COVID the 3rd (5 Viewers)

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I saw a beautiful, brand new white F-350 dually at the gas yesterday with New York plates. I was admiring his truck until he passed me by and I saw he stuck 22 inch chrome pimp rims on this truck. I was like "C'mon man" but hey at least it was a 4x4.

From the American Graffiti movie, "What a waste of machinery."
As a life long NYer and not a fan of Gov. Cuomos politics prior to the Virus striking, I will give him two thumbs up for the handling of the virus. Shut it down when needed and no rush to reopen before its time. Some of these other Govs should read his playbook. They might learn something. We've come too far to continue to lose lives.

That's a bit like the passengers on the Titanic giving thanks to the Captain because not everyone drowned. NY is apparently in a good place now but it has very little to do with anything Cuomo did. The number of case and deaths in NY is astounding. It surpasses anyplace else in the US by a long shot. The virus basically ran its course there. Now it is doing so elsewhere.
That's a bit like the passengers on the Titanic giving thanks to the Captain because not everyone drowned. NY is apparently in a good place now but it has very little to do with anything Cuomo did. The number of case and deaths in NY is astounding. It surpasses anyplace else in the US by a long shot. The virus basically ran its course there. Now it is doing so elsewhere.

Agree and disagree in part. Cuomo’s response was initially slow but then they moved quickly to try to contain it. As far as running its course, I don’t think we are anywhere close to that. In a few states it’s just under control, temporarily. Dr. Steven Osterholm, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota, indicated that the disease won’t run its course until 50-60% of the US population has been infected. That is a very scary thought.
I think the virus is going to spike here and there for years.Until there is a vaccine or other treatments it's going to be around.I don't think any governor is really to blame even though I think many overreacted.The Flu has been here 100 years so this might also.
That's a bit like the passengers on the Titanic giving thanks to the Captain because not everyone drowned. NY is apparently in a good place now but it has very little to do with anything Cuomo did. The number of case and deaths in NY is astounding. It surpasses anyplace else in the US by a long shot. The virus basically ran its course there. Now it is doing so elsewhere.

Wow. What a comparison. NY is in a good place because the Gov stood up and took charge. People in NY took this seriously. He took the time to keep people in the loop. Unlike other Govs who are in denial or who want to stay in good graces of others. As First Responders we have not agreed on his policy but he took charge and led when needed. NYers rose up to the challenge. We didn't reopen prematurely to please others. NYers put the brakes on the virus. We did what was needed to STOP this Devil as opposed to running its course. Its running amok elsewhere because some think it wouldn't come and didn't take this seriously.
Wow. What a comparison. NY is in a good place because the Gov stood up and took charge. People in NY took this seriously. He took the time to keep people in the loop. Unlike other Govs who are in denial or who want to stay in good graces of others. As First Responders we have not agreed on his policy but he took charge and led when needed. NYers rose up to the challenge. We didn't reopen prematurely to please others. NYers put the brakes on the virus. We did what was needed to STOP this Devil as opposed to running its course. Its running amok elsewhere because some think it wouldn't come and didn't take this seriously.

Excellent post!👍👍. I would like to add that when Covid first hit the United States, the lowest estimate for deaths in NY was a model with 60 to 120 thousand.deaths, and N.Y. has had only 35 thousand deaths, about 60% of the lowest estimate, probably because by lowering the rate of infection our hospitals were never overwhelmed. Mistakes were made in coordination between State and NYC officials and with respect to nursing homes initially, but the virus was controlled. Perhaps a better example of how effectively Covid can be combatted is the City of San Francisco, a large city with heavy tourist traffic and a large Asian population with frequent travelers to and from China. The mayor of San Francisco took strikingly similar steps to those taken in New York, but did it two weeks earlier, before there was a single confirmed case. Manhattan had over 20,000 deaths. San Fransisco had less than 100. There is a lesson in these facts which the rest of California, Texas and Florida are learning the hard way as I type this post.
File under you can never be complacent: approximately 200,000 in Cataluña, Spain (the province where Barcelona is located) have gone into lockdown because of the virus.
Wow. What a comparison. NY is in a good place because the Gov stood up and took charge. People in NY took this seriously. He took the time to keep people in the loop. Unlike other Govs who are in denial or who want to stay in good graces of others. As First Responders we have not agreed on his policy but he took charge and led when needed. NYers rose up to the challenge. We didn't reopen prematurely to please others. NYers put the brakes on the virus. We did what was needed to STOP this Devil as opposed to running its course. Its running amok elsewhere because some think it wouldn't come and didn't take this seriously.

