COVID the 3rd (4 Viewers)

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I think if you look at the timeline between spikes and gradual decline, it is 4 to 6 months worldwide. The US is a very large Country, it is going to take a bit to go through. My opinion, follow common sense, social distance and wear a mask when you go out and you should be ok. I would avoid crowded large scale type bars and close quarter athletic events (NFL, MLB) and unfortunately rock concerts in large areas.

Additionally when this all started a general timeline showed a peak in June, so the spiking may be just that in some areas. Regarding a 2nd wave, who knows, it makes a great headline, but I am not sure there is a ton of concrete science behind it as there is not a ton of concrete science behind COVID in general. Again, this is going to have to run its course until there is Herd Immunity, Vaccine, Both , etc and people are going to have to make their own judgements as they move through it.

That said, personally, I have no issue with going to a beach and sitting by ourselves, we have always done that, so no different. We go about our business with family, no issue. I am not in a hot zone, so not as much pressure as being in say _ NYC. I will probably not visit NYC for the foreseeable future sadly.

Common sense goes a long way in fighting this virus. Panic attitude nor brazen attitude does much good either way.

Well let's see how long this thread lasts. As for Facebook, I've been on it several years, about 20 of my FB friends are ex High School buddies, it's been great catching up and keeping in touch with them. It seems weird that a lot of them are Grand parents already, my Two sons don't look like getting married anytime soon. One thing I have learned is that it's best not to be FB friends with work colleagues, you have to watch your back.
Decided to visit the "geezer-grocery" in a retirement community up the road this morning.

Sure enough, EVERYONE appeared to be wearing a mask.


Perhaps thirty minutes later, I'm cruising the produce area with a list in my hand. Walking around, attempting to locate a cucumber, I notice a young woman with no mask, shopping for raspberries. Could she have left it in the car?

Back and forth, I walk. This isn't my store, so I don't know where things are. I walk back past the breakfast fruits, and the young woman is still rummaging through the raspberries. Nothing too odd about that. However, it was on this second encounter that I noticed that she was opening the packages and holding the contents up to her face, apparently for a better look. Yuk!

Until that exact moment, I thought that the gal might actually be a store employee looking for old/bad stock.

At any rate, I needed to get things wrapped up. Another trip around the produce section, again referencing my shopping list. Once more, I stroll past the berry section. Darned if she's not still there, going through the raspberries one package at a time. Opening up each container, it was as if she was smelling the fruit for wholesomeness. And then I realized that she didn't have a shopping basket or cart.

Sort of set off an alarm.

At the other end of the produce area, I could see some store employees. I discreetly meandered over and told them what I had observed in the last ten minutes or so. One of them told me that he would "monitor the situation."

If you see something, say something, right?

Minutes later, I felt a little guilty standing in line to checkout, having indulged my wildest fantasies of vigilantism. Surely, the little gal wasn't purposely trying to contaminate raw fruit for seniors. "What a schmuck, yours truly," I thought to myself.:rolleyes:

Like all stories, this one has to end, and mercifully did so as I went to exit the store.

Right before I got to the automatic doors, I passed by the self-checkout stand.

The young woman was standing there, apparently purchasing but a single item, a package of raspberries.

" Hi," I said, as I passed by, whereupon, she turned to face me.

And she was wearing a mask.
That's some story.

I'll never be able to look at rasberries the same way now.
Well for the first time in four months, I am happy to report that here in MA, we had zero deaths associated with COVID19 yesterday.

As in none.

A big fat 0.

We've come a long way, very proud of our governor and the citizens of the commonwealth, we in the northeast sometimes get a bum rap, but when the chips were down, we pulled together as a state.

We can't let up, we have to keep pushing until there are 0 new cases, 0 deaths.

How long that will take, God only knows.
Well for the first time in four months, I am happy to report that here in MA, we had zero deaths associated with COVID19 yesterday.

As in none.

A big fat 0.

We've come a long way, very proud of our governor and the citizens of the commonwealth, we in the northeast sometimes get a bum rap, but when the chips were down, we pulled together as a state.

We can't let up, we have to keep pushing until there are 0 new cases, 0 deaths.

How long that will take, God only knows.


0 deaths . . . that's the best news I've heard in months. Well done Massachusetts!:salute::
Massachusetts mask up baby!
Now.... we have to make sure cam newton wears his mask too 😉
Massachusetts mask up baby!
Now.... we have to make sure cam newton wears his mask too 😉

I've seen the proposed helmets NFL players will be wearing if there is a season, they have built in masks, they look pretty cool...………….not sure there will be a season, but IF there is one and IF Cam's foot and shoulder are good to go and IF he wins the starting job and IF he is successful and IF he leads the Patriots to SB title #7, heads across the league will explode.

