COVID the 3rd (6 Viewers)

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God Lord this thing is getting close:

My hairdressers college age daughter (19) just tested positive and she is shutting down her salon. Her and her family have to get tested.

Our neighbors daughter (she's around 25) who was visiting from Houston just tested positive. I don't know if she is home right now or in Houston. But now the whole family has to get tested.

This is worse when we started with all the precautions we took back in Spring. There's a news field report on CNN about Methodist Hospital here in San Antonio and it is an eye opener.

John from Texas

All I can say is keep washing your hands and keep taking precautions. Like I said, I am very lucky in the outbreak being minimal in my "life circle". That said, we are still cautious as can be with our movements and actions. The whole thing just gives me the heebie jeebies so to speak. I am not fearful of health per se, but more of not wanting to catch it due to unknown long term effects or short term repercussions (infecting others, etc.).

I just remain hopeful that we figure it out and we move on. It is a catch 22, I am not going to live in fear of it, but I am very conscious of it.

PS: The COVID thread has been shut down twice and this is the "COVID the 3rd" thread which I vowed I will leave if it gets shut down again. I hope this thread exists until 2021, cause thats how long this is going to last.

I hope the moderators will just give any poster a temporary ban to this thread...
if the poster writes something the moderators find offensive...
as opposed to closing the thread...
There isn't one. My latest threat was to get attention...I was feeling a little lonely and cold. Funny thing is nobody swooned over me not to leave if this one was shut down and thats coming from the guy who re-started this thread twice.

I'm like a Ninja...
I don't show my pain on the outside...^&grin...^&grin...^&grin...
but I was deeeeeeeply disturbed when you threatened to leave...
you're too funny to leave...
God Lord this thing is getting close:

My hairdressers college age daughter (19) just tested positive and she is shutting down her salon. Her and her family have to get tested.

Our neighbors daughter (she's around 25) who was visiting from Houston just tested positive. I don't know if she is home right now or in Houston. But now the whole family has to get tested.

This is worse when we started with all the precautions we took back in Spring. There's a news field report on CNN about Methodist Hospital here in San Antonio and it is an eye opener.

John from Texas

sorry to hear that...
a neighbor 3 houses down from me has contracted it...
time to really buckle down now...
take extra precaution to keep your house free of the virus...
go the extra mile...
give up what's not necessary...
be extra vigilant...

Do they have any idea how they were exposed?

they are thinking the maid...
but who knows for sure...

it's my friend's father who has contracted it...
who lives with them...
in age...he's late 80ish to early 90ish...

my friend is married with a young daughter also in the house...
no word to me on any of them...if they are testing positive now...

it's always been a concern to me...
but you give it a lot more credibility and respect when it gets someone you know...
I have lost an aunt and an uncle through this...
no proof the uncle was COVID-19...but the aunt was for sure...
they were both in their 90's...

on a personal note...
my maid hasn't been inside my room since late February...:wink2:
Gentlemen, I would really rather be outside and away from technology for awhile this weekend and not policing this thread.
I have deleted several posts and made a note of it.
Posters I repeatedly have to edit and delete may find themselves banned from this thread very soon.


Tip for the day: Don't light a short fuse on fireworks. :rolleyes2:
Gentlemen, I would really rather be outside and away from technology for awhile this weekend and not policing this thread.
I have deleted several posts and made a note of it.
Posters I repeatedly have to edit and delete may find themselves banned from this thread very soon.


Tip for the day: Don't light a short fuse on fireworks. :rolleyes2:

Julie...ty...sounds fair to me!
I hope I don't become a nuisance...^&grin
they are thinking the maid...
but who knows for sure...

it's my friend's father who has contracted it...
who lives with them...
in age...he's late 80ish to early 90ish...

my friend is married with a young daughter also in the house...
no word to me on any of them...if they are testing positive now...

it's always been a concern to me...
but you give it a lot more credibility and respect when it gets someone you know...
I have lost an aunt and an uncle through this...
no proof the uncle was COVID-19...but the aunt was for sure...
they were both in their 90's...

on a personal note...
my maid hasn't been inside my room since late February...:wink2:


I hope that the old gentlemen pulls through.

Good news on the morbidity front, as a just released study focuses on a drug that cuts the death rate in half when administered early enough:

Now, the trick will be to find a doctor who will write a scrip for it! :eek:


I hope that the old gentlemen pulls through.

Good news on the morbidity front, as a just released study focuses on a drug that cuts the death rate in half when administered early enough:

Now, the trick will be to find a doctor who will write a scrip for it! :eek:


thanks for sharing...
good article...
good news is always welcome...
I might be mistaken...
but I'm pretty sure this is the same drug that Trump took for 2-3 weeks a few months ago...
I read an article that the government is really mad at Pfizer's vaccine...
which look promising...
that they are asking astronomical prices if and when it's released...
I'll try and find the article if I can...
around $4,000 per dose...

not only can I not find that article...
but when I do a search for it...
there are a dozen articles claiming Pfizer is going to be very reasonable on their price...