The numbers tell a very different story. There have been 32,000+ deaths in NY and 15,000+ in NJ (basically the NY overflow). A whopping 47,000 deaths in those two states! Keep in mind that only one other state (MA) had as many as 8,000 deaths. That's the success story? Florida which is being touted by the media as at the end of times has 4,000 deaths. At the height of the crisis Cuomo did nothing but grandstand and panic. The thousands of deaths in NY nursing homes are on him.
The numbers tell a very different story. There have been 32,000+ deaths in NY and 15,000+ in NJ (basically the NY overflow). A whopping 47,000 deaths in those two states! Keep in mind that only one other state (MA) had as many as 8,000 deaths. That's the success story? Florida which is being touted by the media as at the end of times has 4,000 deaths. At the height of the crisis Cuomo did nothing but grandstand and panic. The thousands of deaths in NY nursing homes are on him.

I am not promoting Governor Cuomo but you have to put these numbers in context.
New York city has a population of 8.5 million and is the most populous and densely populated city in the US. New York State has over 20 million population.
NYC has more visitors than any other US city and more foreign visitors than any other city.
In addition there are large pockets of low income and minority communities that have less access to health care which means more potential deaths.

I wouldn't brag about the numbers but you are not comparing apples to apples. If in fact New Yorkers are complying with health directives and the rates are going down that is something to be happy about. But we will see if this continues.
Cuomo made mistakes but his briefings were factual and informative and his shut downs were appropriate.

For those states that opened too aggressively and too soon it will be very difficult to close down again.
The CDC has come out and stated that if EVERYONE in the country wore masks in public for 4 to 6 weeks, this virus would be essentially stamped out.

I am not in tune with the situation, but are masks required in FL, CA, TX and AZ where is spreading like wildfire?

I must sound like a broken record at this point, but again; in MA, we were a hot zone, 1500 new cases a day/150 deaths a day, we had a week or so where it was hovering around 3,000/300 a day.

As far as people throwing stones at MA; we have a major international airport where a lot of travelers from Europe and China fly in and out of, many of them carried the virus with them from abroad and spread it all over the area upon their return, we have a large Asian population in Boston, again many travelers from Asia came here in January/February around Chinese New Year to visit family and friends.

This isn't some Podunk state where puddle jumpers land and people parachute into, we also have a **** ton of college students in the city who attend Harvard, MIT, Berkley school of music, Northeastern, BC, BU, etc, who come from...………… guessed it, overseas who were away for Christmas break who then came back carrying the virus and spread it everywhere.

Our governor made it MADITORY to wear masks in public; since about May or so when we reopened, our numbers have plummeted to about 125/15 to 25 a day.

The ONLY difference was mask wearing.

But hey, what do I or the CDC know...……………………:rolleyes2:
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The CDC has come out and stated that if EVERYONE in the country wore masks in public for 4 to 6 weeks, this virus would be essentially stamped out.

I am not in tune with the situation, but are masks required in FL, CA, TX and AZ where is spreading like wildfire?

I must sound like a broken record at this point, but again; in MA, we were a hot zone, 1500 new cases a day/150 deaths a day, we had a week or so where it was hovering around 3,000/300 a day.

As far as people throwing stones at MA; we have a major international airport where a lot of travelers from Europe and China fly in and out of, many of them carried the virus with them from abroad and spread it all over the area upon their return, we have a large Asian population in Boston, again many travelers from Asia came here in January/February around Chinese New Year to visit family and friends.

This isn't some Podunk state where puddle jumpers land and people parachute into, we also have a **** ton of college students in the city who attend Harvard, MIT, Berkley school of music, Northeastern, BC, BU, etc, who come from...………… guessed it, overseas who were away for Christmas break who then came back carrying the virus and spread it everywhere.

Our governor made it MADITORY to wear masks in public; since about May or so when we reopened, our numbers have plummeted to about 125/15 to 25 a day.

The ONLY difference was mask wearing.

But hey, what do I or the CDC know...……………………:rolleyes2:

Hi George,
Everyone in CA has to wear a mask. Since mid-ish June "all Californians must wear face coverings in public or high-risk settings". However, I constantly see people not wearing masks every single day. I had to get my car smogged yesterday, and the tech was not wearing a mask. I was dumbfounded that even someone like that who sees lots of different people every day wasn't wearing a mask. Some people simply refuse. I don't know if it's a "macho man" thing (Village People, lol ) or just plain ignorance. It's a shame because they put us all at higher risk.

Be safe Brother,
Hi George,
Everyone in CA has to wear a mask. Since mid-ish June "all Californians must wear face coverings in public or high-risk settings". However, I constantly see people not wearing masks every single day. I had to get my car smogged yesterday, and the tech was not wearing a mask. I was dumbfounded that even someone like that who sees lots of different people every day wasn't wearing a mask. Some people simply refuse. I don't know if it's a "macho man" thing (Village People, lol ) or just plain ignorance. It's a shame because they put us all at higher risk.

