COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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Mark...I believe you saw/heard it...I just want to read it before I repeat it...and I hope it's 100% correct!

Mike, the problem Marks having locating various links and news articles is that they keep getting deleted. It’s very frustrating. The likes of Alphabet who own and run Google & U-Tube and companies like Facebook are actively deleting news and other related information that they don’t like or they view as ‘fake news’ . It’s quite outrageous when you see professionals posting excellent, sound and logical concerns or alternatively views get censored by way of deletions. Thankfully there are enough web savvy folks out there that are reposting these links but often under different headings to avoid being repeatedly removed.
One by one the proposed solutions to this pandemic continue to fall.

A few months ago the answer to stopping continued spread was testing. Testing is now readily available and yet the virus continues unabated.
I don't think there is an answer.It's comes,goes then spikes again then repeats.
We had a really good handle on this thing throughout the Summer; now it's starting to go the other way, three strait days of 500 plus positives, first time this has happened since mid May, hospitalizations are up too......................not good.

This thing just refuses to go away.

Our only hope at this point is a proven vaccine; without it, it's just going to go on and on and on.
My county in NJ seems fairly stable, averaging about 20 new cases a day.
I looked at the total number of cases in NJ and it was 719. That seems high. I assume that some cases are due to schools being back in session.
Cases continue to rise in Texas and California at nearly the same rate.

This despite the fact that Texas continues to reopen more (i.e. restaurants now allowed to have 75% capacity) and California is still very limited (i.e. restaurants limited to 25% capacity).

Thus proving once again no one really knows the trajectories of this pandemic no matter what we do.
Cases continue to rise in Texas and California at nearly the same rate.

This despite the fact that Texas continues to reopen more (i.e. restaurants now allowed to have 75% capacity) and California is still very limited (i.e. restaurants limited to 25% capacity).

Thus proving once again no one really knows the trajectories of this pandemic no matter what we do.
So true.
Cases continue to rise in Texas and California at nearly the same rate.

This despite the fact that Texas continues to reopen more (i.e. restaurants now allowed to have 75% capacity) and California is still very limited (i.e. restaurants limited to 25% capacity).

Thus proving once again no one really knows the trajectories of this pandemic no matter what we do. many different variables involved, like each of us resides in a different petri dish, in a different lab, with different environs, and with different people interpreting us- individuals who each bring our own behavioral variance patterns to the fold.

I wish the President and First Lady a full recovery.

I hope that this will be a lesson for those who deny science and think wearing a mask and social distancing
are an infringement on their freedom to reconsider. This Virus is highly contagious and lethal. It obviously
can happen to anyone.
We have to come together as a nation to end this Pandemic. The Virus doesn't respect borders, state lines
or city limits. We are a mobile society and a diverse population so having a national response is very

Stay safe and healthy!
I wish the President and First Lady a full recovery.

I hope that this will be a lesson for those who deny science and think wearing a mask and social distancing
are an infringement on their freedom to reconsider. This Virus is highly contagious and lethal. It obviously
can happen to anyone.
We have to come together as a nation to end this Pandemic. The Virus doesn't respect borders, state lines
or city limits. We are a mobile society and a diverse population so having a national response is very

Stay safe and healthy!

Ditto. I wish them a speedy recovery and mild symptoms.

It would be great for it to be a learning experience for the whole country/ world and help us knock it out.
I see that Chris Christie has now tested positive. With his weight (although he did reduce it through one of those stomach procedures), you have to be a little concerned for him
Anyone heard from John? Been a while. I know his wife had health issues. Hope they are okay. Chris
Anyone heard from John? Been a while. I know his wife had health issues. Hope they are okay. Chris

Was wondering the same and also for Larry Allan, he's not been on forum in a while, Hopefully all is ok with them and their families.

The WHO has decided that lockdowns are a bad idea:

The exception that the organization advances is the sort of thing that the USA engaged in back in March, one that allows governments to husband resources so that medical systems aren't overwhelmed.

Wasn't easy to find the link, BTW.

Not a word about this from America's legacy media/press.:confused:

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