Yeah, the news in Okinawa is pretty startling. Some Marines who recently got stationed there or came back home from leave brought with them COVID and now the Governor of Okinawa is having a head fit about infections and rightly so. Its a island with no where to hide. Okinawa is going to be an interesting story as to how it affects the Americans and the locals.
Here's the article about the woman who when to the "COVID Party" and died as a result of it:
..."I though it was a hoax" and then she died.
The signs here and everywhere on business doors are pretty simple "NO MASK, NO SERVICE". So, if you need to go someplace that it is it. I find though at smaller locations like gas stations and small business people are more brazen about challenging or complaining about mask wearing. I haven't witnessed it, but when I talk to the gas station attendants they tell me some wild stories or anger, yelled profanities and out right refusal to wear a mask to get a pack of smokes. Yet, in the big box stores there is no problem. I think people when they are one on one with a service provider and more importantly no witnesses ***** and complain about the mask situation. On the other hand, in a big box store violators think twice about airing out there mask grievances because of fear of embarrassment or ridicule in front of other people. Again I have yet to witness it and I have mentioned before that if I happened to be around one of the "Its against my constitutional rights to wear a mask" there will be a slapping coming and I look forward to explaining it to the judge.
Some observations from yesterday:
A guy from Boston (accent and MA license plates) was in line at Home Depot yesterday wearing a Boston Red Sox muscle shirt with no muscles. He had lobster red arms, sweating like a beast and was headed for a sun burn with blisters. Brother...welcome to Texas man and coverup them shoulders.
A car with Florida plates was weaving in and out of traffic in a construction zone not using their signal light and doing the "speed up to get no where" driving technique. It was dangerous, careless and the last time I saw that was in Florida.
I saw a beautiful, brand new white F-350 dually at the gas yesterday with New York plates. I was admiring his truck until he passed me by and I saw he stuck 22 inch chrome pimp rims on this truck. I was like "C'mon man" but hey at least it was a 4x4.
Yesterday we had a temperature record here in San Antonio as the temp hit 107 degrees. It was smoking hot and I got all my construction stuff done early and was finished by 11AM.
And lastly, both my son and daughter are grounded from driving with the exception of work. Why? Well, both their phone have the app 360 on them and on it you can see how fast they were driving. In one month my son son sped over the speed limit over 400 times with an average highway speed of 84 mph. Daughter #2 rated half of that with over 200 over the limit speeding with an average highway speed of 90 mph. The wife and I came down HARD on them to the point of tears from the both of them. It was inevitable that one of them was going to get into an accident or worse and guess what? Daughter number #2 had a fender bender the other day. Who did she hit? An undercover narcotics cop in a GOVT vehicle on his way to make a bust. Thank god nobody was hurt.
Yeah, we came down HARD...I'm talking obsidian folded Japanese steel hard. It was ugly and our kids were so ashamed of themselves that we didn't see the for 3 days as they self imposed themselves to being grounded to their room. We didn't do that, they just did as they knew we did not want to even see them. Not even a peek. In fact, they didn't even come down for dinner and got take out and went back to their rooms. The line "I am so disappointed in you" resonated with them pretty fierce.
COVID and real world problems.
John from Texas