Be safe Brother,

Note: I wear a mask when Im in a public setting.

And yet, Im regularly amazed at people who are dumbfounded when they see others not wearing them. I mean, we have laws against murder, rape, robbery, assault, DUI, etc., and yet...

Especially given the policing aspect. Are police supposed to spend their time arresting or fining non mask wearers? Should we empty the prisons of criminals so we can stuff them back full of non mask wearers? Should we fine people who may already be suffering financially from the shutdown?

Just about every day there is a story in the national news where some non mask wearer was confronted by a mask wearer and the situation went south. To include murders.

There are simple solutions: Dont visit places that dont require and enforce mask wearing. If you find yourself unintentionally in the vicinity of a non mask wearer, leave.

The fact that some people dont follow the rules, even the easy ones, should not be a surprise. Especially as in most cases there is no legal requirement, or law enforcement involvement.
Hi George,
Everyone in CA has to wear a mask. Since mid-ish June "all Californians must wear face coverings in public or high-risk settings". However, I constantly see people not wearing masks every single day. I had to get my car smogged yesterday, and the tech was not wearing a mask. I was dumbfounded that even someone like that who sees lots of different people every day wasn't wearing a mask. Some people simply refuse. I don't know if it's a "macho man" thing (Village People, lol ) or just plain ignorance. It's a shame because they put us all at higher risk.

Be safe Brother,

Thanks Joe; so it's required but people still aren't doing it.

Unreal; since the order came down here in MA, I've yet to see a SINGLE person in public not wearing one. Every store I go in, all employees and all customers wear them.

You're putting OTHERS at risk by not wearing it...………………..I don't want to turn this into a debate on how useful/useless wearing a mask is...……..again, all I know is our numbers dropped like a stone once we were required to is all.

You stay safe as well...………………...
Note: I wear a mask when Im in a public setting.

And yet, Im regularly amazed at people who are dumbfounded when they see others not wearing them. I mean, we have laws against murder, rape, robbery, assault, DUI, etc., and yet...

Especially given the policing aspect. Are police supposed to spend their time arresting or fining non mask wearers? Should we empty the prisons of criminals so we can stuff them back full of non mask wearers? Should we fine people who may already be suffering financially from the shutdown?

Just about every day there is a story in the national news where some non mask wearer was confronted by a mask wearer and the situation went south. To include murders.

There are simple solutions: Dont visit places that dont require and enforce mask wearing. If you find yourself unintentionally in the vicinity of a non mask wearer, leave.

The fact that some people dont follow the rules, even the easy ones, should not be a surprise. Especially as in most cases there is no legal requirement, or law enforcement involvement.

Agree on all points; bottom line is I wear one, if someone chooses not to, IMO that person is basically looking for a fight, so why point out to a moron that they should be doing something?

If I see a driver yapping on their cell phone or not wearing a seat belt, I'm certainly not going to follow that person to point out the obvious.

Let them be and let God sort it out, he's pretty good at that.
Note: I wear a mask when Im in a public setting.

And yet, Im regularly amazed at people who are dumbfounded when they see others not wearing them. I mean, we have laws against murder, rape, robbery, assault, DUI, etc., and yet...

Especially given the policing aspect. Are police supposed to spend their time arresting or fining non mask wearers? Should we empty the prisons of criminals so we can stuff them back full of non mask wearers? Should we fine people who may already be suffering financially from the shutdown?

Just about every day there is a story in the national news where some non mask wearer was confronted by a mask wearer and the situation went south. To include murders.

There are simple solutions: Dont visit places that dont require and enforce mask wearing. If you find yourself unintentionally in the vicinity of a non mask wearer, leave.

The fact that some people dont follow the rules, even the easy ones, should not be a surprise. Especially as in most cases there is no legal requirement, or law enforcement involvement.

I get what you mean, yet I was just answering George's question. Although you are not, I remain surprised to see how many people decide not to wear a mask in southern CA. Furthermore, there's a contrast to be drawn between this phenomenon where I reside vs what George has seen in MA regarding the subject where he has not seen anyone not wearing a mask.
Where I live people are tired of wearing them even those who supported wearing them at first.More and more it's coming out that they aren't as effective as some want you to believe.
I have been to the following cities (in the last 60 days) during the pandemic:

Austin TX
Carmel CA
Denver CO
Houston TX
Los Gatos CA
Menlo Park CA
Monterey CA
Palo Alto CA
San Antonio TX
San Francisco CA
San Jose CA
Shavano Park TX

In those cities I have been to airports, grocery stores, malls, pharmacies and restaurants (plus Sierra Toy Soldier).

i have yet to see anyone not wearing a mask in those places.
The numbers tell a very different story. There have been 32,000+ deaths in NY and 15,000+ in NJ (basically the NY overflow). A whopping 47,000 deaths in those two states! Keep in mind that only one other state (MA) had as many as 8,000 deaths. That's the success story? Florida which is being touted by the media as at the end of times has 4,000 deaths. At the height of the crisis Cuomo did nothing but grandstand and panic. The thousands of deaths in NY nursing homes are on him.

