The CDC has come out and stated that if EVERYONE in the country wore masks in public for 4 to 6 weeks, this virus would be essentially stamped out.
I am not in tune with the situation, but are masks required in FL, CA, TX and AZ where is spreading like wildfire?
I must sound like a broken record at this point, but again; in MA, we were a hot zone, 1500 new cases a day/150 deaths a day, we had a week or so where it was hovering around 3,000/300 a day.
As far as people throwing stones at MA; we have a major international airport where a lot of travelers from Europe and China fly in and out of, many of them carried the virus with them from abroad and spread it all over the area upon their return, we have a large Asian population in Boston, again many travelers from Asia came here in January/February around Chinese New Year to visit family and friends.
This isn't some Podunk state where puddle jumpers land and people parachute into, we also have a **** ton of college students in the city who attend Harvard, MIT, Berkley school of music, Northeastern, BC, BU, etc, who come from...………… guessed it, overseas who were away for Christmas break who then came back carrying the virus and spread it everywhere.
Our governor made it MADITORY to wear masks in public; since about May or so when we reopened, our numbers have plummeted to about 125/15 to 25 a day.
The ONLY difference was mask wearing.
But hey, what do I or the CDC know...……………………:rolleyes2: