COVID the 3rd (4 Viewers)

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You have more chance of death or injury from driving a car than with this Vaccine. Every medicine and vaccine have some risk of bad reactions. Life itself is "risk management"but you try to use logic and common sense to lower your odds of trouble. Sadly I have a good friend whose daughter was killed crossing the street in New York City by a taxi. The statistics are clear as every state and hospital report that the overwhelming number of cases and deaths are with UNVACCINATED patients. And the variants are spreading among pockets of unvaccinated people which puts us all in jeopardy. I don't see that we have much choice in deciding to be vaccinated unless there are underlying medical reasons that outweigh the benefits.

One more note on doctors....I am sure there are many brilliant doctors and researchers who have strong opinions. Credentials are impressive but I recently had a surgeon who was Chairman of department at Harvard and John Hopkins and he almost cost me my life! No one is infallible so look to as many sources as possible before making a decision.
The Australian political system varies in a number of ways to USA, and other countries for that matter.

In Australia you vote for the Political Party rather than the leader that is elected by the Party. Our Two main Parties are the Liberal Party of Australia, which is actually a Conservative party, and the Australian Labor Party which traditionally represented the Workers, but not so much these days. The nominated leader becomes the Prime Minister if the Party wins the election, however the Party can replace the Prime Minister relatively easily and voters have no say on who the new Prime Minister will be, which is not ideal IMO, but I guess we're stuck with it for now.

We have similar media bias here, with TV companies etc supporting their favorite political party. There has always been some political bias but is seems to get worse and more obtuse each year. The bottom line is that whoever is in power, the average person on all 'sides' gets shafted as the media seems as corrupt and self serving as the political parties.

That's totally spot on.

And also very sad.

Yes; here in the US, you have Republicans, Democrats and Independents, Republicans vote for whoever their party nominates, Democrats do the same, so in the end, you are not voting for the PERSON, you are voting for the PARTY that you are affiliated with.

My Mom is a Democrat, my Dad was a Republican, but they taught all of their kids to vote for the PERSON, not the PARTY, my Mom has become independent, my Dad became so as well................that's how voting should work; you vote for the PERSON you think will best do the job, not blindly along party lines regardless of who is running.

Ok, enough about politics, it's back to toy soldiers for me.................
You have more chance of death or injury from driving a car than with this Vaccine. Every medicine and vaccine have some risk of bad reactions. Life itself is "risk management"but you try to use logic and common sense to lower your odds of trouble. Sadly I have a good friend whose daughter was killed crossing the street in New York City by a taxi. The statistics are clear as every state and hospital report that the overwhelming number of cases and deaths are with UNVACCINATED patients. And the variants are spreading among pockets of unvaccinated people which puts us all in jeopardy. I don't see that we have much choice in deciding to be vaccinated unless there are underlying medical reasons that outweigh the benefits.

One more note on doctors....I am sure there are many brilliant doctors and researchers who have strong opinions. Credentials are impressive but I recently had a surgeon who was Chairman of department at Harvard and John Hopkins and he almost cost me my life! No one is infallible so look to as many sources as possible before making a decision.

At the end of the day, we all have to do what we feel is best for us; either get the vaccine or don't.

As you said, life itself is indeed risk management; I choose not to skydive, ride a motorcycle, play with fireworks, go on a safari and get out of my vehicle and interact with lions, eat at fast food restaurants, smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol daily.

Others do; that's fine, do as you see fit.

Regarding the vaccine; yes, it can literally save your life, some will get it, others won't.

Risk management.

And yes, there are brilliant doctors on both sides of the vaccination debate; none of them decided for me to get the vaccine or not get it, much like what I do for hobbies and what I put in my body, at the end of the day, it was my decision.

As I've said, I can't imagine being in a hospital near death from COVID and thinking "Man, if only I had gotten the vaccine"......................
You have more chance of death or injury from driving a car than with this Vaccine. Every medicine and vaccine have some risk of bad reactions. Life itself is "risk management"but you try to use logic and common sense to lower your odds of trouble. Sadly I have a good friend whose daughter was killed crossing the street in New York City by a taxi. The statistics are clear as every state and hospital report that the overwhelming number of cases and deaths are with UNVACCINATED patients. And the variants are spreading among pockets of unvaccinated people which puts us all in jeopardy. I don't see that we have much choice in deciding to be vaccinated unless there are underlying medical reasons that outweigh the benefits.

One more note on doctors....I am sure there are many brilliant doctors and researchers who have strong opinions. Credentials are impressive but I recently had a surgeon who was Chairman of department at Harvard and John Hopkins and he almost cost me my life! No one is infallible so look to as many sources as possible before making a decision.

Credentials don’t determine competence. Years ago I was working on a multi billion deal and the lead lawyer from the firm we were using (a principal partner there) asked who was working on one of the important side agreements and when one of the other lawyers said “the Harvard kid,” he nearly had a conniption.
At the end of the day, we all have to do what we feel is best for us; either get the vaccine or don't.

