COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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Why work when you don't have to?

What a disgrace.

Keep finding more programs giving out free this and free that, maybe they'll hand out another round of stimulus checks soon.

Many issues relating to the pandemic have been politicized to the point that its difficult to sort out the reality. But every single restaurant or service-related industry that I've seen in the last month has a skeleton crew. Everyone is desperate to hire workers. Primarily at the lower wage jobs. So my own eyes tell me that the stimulus checks have resulted in a severe shortage of lower wage workers returning to work. A real fubar for which the tax payers are now stuck paying millions.
Many issues relating to the pandemic have been politicized to the point that its difficult to sort out the reality. But every single restaurant or service-related industry that I've seen in the last month has a skeleton crew. Everyone is desperate to hire workers. Primarily at the lower wage jobs. So my own eyes tell me that the stimulus checks have resulted in a severe shortage of lower wage workers returning to work. A real fubar for which the tax payers are now stuck paying millions.

Restaurants have gotten hammered during this entire mess; here in MA we've got a a tourist area known as Cape Cod, there are loads of restaurants on the Cape that heavily depend on seasonal help and they can't find anyone who wants to work during the Summer much more can restaurants take?

Nearly half of Americans have gotten vaccinated, our mask mandate here in MA gets lifted on the 29th; if you've gotten the vaccine, you don't have to wear a mask in stores, but if you haven't, you are still required to wear one.

So hands up; how many people think non vaccinated people are going to keep wearing masks?......................

Yeah, just what I thought; so come on into stores without masks and spread COVID all over the place.

That's just awesome.
Many issues relating to the pandemic have been politicized to the point that its difficult to sort out the reality. But every single restaurant or service-related industry that I've seen in the last month has a skeleton crew. Everyone is desperate to hire workers. Primarily at the lower wage jobs. So my own eyes tell me that the stimulus checks have resulted in a severe shortage of lower wage workers returning to work. A real fubar for which the tax payers are now stuck paying millions.

I read an article yesterday saying a lot of former restaurant workers that were laid off just don't want to return to that kind of work. They only make like $2 an hour and have to live on tips, lousy unpredictable schedules, no benefits. They're taking jobs in things like working in a warehouse where they can make at least $15 an hour and have benefits.
I read an article yesterday saying a lot of former restaurant workers that were laid off just don't want to return to that kind of work. They only make like $2 an hour and have to live on tips, lousy unpredictable schedules, no benefits. They're taking jobs in things like working in a warehouse where they can make at least $15 an hour and have benefits.

I can understand why no one wants to do those jobs but they did so before the pandemic. Something has clearly changed since no one is working them now. Did they all move to some other industry with higher paying jobs that just materialized and were not available before the pandemic? Maybe some but a lot of folks are collecting the stimulus benefits and taking a long vacation. It's too widespread a phenomena. Every single restaurant is under staffed.
hospitality and food industry must really be hurting to restock with employees...
a friend of mine who owns a restaurant in Galveston told me this months ago...
that he was having trouble getting employees...
I didn't think much of it til today...

I saw an ad on tv that Denny's was hiring...

a restaurant chain advertising on tv for help to run it's stores...
never seen that before...
There is a video of the guy in California who went on a shooting rampage yesterday loading his truck with guns etc. He also set fire to his house. Interestingly he is wearing his COVID mask. You can't make that up.
Here's a inside scoop, if you think Meat prices are high now wait another 3 months....feed, transportation, labor are all going through the roof, also many companies are now paying higher minimum wages which means all these increases are past along to consumers...if you find some good deals on burgers, steaks for Memorial weekend I say stock up !!
Here's a inside scoop, if you think Meat prices are high now wait another 3 months....feed, transportation, labor are all going through the roof, also many companies are now paying higher minimum wages which means all these increases are past along to consumers...if you find some good deals on burgers, steaks for Memorial weekend I say stock up !!

I don't eat red meat, but thanks anyway for the tip.
George mate,
I had you down for a nice Rib Eye Steak and a cold beer standing around a BBQ talking TS.{sm4} Stay safe cobber.

Cheers Howard

Nice as always to hear from you Howard......................the cold beer part works for me all day stay safe as well.

You don't eat red meat? But what about the FAJITAS brother???

Fajitas used be poor mans food in my they are sheik.

John from Texas

You don't eat red meat? But what about the FAJITAS brother???

Fajitas used be poor mans food in my they are sheik.

John from Texas

I dropped 36 pounds in the last 15 months.....................instead of the quarantine 15, it was the quarantine 36............certain things had to go; red meat, brownies, muffins, chocolate chip cookies, cheese its, english muffins with PB and J on them, raisin bread with butter...................anything that tasted good, I stopped eating..................

Just turned 60, so I didn't want to turn into the stay puffed marshmallow man.................
I dropped 36 pounds in the last 15 months.....................instead of the quarantine 15, it was the quarantine 36............certain things had to go; red meat, brownies, muffins, chocolate chip cookies, cheese its, english muffins with PB and J on them, raisin bread with butter...................anything that tasted good, I stopped eating..................

Just turned 60, so I didn't want to turn into the stay puffed marshmallow man.................

Dude, you got to live! What’s the point of turning 60 if you aren’t going to be happy. Oops, there I go again telling people what to do. Forget what I said!
Dude, you got to live! What’s the point of turning 60 if you aren’t going to be happy. Oops, there I go again telling people what to do. Forget what I said!

Because I want to turn 61?....................;)...............
It’s overrated ^&grin

I am still waiting for the promises of my great 40’s and 50’s?

So many people told me how great my 30’s were going to be.

Maybe I have lived a charmed life but it is going to be tough to beat my 20’s.......
It’s overrated ^&grin
You got that right. Besides the obvious advantage of being above ground and breathing, I can't say that I've found a whole lot of fun since turning 66 a couple of years ago. Seems like everything went south physically and this covid isolation has been a disaster. As my father used to say, "The Golden Years...BS!" -{sm3} -- Al
You guys don't know what is in store for you yet. I'm 72 and let me tell you . ..
Today is the first the YMCA doesn’t require masks to work out. The only person wearing a mask is me! Unless I know that everyone here has been vaccinated I will continue to wear one.
Been out and about the past few days; grocery store, CVS, Home Depot, Pet Supply Store, Staples.................they all have signs that say "Masks are not required to enter if you have been fully vaccinated; if not, you are required to wear one"...........

I'm fully vaccinated, so I chose not to wear one.................and let me tell you, it felt great, what a relief, life is FINALLY getting back to normal.

Everything I have heard and read and also in speaking with my doctor; if you are fully vaccinated, the chances of getting COVID are very slim.

You see; THAT is the purpose of a vaccine........................and, if you do get it, the symptoms will be so mild, you won't even know you have it.

I was as big of a proponent of wearing masks as anyone; now the opposite it true..................if you've had both jabs, for the love of GOD, go back to living your life, don't be afraid, don't worry, don't live in fear.

The only people I saw the past couple of days wearing masks were older people; I can understand their apprehension, but they really have nothing to worry about, I hope over time people will become less concerned and stop wearing them.

The past year was an incredible ****show, SO glad it's's time to live again everybody.
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