COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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You are correct on all fronts and I share the same viewpoint. It has always boggled my mind why someone would go broke to get elected for such a short term gain. However, when you realize that they earn a pension for life, healthcare for life and most of them come out much better off financially than when they were elected, it makes sense. It burns me to no end, but I get it. The reason it burns me is that I am of the belief that being elected, you are being elected to serve, it is a privilege to serve, not a Career!

The problem with politicians is that they think they should rule not serve.I think this is going to be a major problem in the future as more and more people are fed up with them.
Ok, sorry for the derailment here, let this go back to COVID. Anyone who wants to discuss energy and taxes, my email is always open and happy to point you to what you are looking for. PS - on a side note the IRS is so backed up on processing paper returns, they are running 12-15 weeks behind (usually process paper refunds in less than 6 weeks).

Regarding COVID, kind of interesting, we are seeing spiking of cases and it is getting a lot of coverage, yet I see more and more people trying to return to normal. I think this is something we are getting and going to continue to have to get used to. Life is moving on and I mean that from a daily employment status. I am a little nervous as mid November, I have to fly to Houston and then South Bend IN for 2 work meetings that are not virtual but they are essential. I have not flown since right before the ban, so airport is going to be interesting. Fortunately, I will not be sitting next to anyone and they are relatively short flights.

Our governor issued a statewide mandate again today which we have had for months anyway. This virus is going to go up and down no matter what they do and and you can ask a dozen doctors and scientists what to do and you will get a dozen different opinions. The cures are as dangerous as the virus.
One of the hallmarks of career politicians is the ability to pretend that they know all the facts.

Yet this virus has “outsmarted” both sides of the divide, all the while making a mockery of contrived data and political lines.
I see some brain dead zombie on Fox News has stated any New Zealander not abiding by our PMs Covid regulations is off to the Gulag Kiwi style.....

Arrr yes another classic example of piss poor reporting by a so called reparable media organisation. (if there is such a thing)

More concerning is the fact so many lap this sort of rubbish up and then pass it on as factual news.

For me the Covid crisis has simply confirmed how easy it is for the main stream media to help mis-led and confuse the worlds population by continuously fuelling an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.

Early on there was some confusion in the messaging from scientists but since March it has been clear.
Dont blame the science community, blame the politicians for downplaying and making it "political".
The science community knew from the beginning that this was an extremely infectious disease, much more
deadly than the Flu and airborne.
Wearing masks, social distancing and general hygiene have been consistently advocated by the medical community.
A shame that our leaders didn't listen and didn't set the right example. By now we should have developed mass
quick result testing, its there but needs much more funding.

This should have been a federal response but the leadership threw it back to the states so they wouldn't get the blame.
This virus does not respect borders, state lines or city limits. We have too many ignorant and science denying citizens
who think wearing a mask takes away their freedom but it is ok to take away someone else's health and life.
My doctor friends told me this resurgence was inevitable based on the lack of a national response.
I have three good friends who contracted the virus and now have terrible lingering effects.
Now the message is to just let it take its course and sacrifice another few hundred thousand citizens.
Our governor issued a statewide mandate again today which we have had for months anyway. This virus is going to go up and down no matter what they do and and you can ask a dozen doctors and scientists what to do and you will get a dozen different opinions. The cures are as dangerous as the virus.

Tell me what "cures" are as dangerous as the virus.....wearing a mask, social distancing washing your hands????
Early on there was some confusion in the messaging from scientists but since March it has been clear.
Dont blame the science community, blame the politicians for downplaying and making it "political".
The science community knew from the beginning that this was an extremely infectious disease, much more
deadly than the Flu and airborne.
Wearing masks, social distancing and general hygiene have been consistently advocated by the medical community.
A shame that our leaders didn't listen and didn't set the right example. By now we should have developed mass
quick result testing, its there but needs much more funding.

This should have been a federal response but the leadership threw it back to the states so they wouldn't get the blame.
This virus does not respect borders, state lines or city limits. We have too many ignorant and science denying citizens
who think wearing a mask takes away their freedom but it is ok to take away someone else's health and life.
My doctor friends told me this resurgence was inevitable based on the lack of a national response.
I have three good friends who contracted the virus and now have terrible lingering effects.
Now the message is to just let it take its course and sacrifice another few hundred thousand citizens.