I know what I read...
I just can't find it...^&grin
thanks for sharing...
good article...
good news is always welcome...
I might be mistaken...
but I'm pretty sure this is the same drug that Trump took for 2-3 weeks a few months ago...
I read an article that the government is really mad at Pfizer's vaccine...
which look promising...
that they are asking astronomical prices if and when it's released...
I'll try and find the article if I can...
around $4,000 per dose...

Is this the one Mike?

not only can I not find that article...
but when I do a search for it...
there are a dozen articles claiming Pfizer is going to be very reasonable on their price...

I know what I read...
I just can't find it...^&grin


I don't want to sound cynical about the pharmaceutical industry, but I think that it's likely that they'll introduce an effective, albeit expensive, treatment, rather than an effective vaccine. There's a lot more money in the former than the latter. As for "Big Pharma" embracing a decades old generic that'll cost pennies per dose as a treatment, FORGET IT!:eek:

yes was Gilead and remdesivir....but that wasn't the same article I read...


I don't want to sound cynical about the pharmaceutical industry, but I think that it's likely that they'll introduce an effective, albeit expensive, treatment, rather than an effective vaccine. There's a lot more money in the former than the latter. As for "Big Pharma" embracing a decades old generic that'll cost pennies per dose as a treatment, FORGET IT!:eek:

Moe...that's true...there has always been more money in treating HIV than curing it...
yes was Gilead and remdesivir....but that wasn't the same article I read...

Moe...that's true...there has always been more money in treating HIV than curing it...

As usual, well said Mr Miller.
And best wishes to all.
And for the love,
Have a Happy Independence Day.
I love the 4th with my family. It will be no different this year.
Thanks for coming back Jazzeum. You are a valuable member of this forum.

I remember working as a car hike at Arlington Race Course and the suped-up Vette I was parking had the radio on still and the song came on; Saturday in the park, I think it was the Fourth of July. And the sun shone though the flags there and I felt it. Love that we have all felt at similar times.
Imagine what it was like if you had to plant our flag on a hill with machine guns firing on your position.
Or think of all the things that have been achieved that only Americans actually did. We planted our flag on the moon for all humanity. For everyone.
Grill out with dad and mom on 2 acres for me. Laugh all you want but moving home and having a break from work and being with family,- it made me a much better person.
Be safe, be smart, remember Covid now but mostly remember that The USA will always, always be great. It always has been.
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Standing in line at the HEB yesterday and I started thinking about the “6 feet rule”.

Why haven’t we always done it or something similar? It seems like before all of this we literally stood right on top of each other when waiting for things etc.
Standing in line at the HEB yesterday and I started thinking about the “6 feet rule”.

Why haven’t we always done it or something similar? It seems like before all of this we literally stood right on top of each other when waiting for things etc.

Jason...I'm sure it would have reduced the transmission and deaths caused by the "regular flu" significantly if we had or would start...

and flu or virus...or healthy...I see a lot of people I don't want to stand to close to anyway...^&grin
Thanks. I come here to read about the hobby and look at some stunning dioramas, NOT to read people's political views or hear the news regurgitated.

Gentlemen, I would really rather be outside and away from technology for awhile this weekend and not policing this thread.
I have deleted several posts and made a note of it.
Posters I repeatedly have to edit and delete may find themselves banned from this thread very soon.


Tip for the day: Don't light a short fuse on fireworks. :rolleyes2:
Thanks. I come here to read about the hobby and look at some stunning dioramas, NOT to read people's political views or hear the news regurgitated.

I am not defending anything one way or the other and I like a lot of others respect your viewpoint. I wish this wasn't even a topic ,but unfortunately it is due to what is going on today, hard to avoid. There are a million threads on here that are active, if this or any of them irritate you, just ignore them. There is a lot else to read and interact on here than just this thread.

As usual, well said Mr Miller.
And best wishes to all.
And for the love,
Have a Happy Independence Day.
I love the 4th with my family. It will be no different this year.
Thanks for coming back Jazzeum. You are a valuable member of this forum.

I remember working as a car hike at Arlington Race Course and the suped-up Vette I was parking had the radio on still and the song came on; Saturday in the park, I think it was the Fourth of July. And the sun shone though the flags there and I felt it. Love that we have all felt at similar times.
Imagine what it was like if you had to plant our flag on a hill with machine guns firing on your position.
Or think of all the things that have been achieved that only Americans actually did. We planted our flag on the moon for all humanity. For everyone.
Grill out with dad and mom on 2 acres for me. Laugh all you want but moving home and having a break from work and being with family,- it made me a much better person.
Be safe, be smart, remember Covid now but mostly remember that The USA will always, always be great. It always has been.
Well said, Paddy! Have a terrific Fourth!:salute::
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