Regarding the vaccine; yes, it can literally save your life, some will get it, others won't.

this is it...
everybody has a choice...
do what you feel is right...
find someone you trust...
a doctor...a tv media source...a website...
to each his own...
I got my second shot Tuesday. I felt good when I got up Wednesday .My arm did hurt some but otherwise ok. But it was so hot Wednesday I literally collapsed when I got home. (it isn't climate controlled where I work).I slept and slept and actually was late for work Thursday. Some think it was a combo of the heat and the shot but I don't know. I had scheduled a vacation day for Wednesday and should have took it. My personal doctor didn't recommend getting the vaccine which surprised me. I think the vaccines overall are very good. There are always going to be people (very few) who have side effects. I don't know why the vaccines have become so ago political. Both major parties recommend getting the vaccine but yet are still fighting about it. I think the above ground nuclear testing they did 60 years ago is really starting to kick in. {eek3}
Delta is so contagious that it is believed that it can be transmitted by people passing each other - i.e., "fleeting contact."

The increased transmissibility of the Delta variant is a dire concern. In Sydney, Australia, several people were infected in “fleeting” non-physical contact in a cafe and a shopping mall. CCTV footage revealed two people walking past each other while at a mall transmitting the virus. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian told reporters in Sydney that "We also need to recognize that this Delta variant... is actually a gold medallist when it comes to jumping from one person to another,". ​

edit: here's a NZ health update that discusses this:
I got my second shot Tuesday. I felt good when I got up Wednesday .My arm did hurt some but otherwise ok. But it was so hot Wednesday I literally collapsed when I got home. (it isn't climate controlled where I work).I slept and slept and actually was late for work Thursday. Some think it was a combo of the heat and the shot but I don't know. I had scheduled a vacation day for Wednesday and should have took it. My personal doctor didn't recommend getting the vaccine which surprised me. I think the vaccines overall are very good. There are always going to be people (very few) who have side effects. I don't know why the vaccines have become so ago political. Both major parties recommend getting the vaccine but yet are still fighting about it. I think the above ground nuclear testing they did 60 years ago is really starting to kick in. {eek3}

Glad you got it.
I had my First Covid (AstraZeneca) shot 11 days ago, I had several side effects similar to Flu symptoms. As I've had virtually no reactions to past Flu shots I actually went to the Doctor yesterday, mainly due to Bad Headaches and Neck pain over several days.

The Doctor said it was common to have reactions to the initial Covid vaccination, your body doing it's job I guess. He said my Head aches and Neck pain wasn't likely to be the Stroke warning signs I feared. Most likely due to minor whiplash when an idiot driver ran into me last Monday when I was standing on the edge of the road. True story, but not as dramatic as it sounds as he wasn't going very fast and I put my hand out, well basically bashed the Hood of his car with my hand, but it took me by surprise and was a bit of a shock. Lately I'm getting the feeling at 61 years I'm too old to be working on the roads. Maybe I should start up a Toy Soldier business ^&grin
Thanks Mike.

I've just started back at work tonight, on a Motorway. It's Winter here and the other guys asked me why I didn't have warmer clothing on. I guess I've still got a fever from the vaccination. They said I was crazy to get vaccinated, and told me catching Covid naturally was safer. I told them they were a bunch of conspiracy nuts ^&grin
Tucker Carlson; yeah, ok then.

I'm sure the next night, CNN had a doctor on who's son had COVID and he was encouraging him to get vaccinated.

For every point with COVID/the vaccine/masks/social distancing/shut downs, there is a counter point.

On and on and on and on and on and on and on it goes.

Hahaha George, I had a similar reaction… “You lost me at Tucker Carlson!”
Sarcasm noted, got it.

They are all beyond useless, embarrassing is more like it.

Apologies for the sarcasm. Posted quick and then on reflection better understood the point you were making. Apologies to those who might be triggered by the words starting with T C ^&grin

Totally agree with your comments about the mainstream media. Their credibility has taken a big hit in past few years. The obvious bias from both sides also a problem. Not only that their bias is often shown in what is not reported. Won't mention any names but some of the articles posted on Substack are far better than than you will see in the well known publications. Some of the best I have read in the past year have been written by those who would be considered on the "left" but who still write well researched and detailed articles. I read an article that some of the Substack writers can make pretty good money if build up a big enough subscriber list. Not a subscriber myself but read plenty of top rate articles over there.