It is a difficult situation, but I was astounded at how unprepared the medical community and government was for this situation. Although a pandemic is a rare event, it certainly is not unforeseeable. They have occurred before. They will occur again. Presumably there is a lot the experts should have known about this from prior situations. There are organizations that are paid millions to prepare for just such an eventuality. There should have been a better plan. But when it occurred, they were caught flat footed. The response was completely ad hoc and changed from day to day until it got out of hand. You can't really expect any politician to solve that after the fact once the genie is out of the bottle. There is no magic wand. That initial confusion eroded the confidence in the public that they were being told the truth. And that was exacerbated by this occurring during an election cycle in which both sides politicized it day after day for months. A perfect storm of events all coinciding.
It is a difficult situation, but I was astounded at how unprepared the medical community and government was for this situation. Although a pandemic is a rare event, it certainly is not unforeseeable. They have occurred before. They will occur again. Presumably there is a lot the experts should have known about this from prior situations. There are organizations that are paid millions to prepare for just such an eventuality. There should have been a better plan. But when it occurred, they were caught flat footed. The response was completely ad hoc and changed from day to day until it got out of hand. You can't really expect any politician to solve that after the fact once the genie is out of the bottle. There is no magic wand. That initial confusion eroded the confidence in the public that they were being told the truth. And that was exacerbated by this occurring during an election cycle in which both sides politicized it day after day for months. A perfect storm of events all coinciding.

Thanks, appreciate your perspective. I'm sure there is blame to go around but I believe the administration was warned of the severity early on (the Woodward tapes) and beyond that it gets too political for this forum.
This virus does have unique properties and apparently China was not transparent on its causes or effects. The health care community has been consistent on its policies for at least seven months now. I don't believe the
scientists lied to us, it just took them some time to evaluate the disease and its effects.

Even now we can mitigate the spread with mask wearing and social distancing and it's not being done on a national level or with any consistency. The evidence is clear now, we see it in the numbers every day, so
our leaders do have to take the responsibility at this point.
That said, politics aside and without hindsight, we can do better. I have strong opinions but I have to bow out so we keep this within the framework of the forum.

Stay safe.
Thanks, appreciate your perspective. I'm sure there is blame to go around but I believe the administration was warned of the severity early on (the Woodward tapes) and beyond that it gets too political for this forum.
This virus does have unique properties and apparently China was not transparent on its causes or effects. The health care community has been consistent on its policies for at least seven months now. I don't believe the
scientists lied to us, it just took them some time to evaluate the disease and its effects.

Even now we can mitigate the spread with mask wearing and social distancing and it's not being done on a national level or with any consistency. The evidence is clear now, we see it in the numbers every day, so
our leaders do have to take the responsibility at this point.
That said, politics aside and without hindsight, we can do better. I have strong opinions but I have to bow out so we keep this within the framework of the forum.

Stay safe.

As I have said before, there is 1 blame and 1 root cause to this entire mess - China. Their lack of transparency affected/infected the World. It is unforgivable in my opinion. Had they been transparent and sounded the alarm from the beginning, the entire World would have had a better shot at making better decisions. Their actions were the catalyst to this entire mess. The undisputed fact is that the Chinese Government took actions that hindered the World's ability to deal and prepare for this pandemic. That is where the true blame lies and should lie. They should not be given a pass for this.

Tell me what "cures" are as dangerous as the virus.....wearing a mask, social distancing washing your hands????
Let's see Drug abuse,alcoholism,child abuse,martial abuse,depression,suicide,homelessness not having medical checkups,All this stems from these draconian measures these tinpot dictators,keeping people shut in,keeping business shut.All this will end up doing more harm than the virus.Humans are a social animal.They aren't meant to stay away from their friends and family.They are destroying people,society as a whole.A whole generation of children lost.Viruses have always come,they always will and they will make people sick and some will die.In normal times on average 115,000 people die a day in the world,over 8,000 a day in the U.S..That's the way it works.
as i have said before, there is 1 blame and 1 root cause to this entire mess - china. Their lack of transparency affected/infected the world. It is unforgivable in my opinion. Had they been transparent and sounded the alarm from the beginning, the entire world would have had a better shot at making better decisions. Their actions were the catalyst to this entire mess. The undisputed fact is that the chinese government took actions that hindered the world's ability to deal and prepare for this pandemic. That is where the true blame lies and should lie. They should not be given a pass for this.



+ 1

Absolutely inexcusable that they did not warn the rest of the world/ring the alarm bell vs downplaying it and making it sound like it was a big nothingburger.

80,000 infected in China; 10,000 deaths....................that's what they reported.

Are you ****ting me with that nonsense?

NINE million Americans infected, over 200,000 deaths.

And counting.

It was once thought if you get it, you're immune from it going forward; now they are saying a 4 month window and you can get reinfected.

The only thing that is going to save us is a vaccine.


I haven't gotten together with my friends since the Super Bowl, haven't seen my two brothers and two sisters since roughly the same time frame.

Haven't dined out or gone anywhere except the supermarket, gas station, drug store, post office, barber, doctor/dentist for exams for 8 months.


No Thanksgiving, Christmas or NYE gatherings either; can you imagine how the numbers are going to spike once we get past the holidays and people have had enough and decide to have holiday family gatherings..........................