And there is no IF in that last part...…………………….make it happen God, make it so...…………………….:wink2:
I've seen the proposed helmets NFL players will be wearing if there is a season, they have built in masks, they look pretty cool...………….not sure there will be a season, but IF there is one and IF Cam's foot and shoulder are good to go and IF he wins the starting job and IF he is successful and IF he leads the Patriots to SB title #7, heads across the league will explode.

And there is no IF in that last part...…………………….make it happen God, make it so...…………………….:wink2:

And if that happens, if he takes the corpse of Cam Newton and wins another super bowl, it proves that it was all Belichick, and he could have done it with anybody at QB.{eek3} I just don't see that happening.
Well for the first time in four months, I am happy to report that here in MA, we had zero deaths associated with COVID19 yesterday.

As in none.

A big fat 0.

We've come a long way, very proud of our governor and the citizens of the commonwealth, we in the northeast sometimes get a bum rap, but when the chips were down, we pulled together as a state.

We can't let up, we have to keep pushing until there are 0 new cases, 0 deaths.

How long that will take, God only knows.

That's wonderful news George! Thank you and congratulations! I hope someday I can report the same from CA.
Cheers to you my friend,
NZ holding fast with no new cases of Covid reported in the last couple of days.

We’re currently holding at 22x cases, all are recent arrivals returning home to NZ.

Great to hear Aussie states opening up their boarders!

On May 1st I posted that the death toll due to COVID-19 here in the US was 63,871. On June 1st the death toll is 106,195. Which means that in one month 42,324 souls have ONE month with no end in sight.

Today, July 1st the US death toll is 130,123 per World O Meter. So, here is the tale of the tape since March in the US.

March 25-802

April 6-10,764

May 1-63,871

June 1-106,195

July 1-130,123

From June to July there were 23,928 deaths...and counting. The reason why I have these numbers is because since my wife diagnosis I have been journaling her battle with breast cancer and its affect on our family. Some of my entries are random musings and stories, but more so observations of her health while undergoing chemo. You can imagine that the entries take a significant turn with the injections of COVID in our lives, but around March is when I started keeping track of those who have passed. You can see the biggest jump was from April to May then May to June where the death rate increased by the tens of thousands. These number of deaths are stunning and like George says "no end in sight". I fear what the numbers will be by August 1st.


That is awesome that MA is down to zero keep it up...or down I should say.


I got a Costco story from back in March that is quite similar to yours, however on that day it would not end with the grossness going around town.

San Antonio is blowing up and the Joe Freeman Coliseum is being converted into a hospital. I remember seeing a wrestling match there when I was a teenager: The Hulk, Superfly Snooka, The Ultimate Warrior, Jake the Snake and Roddy Piper. Man, that was back in the days. Now the coliseum is used for concerts and the rodeo, or should I say was used.

John from Texas
neighbor just called me to tell me the news...
family living 3 house from me has contracted COVID-19...
time to really buckle down...
I spoke with my long time friend and associate in Taiwan last night.
They did not have a major outbreak of the virus as they shut down travel
and quarantined as a nation early on. Today they have almost no cases
and everything has opened up. Only mandatory to wear face masks on
public transportation but almost everyone wears masks in public anyway.
Its now 36C/97F temperature in Taiwan but still he told me walking in
Taipei everyone is wearing a mask.
He said "it takes a disciplined society" to control the virus spread.
Of course Taiwan is an island nation with only 25 million population.

On the other side a good friend of mine here in NY told me that his wife
went out with friends for drinks last week and now 3 of the 6 women have
the virus. His wife has symptoms and is getting tested today.
The women are in their 40's and all have families who are now exposed.

Its not even close to being over and I'm afraid that without a national
response and cohesive policy this will go on and on.
Louis...he's a pretty old guy...probably 90...I have not seen him in several months...but it's scary that it's so close...I'm extremely vigilant about social distancing and wearing gloves and a mask...I go get groceries every 2 weeks...and nobody comes inside my home...but's scary to me...I can't get it off my mind this's time to buckle down extra hard...really protect myself...
The numbers continue to look sobering. You also get the sense of COVID exhaustion and basically letting events run their course at this point. Doesn't bode well for society if a more significant threat has to be dealt with someday. Imagine what would happen if there were so many folks sick that they couldn't drive the trucks, keep the grocery stores open, and power on. Things would fall apart quickly. Almost no one can fend for themselves for more than a few days.
Louis...he's a pretty old guy...probably 90...I have not seen him in several months...but it's scary that it's so close...I'm extremely vigilant about social distancing and wearing gloves and a mask...I go get groceries every 2 weeks...and nobody comes inside my home...but's scary to me...I can't get it off my mind this's time to buckle down extra hard...really protect myself...

Mike, wishing you the best. I’m sure I don’t need to mention about washing your hands, etc.

Best of luck.
Mike, wishing you the best. I’m sure I don’t need to mention about washing your hands, etc.

Best of luck.

Hello Brad...glad to see you posting...hope all is well...I wash my hands like a surgeon operating on his mother...^&grin
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