Rich and everyone, that is not entirely a true statement. ( I am not singling you out), but I still see taxes for a living and it is a lot more complicated than that. Just as an example and I am talking about Corporations, not the executives who run them, but the higher the Corporate tax rate is, the more pressure you put on employee wages, benefits, End cost of goods (we as a consumer pay more), etc. Remember, Corporations and especially Public traded ones live and die by their stock price which is pressured by shareholders and consumers and expenses greatly effect it. The best example I always give is if you look historically when the Corp tax rate is low - you see larger employee wage increases, when it is high, you see low employee raises. Corporations are like Casinos (the House), they are going to always make the choice to stay in business, if you have high taxes and margins are the same - 2 choices - cut expenses or raise prices. Either way, the employee or consumer loses which is usually one in the same.
Point is there is a trickle down effect and it basically means more money out of consumer pockets and the largest consumers are the Middle Class. The Corporations are always going to continue to make money, but when taxes are less, everyone gets more and keeps more.
I am a Tax CPA, so I am tackling this question in an unbiased response. There is a terrific web site for the Tax Foundation, They are considered an unbiased gold standard in my profession as they are fact based discussions on all tax plans, etc. Additionally, each year they put out the annual State Tax Report which compares the cost of tax living in all 50 States (it is a great retirement destination tool!).
I highly recommend everyone do research on your taxes and the Tax Foundation is a great place to start.
That said, there is Zero reason why incarcerated individuals should collect $200 and pass Go, Zero reason.
Anyhow, one last point, every time Congress screws around with the Tax Code whether they call it a tax cut or hike, I can guarantee you the Middle Class are paying for it. It is a sad circle.