Just an unmitigated disaster on so many levels I've lost count.
As I have said before, there is 1 blame and 1 root cause to this entire mess - China. Their lack of transparency affected/infected the World. It is unforgivable in my opinion. Had they been transparent and sounded the alarm from the beginning, the entire World would have had a better shot at making better decisions. Their actions were the catalyst to this entire mess. The undisputed fact is that the Chinese Government took actions that hindered the World's ability to deal and prepare for this pandemic. That is where the true blame lies and should lie. They should not be given a pass for this.


The virus is so contagious that it had likely spread before the PRC completely understood its virulence. Yes, its government behaved irresponsibly, but that just brought matters to a head more abruptly. The disease was already seeded in the rest of the world and its transmission was inevitable and largely uncontrollable. As proof of that, I’d again offer the European experience. The EU has what many Americans yearn for, unitary government and national health services. Most of the governments adopted stringent measures that appeared to have contained the virus, but wrecked their economies in the process. Now, the virus has returned with a vengeance and there are really no arrows left in the EU quiver. In a very real sense, the countries fell for the Chinese prescriptions for dealing with COVID-19 and failed just as surely as China did, a meaningful difference being that the Euros can’t lie their way out of it, partly out of decency and partly because its member states aren’t ruled by least not yet. Here’s hoping for a mild winter in Texas.

We just have to hang tough. We collect toy soldiers of great wars and great suffering. Whenever I feel down, I look at my toy soldiers and realize my problems are nothing compared to soldiers in past wars. Sometimes in life you have to be tough. Be a positive example to your family. Have resolve and tenacity.
We just have to hang tough. We collect toy soldiers of great wars and great suffering. Whenever I feel down, I look at my toy soldiers and realize my problems are nothing compared to soldiers in past wars. Sometimes in life you have to be tough. Be a positive example to your family. Have resolve and tenacity.

Yes, and I am doing that by getting on with my life while using common sense.

Let's see Drug abuse,alcoholism,child abuse,martial abuse,depression,suicide,homelessness not having medical checkups,All this stems from these draconian measures these tinpot dictators,keeping people shut in,keeping business shut.All this will end up doing more harm than the virus.Humans are a social animal.They aren't meant to stay away from their friends and family.They are destroying people,society as a whole.A whole generation of children lost.Viruses have always come,they always will and they will make people sick and some will die.In normal times on average 115,000 people die a day in the world,over 8,000 a day in the U.S..That's the way it works.

So you are saying that we should ignore the virus and just go on as normal and sacrifice a few hundred thousand more people......this is the reason we can't get this virus under control......very sad.
The virus is so contagious that it had likely spread before the PRC completely understood its virulence. Yes, its government behaved irresponsibly, but that just brought matters to a head more abruptly. The disease was already seeded in the rest of the world and its transmission was inevitable and largely uncontrollable. As proof of that, I’d again offer the European experience. The EU has what many Americans yearn for, unitary government and national health services. Most of the governments adopted stringent measures that appeared to have contained the virus, but wrecked their economies in the process. Now, the virus has returned with a vengeance and there are really no arrows left in the EU quiver. In a very real sense, the countries fell for the Chinese prescriptions for dealing with COVID-19 and failed just as surely as China did, a meaningful difference being that the Euros can’t lie their way out of it, partly out of decency and partly because its member states aren’t ruled by least not yet. Here’s hoping for a mild winter in Texas.

Agree for the most part but there are ways to open up safely and still use prevention methods.
As I have said before, there is 1 blame and 1 root cause to this entire mess - China. Their lack of transparency affected/infected the World. It is unforgivable in my opinion. Had they been transparent and sounded the alarm from the beginning, the entire World would have had a better shot at making better decisions. Their actions were the catalyst to this entire mess. The undisputed fact is that the Chinese Government took actions that hindered the World's ability to deal and prepare for this pandemic. That is where the true blame lies and should lie. They should not be given a pass for this.

No one is blaming our government for the virus and I think most of us agree that China was negligent in reporting it and its consequences. I do think our government bears the responsibility on how we are dealing with it.
Just speak with the doctors and nurses on the front line and they will tell you how this has been mishandled with false information, cover ups and lack of a national plan.
I know some people just want to wait for a vaccine but that could be many many months off and then lets see how many people won't even take it.
The vaccines have to be shipped in minus 90 degree containers which we are only now starting to produce and could take many more months for enough containers.
All I am saying is that there are simple measures to decrease the infections and deaths but our leaders flaunt the medical community advice.
Almost every scientist with the exception of some quacks tell us that masks and social distancing will cut down infections and deaths by up to 80% if we have full compliance. This is something we are all capable of.
My four and five year old grandchildren wear masks for hours at a time in school.
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