Well now. Grandstanding and Panic? Thats a pretty tall statement. I watched his Morning briefs and observed no such thing. He was razor sharp on what needed to be done to slow down and stop the spread of this Devil. He banded with NJ/CT Govs to work together for the Tri-state area. He asked NYers to do the unthinkable which was to totally shutdown. Wear a mask. Really how hard is that? Inconvenient? How about Death? Unlike other Govs who think its business as norm. We stepped up and got it done as painful as it was. As stated previously, Im a frontline First Responder and us Responders were not a fan of the Govs Politics prior to the virus outbreak but agree that he led from the front. Not from the rear. NY should have been the model of whats needed to be done to slowdown the virus. And some states attitude was can't/won't happen here. Well its here and killing even more people. Whats really sad is a lot of THESE deaths could have been prevented had areas not rushed to open so quickly, people taken it seriously. Government taken it seriously. If Cuomo is responsible for Nursing home deaths, wouldn't that make Govs who refuse to require masks, close bars, restaurants, social distance, Etc be responsible for their constituents deaths going forward? We know now that these simple steps can save lives. Wow so the local Gin Mill is closed for a time. Several months is no big deal. Imagine living in England during the Blitz. Closed for years and they came thru.

The mask debate (why is it a debate anyway?) was the simplest and easiest solution to stop or slow the spread. But, the order has to come from the top and forthrightly invoked with the spirt of leading by example. If you give the public a choice or a moment to reflect on the "idea" or "suggestions", its human nature to debate and question why such an idea or suggestion is being made and challenge it. However, if it is an order...a clear order...that has a reason behind for the end game solution or win, then we are all for it and will find it our duty to do our part.

There has been no order from the top and certainly no leading by example.


Your post nailed it.


Thats a lot of traveling, be careful.


God has been sorting it out and sadly a lot of those souls could have been saved early on, IF they would have listened. Likewise, there are those who have been taken from us who did everything right and still passed. Its a conundrum.


It can be a "macho man" syndrome or just plain vanity. I don't know what it is and after all these months I find it just plain dumb. As much as I want to rag on California, Texas has its fair share of anti-maskers who ridicule, taunt and thumb their noses at masks. But, if you want that BBQ sandwich from Bill Millers or that PVC pipe from Home Depot you better mask up or you ain't eating nor finishing your job to get paid. So, there.


NY always steps up. Its amazing to see the unity from the citizens of NY and how serious they are about banding together to solving a problem or coming up with a solution. Pride man...pride! I love NY and plan to visit again once this is all over.


I respect you and I also respect Gov. Cuomo. I watched his briefings daily and learned something new everyday. He was not flighty or arrogant. He begged and pleaded with his state, the Feds and anyone else who would listen to pay attention. He, in my opinion had and still has the proper attitude towards this pandemic as a elected leader. This type of situation is new ( the last one was a 100 years ago) and I believe in my heart of hearts he did and is doing the best he can. I admire him for that and I wish EVERY Governor would take a page from his play book and do the same thing. Some have and sadly some have not. Regardless, 10 years from now it will be Gov. Cuomo who is judged in history as a LEADER. He set the bar high...made his mark and yes thousands of New Yorkers died and will continue to die, but so will others in all 50 states and round the world.

He lead by example and still does.

It was a 102 yesterday and starting tomorrow we get a break from the heat wave for a week as our temps will go down to 99 to 95. I love it!

John from Texas
I have been to the following cities (in the last 60 days) during the pandemic:

Austin TX
Carmel CA
Denver CO
Houston TX
Los Gatos CA
Menlo Park CA
Monterey CA
Palo Alto CA
San Antonio TX
San Francisco CA
San Jose CA
Shavano Park TX

In those cities I have been to airports, grocery stores, malls, pharmacies and restaurants (plus Sierra Toy Soldier).

i have yet to see anyone not wearing a mask in those places.

I wish it were so here in my town. I go to Kroger and Lowe's and at least half the people are not wearing masks. Including the woman working in the Kroger meat dept. Chris
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