COVID the 3rd (6 Viewers)

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The LA Times is reporting that numerous construction workers at the new stadium in LA have the virus. They have been pushing on trying to get it ready for the upcoming season. I'm sure the lawyers are lining up.

Americans are not disciplined enough to do this 100%
we don't like to be told what to do...
and it's a shame...
cause this is mandatory in my opinion...
gotta wear the mask...

You [and the UK] will get one more, probably 2 more spikes, due to poor leadership [in both our countries]. Infection rates are rising, which have a timelag of 2 to 6 weeks to lead to deaths and secondly the flu epidemic which will hit us in late 2020] and early 2021, when we are all inside and the virus returns. What must be remembered is we are still in the first peak, but the shear size of the US means it has hit at different times.

Debt and poor savings is another reason, people have to go out to work as they have little or no savings, mainly working class. While the middle class are in so much debt [mortgage, car, credit cards] they have to work to feed that debt. These people buy what they can afford not what they need, thinking the money will keep rolling in, just think how many people when looking for a house go looking at houses around the maximum the bank will loan them, not what they need, as big house means status and unfortunately to many it mean happiness. So that is why they are pushing to get back to hamster wheel and going round and round.

Bit of a digression from Toy Soldiers, but Toy Soldiers are a welcome diversion from COVIS 19 and politics, plus BREXIT in the UK. Together with certain thriller book writers our hobby is keeping me sane.

Remember Family, Friends and other people, that are just not friends yet, are what matters.

Just a thought:

Why can't we train dogs to alert on the virus? I was coming home today and bringing one of the family labs (my eldest lab from our litter) to the house to visit with his mom and brother...Moosie and Beaux. As soon as we came with in a couple of blocks of my house he sniffed up and raised the ears and started salivating. He could smell/sense the house and his pack. That small episode reminded me of our military working dogs in South Korea who could smell and alert from miles away. I swear it and slept better in my hole know a dog was with us.

I could have sworn that I heard an amazing story of a dog or two who sniffed out cancer on their owner and I think one was in England. Anyway, its just a thought.


You make a good point on debt and HAVING to work. All I know is that we all have bills to pay, big or small and when this thing first went down we automatically proposed to forgo our salary to pay the salaries of our employees. I mentioned this before, but we had just hired a guy full time two weeks before the shut down. In the end we probably could have sustained that idea for about 4 to 6 months with out the stimulus package for businesses. But fortunately we were considered essential and business has been a booming.

I recently heard about a lady who created a "go fund me" page to help with her mortgage so she does not go into default. She also made one for her yoga business to keep it sustained. She also created a "go fund me" page for her daughters upcoming school European trip and then she started another "go fund me" page for HER to go as a "chaperon"...oh and her husband too and the youngest daughter...cause she can't be home alone while the family is in Europe!

She's been a taker and a user since high school. Taking advantage of a situation and greed goes both ways.

John from Texas
I recently heard about a lady who created a "go fund me" page to help with her mortgage so she does not go into default. She also made one for her yoga business to keep it sustained. She also created a "go fund me" page for her daughters upcoming school European trip and then she started another "go fund me" page for HER to go as a "chaperon"...oh and her husband too and the youngest daughter...cause she can't be home alone while the family is in Europe!

She's been a taker and a user since high school. Taking advantage of a situation and greed goes both ways.

John from Texas

What a piece of...……………………


One of the clerks at my local post office lost his house and everything in it due to a two alarm fire last weekend, himself, his four kids and his wife literally got of the house with the clothes on their back.

The other clerks started a go fund me page for him and his family; you know, a worthy cause.

Some people disgust me.

The worst part is people will donate money to her "go fund me" fund raising efforts...………………………...I hope she ends up with $1.72...…………..go fund me takes a chunk of it, so she'll end up with change for a quarter.

Just a thought:

Why can't we train dogs to alert on the virus? I was coming home today and bringing one of the family labs (my eldest lab from our litter) to the house to visit with his mom and brother...Moosie and Beaux. As soon as we came with in a couple of blocks of my house he sniffed up and raised the ears and started salivating. He could smell/sense the house and his pack. That small episode reminded me of our military working dogs in South Korea who could smell and alert from miles away. I swear it and slept better in my hole know a dog was with us.

I could have sworn that I heard an amazing story of a dog or two who sniffed out cancer on their owner and I think one was in England. Anyway, its just a thought.

I believe that dogs can smell a lot of diseases. Knowing this, my paranoia is a dog comes to smells me and thinks to itself, "Man, that guy is sick. He only got about 4-months left to live. Maybe I should wag my tail to make him feel better."
I believe that dogs can smell a lot of diseases. Knowing this, my paranoia is a dog comes to smells me and thinks to itself, "Man, that guy is sick. He only got about 4-months left to live. Maybe I should wag my tail to make him feel better."

aaaaaaah...hahaha...that's funny...I'm gonna keep a close eye on my dog's tail now...
Yesterday the US reported a record 50,000 cases. The US has approximately 330 million population.
Combined China, Southeast Asia and Western Europe have a population of approximately 3 billion
and had 6500 reported cases yesterday.

