case numbers are soaring now when many people are wearing in a similar manner to when almost no one was wearing is cause for reflection. But again, I'm all for them even if the benefit is smaller than stated.
Someone should write a book on the politicization of the mask. You have two extremes. Some folks wear them even when they have no apparent purpose. Like when riding alone in their cars. Others refuse to wear them under any situation believing that their rights are being violated. My opinion on the mask is that it is a minor nuisance. If it helps anyone for me to wear it, then I'll wear it. But I have yet to see any real evidence that it will save 100,000 lives or is more effective than a vaccine. I think its effectiveness has been overstated or at least not validated. It certainly may help, and for that reason alone people should wear them, but it may not be a game changer. The fact that case numbers are soaring now when many people are wearing in a similar manner to when almost no one was wearing is cause for reflection. But again, I'm all for them even if the benefit is smaller than stated.

Well said and I have to agree with this.

Here in MA, our case numbers skyrocketed in March/April; our governor came out and required that we all wear masks in public.

As you said, a minor nuisance and if helps anyone for me to wear it, then I'll wear it.

The number of cases plummeted here and we became a case study in how to contain this short of a vaccine.

Now 6 months later with everyone still wearing them, the number of cases is rising daily, we were at 200 or so a day, now we're up to 1200 a day; I don't get it.

I'll keep wearing it if for no other reason than this virus is known to be transmitted through the air, ie, airborne, you're not going to get it by touching a door knob or opening your mail, you're going to get it by being in close contact with an infected person for about 15 minutes.

That said; something does not add up here............................
You hit the nail on the head and it has been further pushed to the extreme for the last 150 plus years by the quest for power, money and wealth through politics. I truly believe that the privilege to serve has been replaced by the quest for wealth and power to dictate your ideas on others. Discussion, compromise, positivity got thrown out in dribs and drabs over that time period and we are stuck with what we have today.

That said, I would not trade living here for anywhere in the world. SO, rather than worry about it, I tend as I said before to employ the look out for number 1 strategy and try to act intelligent in doing so without screwing over anybody else. You make your own luck in this world.


I agree with everything you are saying, Tom, and I will take it one step further. There is a simple solution: a constitutional amendment providing for term limits and a ban on campaign finance and lobbying. The constitution provides that if 2/3 of the states petitioned congress for a convention seeking constitutional amendments on term limits and a ban on any political contributions and any lobbying, the convention would have to be held. If 3/4 of the states ratified these amendments, all of the professional politicians and lobbyists that are destroying our country would be out of business.
This is an airborne virus but you can still get it from surfaces if you touch your face after contact.
I don't think masks are 100% effective especially if you're face to face in a crowd with some infected people.

If masks didn't work at all I would assume our frontline workers would all come down with the virus and
have a high death rate, that's not the case.
Rates are increasing because people let their guard down after a stable period. Anyway I don't want to be
in the group that wants to prove the science is wrong by not wearing a mask in public.

Someone should write a book on the politicization of the mask. You have two extremes. Some folks wear them even when they have no apparent purpose. Like when riding alone in their cars. Others refuse to wear them under any situation believing that their rights are being violated. My opinion on the mask is that it is a minor nuisance. If it helps anyone for me to wear it, then I'll wear it. But I have yet to see any real evidence that it will save 100,000 lives or is more effective than a vaccine. I think its effectiveness has been overstated or at least not validated. It certainly may help, and for that reason alone people should wear them, but it may not be a game changer. The fact that case numbers are soaring now when many people are wearing in a similar manner to when almost no one was wearing is cause for reflection. But again, I'm all for them even if the benefit is smaller than stated.
I think wearing the mask may help some but they basically get dirty in about 20 minutes.Most of them are cheaply made and worthless.Some doctors think there may be long term harm using them. They are mainly a money racket.Making them mandatory is one way to keep selling them.I also think it's a way to take your individuality and little by little they want to see how far they can control the population.I know a lot of you may be laughing at me for saying this but if you look at things closely you can see more and more control.Everyone thinks tech is great including me but look how the government,Google,FB are keeping tracking people.They even have a app on your phone for tracking you.Mark
This is an airborne virus but you can still get it from surfaces if you touch your face after contact.
I don't think masks are 100% effective especially if you're face to face in a crowd with some infected people.

If masks didn't work at all I would assume our frontline workers would all come down with the virus and
have a high death rate, that's not the case.
Rates are increasing because people let their guard down after a stable period. Anyway I don't want to be
in the group that wants to prove the science is wrong by not wearing a mask in public.


Many have died or been infected.
Many have died or been infected.

Yes many were infected and several hundred died but many of those cases came in the early stages when PPEs
were in short supply. In addition at lest 50% of the cases probably came from outside the hospital.
Just think how many more would have been infected if they didn't wear masks and proper garments.
The rate has now subsided greatly.
Well, the USA topped 100K new cases for the first time today.

Europe was 82 additional infections short of three-hundred thousand.

Brace yourselves{eek3}

And today at one of his rallies our President accused doctors of fraudulently changing death records to Covid
so they can make more money!!!! The doctors who risk their lives to save our lives!!!
Yes many were infected and several hundred died but many of those cases came in the early stages when PPEs
were in short supply. In addition at lest 50% of the cases probably came from outside the hospital.
Just think how many more would have been infected if they didn't wear masks and proper garments.
The rate has now subsided greatly.

I agree with you on these points.
I agree with everything you are saying, Tom, and I will take it one step further. There is a simple solution: a constitutional amendment providing for term limits and a ban on campaign finance and lobbying. The constitution provides that if 2/3 of the states petitioned congress for a convention seeking constitutional amendments on term limits and a ban on any political contributions and any lobbying, the convention would have to be held. If 3/4 of the states ratified these amendments, all of the professional politicians and lobbyists that are destroying our country would be out of business.
That probably won't happen at least for now as the states are too divided and I'm sure Congress will do it's best to block it.
The politicization of mask wearing is true, at the same time it tends to ignore basic human nature.

No matter what their political views, people generally fight or dislike any limitations. Psychologically being told what to do is a limitation.

People may comply for any different number of reasons, that doesn’t mean they like it.
I saw a doctor on tv and she said this compares with the manditory wearing of the seatbelt which took years before the majority of people started wearing them. I know myself that I hated wearing them but now if I forget to hook it on I feel funny without it. I still think there are underlying reasons behind the masks though.

The seatbelt thing is funny as I too feel weird without it, I wore mine long before it was a law in MA to do so, seems idiotic not to.
We are having to self-quarantine. One person in our Children’s pod is feeling sick with COVID symptoms. They won’t get results for 5 days.

Fortunately, our neighborhood was awesome organizing Halloween and I could take my 3 year old and 5 year old trick-or-treating safely. Keeping them under wraps is tough.
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