COVID the 3rd (5 Viewers)

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There are people who are now saying that the actual Covid deaths are a low percentage but that is very misleading and dangerous. True that older people with underlying medical conditions are more susceptible to dying when contracting Covid but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have had many years left to live if they didn't catch the virus. I fall into that category yet I hope to live many more years. So I don't want people saying its ok for younger folks to disregard precautions when they can spread the virus to their parents , grandparents and older relatives.
Its like saying that when a senior citizen with diabetes gets hit by a truck and dies it wasn't really the truck that killed them.
So people like me who worked for almost 50 years and can now retire and enjoy their life and grandchildren are expendable so younger folks can party, go to bars and rallies?

Pretty sad commentary on our society.

When you’re young, you think you’re indestructible. Who amongst us hasn’t burned the candle at both ends in our younger days. I’d stay out all night and be ready to go the next day. In response to your question, I don’t think people are really worrying about it. Ahh, to be young again.
When you’re young, you think you’re indestructible. Who amongst us hasn’t burned the candle at both ends in our younger days. I’d stay out all night and be ready to go the next day. In response to your question, I don’t think people are really worrying about it. Ahh, to be young again.

There are times that I still like to think I can do this:)........................until I wake up the next morning. Just recently experience this Summer with some fellas on my deck for burgers, bourbon and cigars in that order. Had a great time til about 1:30Am. Woke up Sat. morning as usual at 8:30AM...................headache shortly thereafter that nagged me til about 3pm.

Moral of the story - Drink More Water before going to bed...........

There are times that I still like to think I can do this:)........................until I wake up the next morning. Just recently experience this Summer with some fellas on my deck for burgers, bourbon and cigars in that order. Had a great time til about 1:30Am. Woke up Sat. morning as usual at 8:30AM...................headache shortly thereafter that nagged me til about 3pm.

Moral of the story - Drink More Water before going to bed...........


And pop a couple of Advils too before hitting the sack.

You're welcome.
Gettysburg College just sent all their students home after giving it a go. I'm not sure what the public safety policy is behind that decision. They tell students to show up and then when they start getting the virus they send them back home to spread it around all over the country. Probably the worst possible scenario. But those are academics for you.

Did the same thing here in MA with a couple of colleges; just brilliant, bring them all together, some of them get the virus, then they send them home to spread it all over the place.

Morons for even considering it.
It is strange how the COVID headlines have faded from our local news headlines in California and Texas.

They used to be the constant lead, now the VID isn’t discussed on our local news until 10-12 minutes into the newscast.
It is strange how the COVID headlines have faded from our local news headlines in California and Texas.

They used to be the constant lead, now the VID isn’t discussed on our local news until 10-12 minutes into the newscast.

Because fires, hurricanes and politics are the story of the day. But don't worry the Virus story is no where near over and as it hits new deadly milestones (200,000 deaths shortly) it will be in the headlines again.
With no national plan and too many ignorant citizens who don't want to believe the science many more will suffer. You can't fight a Pandemic piecemeal (state by state) it knows no borders or state lines so it will
continue to flare up. Vaccines are a way off and then who knows if the majority will even take them.
Sorry, but don't throw away those masks and hand cleansers yet!
The disease is rebounding in much of Europe:

In looking at current data tables, the continent’s daily new infections appear to be a fairly pronounced multiple of those currently being reported in the USA. Of course, infections will tick back up in the states as schools reopen. Hopefully, the death rate will continue to decline on both sides of the Atlantic (and elsewhere).

The data tables that I mentioned:

I bet ya if he was destroying things and setting fires he wouldn't have gotten any time.:rolleyes2: Latest from CDC If your under 69 99.956 % make it. It's all political now as they estimate that 1/3 of deaths aren't COVID related.
I bet ya if he was destroying things and setting fires he wouldn't have gotten any time.:rolleyes2: Latest from CDC If your under 69 99.956 % make it. It's all political now as they estimate that 1/3 of deaths aren't COVID related.

A truck load of doctors have been trying to raise this issue for months regarding the misrepresentation of Covid as being listed as the cause of death for many, when it was clear other health issues were in fact responsible. There’s nothing like screwing the stats to continually scare the crap out of the public to keep them in line.
Mark...can you send those links please?
It was on TV.I think they had to take over 90% off the death list I believe in Wisconsin because the doctors said that they had symptoms but no tests were done to verify that it was actually the virus. Here is the CDC website as the newsman said that the data is from the CDC.Maybe you can understand the data on there.
there are a lot of threads on the CDC and Fauci online...
debunking a Twitter "conspiracy post"...

saying 6% of the listed deaths are exaggerated and not virus related...
that both Fauci and the CDC are agreeing/claiming that the virus was the cause of all the deaths listed...

Twitter removed the original posts classifying them as "misinformation"....

if you do find that link...
please post it for me...
There was a day recently when over 1000 Americans purportedly died from the virus and zero Canadians. But absolutely no mention as to why the disparity is so great. Just an implication that the US has botched the effort (but again lacking any specifics on what they are doing in Canada that we are not doing). It does make me question the numbers to some extent. There are undoubtedly some countries that are underreporting cases and deaths - either intentionally for political purposes or unintentionally because they either have different standards or don't conduct as many tests. If there is some better solution implemented in other places, I've yet to hear the specifics. Most people here are wearing masks in public etc.
COVID-19 Death rates by Age Group?

Found what appears to be a legit website with data from mid-July:

While the page focuses on the implications for reopening schools and how it might impact fatality rates, there are other interesting facts included.

Giv'er a look if you're interested.

Now, a bit of rant...

As folks my age go, I'm pretty good at researching matters like this using a search engine.

However, looking for the data above was a complete PITA.

For example, if the information is readily accessible via USA/CDC, it certainly eluded yours truly.

I should also note that mid-July is as good as it got for me, at least in terms of aggregate data like that cited in the article that I linked y'all to, above.

Really kind of exasperating,


thank you...
that is interesting and informative...
appreciate you're finding it...

there are a lot of threads on the CDC and Fauci online...
debunking a Twitter "conspiracy post"...

saying 6% of the listed deaths are exaggerated and not virus related...
that both Fauci and the CDC are agreeing/claiming that the virus was the cause of all the deaths listed...

Twitter removed the original posts classifying them as "misinformation"....

if you do find that link...
please post it for me...

Yeah Mike I really believe Fauci and CNN.^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin

actually the article is about Fauci and the CDC...

CNN wrote one of the articles...I just cited 2 of them...

I really want to believe you are right...

but I can't find a thing to support your claim that 30% of the deaths reported in the US are not virus related...

or that 90% of Wisconsin's deaths attributed to the virus are bogus...
I'm not dreaming or lying about it Mike.I will look tonight myself. As far as Fauci he flip flops too much.He is brilliant at what he does but like a lot of real smart people he's nuts.^&grin
Mark...I believe you saw/heard it...I just want to read it before I repeat it...and I hope it's 100% correct!
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