The numbers may not be accurate but there is no doubt that we have more cases than any other country
or region.

We do so many things right, why can't we get this right?
But our death toll is one of the lowest I believe.
But our death toll is one of the lowest I believe.

Actually, according to the World Health Organization we have far and away the highest death toll, at more than 130,000, we represent more than a quarter of the worldwide Covid death total of 512,842. Our political system being divided among Federal, State and Local governments simply does not lend itself to an effective, unified response like the ones you see in most other countries.
If you take the mistakes made at the nursing homes away,which I know you can't realistically but we would have less then half the deaths we have recorded.I also know that Colorado took over 300 deaths off the list which were considered covid related but found out later not to be.
Yesterday the US reported a record 50,000 cases. The US has approximately 330 million population.
Combined China, Southeast Asia and Western Europe have a population of approximately 3 billion
and had 6500 reported cases yesterday.

The numbers may not be accurate but there is no doubt that we have more cases than any other country
or region.

We do so many things right, why can't we get this right?

And today?

56,012 infections reported...a NEW record on this day 2 July 2020.

There are those who don't want to get this right. Plain and simple and I don't know why.

John from Texas

PS: It just went up to 56,015 at 10 PM Texas time.
John from Texas
Proud Mask wearer and nitrile glove wearer and anti-bacterial slather-er. I put that chit on everything, including you if your close by.

PS: The COVID thread has been shut down twice and this is the "COVID the 3rd" thread which I vowed I will leave if it gets shut down again. I hope this thread exists until 2021, cause thats how long this is going to last.

PPS: It was 100 degrees today with a heat index with humidity around 105. Because of that and our Johnny come lately governor who ordered a state wide madatory mask wearing rule, I am masking with fresh breathe now as I now have SCOPE in my car now. Heat with a mask and bad breath...ugh! Not for me. Travel bottles of SCOPE do the trick! Plus, ICE COLD water in a Yeti Cup.
Regarding statistics, we will not get fully accurate statistics until long after this is over.

That said, we have a lot of cases here. Regarding death toll, take out nursing homes and it halves the number at least. I know that doesn't lessen the death toll, but you have to look at the full number and take into account the nursing homes, pre existing conditions, etc to fully break down the number. End of day, it is still a large number and that is terrible.

That doesn't solve our disjointed system, but again, I am not blaming one State versus another, none are perfect from nursing home decisions to restaurant re-openings. We will Monday morning quarterback this forever in the press, on this forum, your daily lives, etc.

I’m only going by your words. Moreover, I have little desire to discuss these issues with you so let’s ignore each other going forward.
The Vid has altered air travel completely.

I have flown twice now in the past month.

The entire experience, from the airports themselves to the actual flights, is so different than what I am used to.
I’m only going by your words. Moreover, I have little desire to discuss these issues with you so let’s ignore each other going forward.

I’ve never understood certain members making a big song and dance about leaving the forum and then boom a few weeks later they’re back posting.

The beauty of the forum is that you can come and go as you please.

What’s the big deal?
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I’ve never understood certain members making a big song and dance about leaving the forum and then boom a few weeks later they’re back posting.

The beauty of the forum is that you can come and go as you please.

What’s the big deal?

There isn't one. My latest threat was to get attention...I was feeling a little lonely and cold. Funny thing is nobody swooned over me not to leave if this one was shut down and thats coming from the guy who re-started this thread twice. We men can be just as dramatic as any "drama queen". Now, I'm not calling anyone here a drama queen, but just making fun of myself here.

Yeah, we can come as we go and no-one passes any judgement. I left for a while to deal with the family sickness, but came back to my brothers and sisters here to engage and discuss the COVID happenings of the day. Its all good and refreshing to catch up on the latest mish mash via the thread that makes me laugh, pause and ponder other view points.

John "Mango from SNL fame" from Texas
Unbelievable...some people have no couth.

A Forth Worth, TX "micro aggression" of the highest order with a disgusting end.

AND over Miller Lite? I would have had a wee bit more respect for her if she was buying Stella Artois or another premium beer, but no...Miller Lite. Thats low man and I'm trying not to be a beer snob.

John from Texas
God Lord this thing is getting close:

My hairdressers college age daughter (19) just tested positive and she is shutting down her salon. Her and her family have to get tested.

Our neighbors daughter (she's around 25) who was visiting from Houston just tested positive. I don't know if she is home right now or in Houston. But now the whole family has to get tested.

This is worse when we started with all the precautions we took back in Spring. There's a news field report on CNN about Methodist Hospital here in San Antonio and it is an eye opener.

John from Texas
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