You mentioned the fleeting contact aspect of the Delta variant. We have had Delta here for a few months. Since our number of cases is, thankfully, fairly low it is easy to follow the spread via the daily news conferences. One press briefing mentioned you could get Delta by passing somebody. However the subsequent infections don't back up that ease of transmission as we should be having far more cases. About two weeks ago we had about 6,000, mostly in Brisbane area, in isolation as possible contacts of cases. However hardly any developed the virus. Then you hear of a gathering in a restaurant or home where a few all catch it. It is very hard to reconcile the different outcomes. Most of our cases come as a result of "leaks" out of hotel quarantine. Or in Brisbanes cases two of our "spreader" scares were unvaccinated hospital staff. As a result Australia reduced number of incoming passengers by half. Only a few hundred coming into Brisbane a week. As a result flights into here almost empty and very expensive.
Apologies for the sarcasm. Posted quick and then on reflection better understood the point you were making. Apologies to those who might be triggered by the words starting with T C ^&grin

Totally agree with your comments about the mainstream media. Their credibility has taken a big hit in past few years. The obvious bias from both sides also a problem. Not only that their bias is often shown in what is not reported. Won't mention any names but some of the articles posted on Substack are far better than than you will see in the well known publications. Some of the best I have read in the past year have been written by those who would be considered on the "left" but who still write well researched and detailed articles. I read an article that some of the Substack writers can make pretty good money if build up a big enough subscriber list. Not a subscriber myself but read plenty of top rate articles over there.

You mentioned the fleeting contact aspect of the Delta variant. We have had Delta here for a few months. Since our number of cases is, thankfully, fairly low it is easy to follow the spread via the daily news conferences. One press briefing mentioned you could get Delta by passing somebody. However the subsequent infections don't back up that ease of transmission as we should be having far more cases. About two weeks ago we had about 6,000, mostly in Brisbane area, in isolation as possible contacts of cases. However hardly any developed the virus. Then you hear of a gathering in a restaurant or home where a few all catch it. It is very hard to reconcile the different outcomes. Most of our cases come as a result of "leaks" out of hotel quarantine. Or in Brisbanes cases two of our "spreader" scares were unvaccinated hospital staff. As a result Australia reduced number of incoming passengers by half. Only a few hundred coming into Brisbane a week. As a result flights into here almost empty and very expensive.

No need to apologize, sorry my point was not clear out of the chute.............yes, the media is quite frankly embarrassing on both sides of the aisle regardless of who they align themselves with.

One half of the media here downplayed the rioting and looting that took place over the Summer, the other half downplayed the breach at the Capital building; they are both useless.

Fair and balanced news reporting has gone out the window, it's become an "us against them" mentality.

I can only imagine how WWII would have been reported here in the US as things currently stand; half the media would be calling the Japanese, Italians and Germans a huge menace and a threat to democracy, the other half would be livid over stereotyping them as bad people/accuse people of racism and telling us they have rights too and lets give them all a big hug.

Glad you have the Delta variant under control; in this country, there are 50 states with 50 different policies, guaranteed if things get worse, some will bring back masks and start to impose restrictions, others will be wide open and telling everyone there is nothing to worry about.
If you are vaccinated, you shouldn't have much if anything to worry about. Even in the rare case you get it, the odds are in your favor you would not even know it. At this point, it is out of sight out of mind for me. I am vaccinated, life moves on and so it goes.

As for California putting a mask mandate back in place and no offense to California friends on here, but I certainly would not trust or take into consideration anything LA County does as normal. Isn't this the same place where the District Attorney ordered police and DA's not to show up parole hearings including the ones for the Manson Murderers? I would say any advice or narrative they put out should be regarded as hogwash at best. What a looney tunes County/Town for real, it really is make believe out there, truly the only location for an industry who makes their living on fictional narratives! :)

If you are vaccinated, you shouldn't have much if anything to worry about. Even in the rare case you get it, the odds are in your favor you would not even know it. At this point, it is out of sight out of mind for me. I am vaccinated, life moves on and so it goes.

As for California putting a mask mandate back in place and no offense to California friends on here, but I certainly would not trust or take into consideration anything LA County does as normal. Isn't this the same place where the District Attorney ordered police and DA's not to show up parole hearings including the ones for the Manson Murderers? I would say any advice or narrative they put out should be regarded as hogwash at best. What a looney tunes County/Town for real, it really is make believe out there, truly the only location for an industry who makes their living on fictional narratives! :)


So true about LA Tom, it has descended into utter madness. I'm born and raised here, and the contrast between what it once was and what it is now is stark. I'm only still here to look after my parents. When they are gone, we will be leaving CA. LA and big cities across America have been destroyed by liberal policies. It's a clear, simple fact at this point, and it's such a shame.

So true about LA Tom, it has descended into utter madness. I'm born and raised here, and the contrast between what it once was and what it is now is stark. I'm only still here to look after my parents. When they are gone, we will be leaving CA. LA and big cities across America have been destroyed by liberal policies. It's a clear, simple fact at this point, and it's such a shame.



in all seriousness, I didn't even mean it political or anything along those lines. I just meant it literally as when I hear LA, I now think fantasy island! BUT, I do fondly remember early trips to LA and Disneyland. And of course, I remember my favorite music genre flourishing on the Sunset Strip! Every band/singer from Elton John to Ozzy to GNR to Def Leppard owes that strip for a lot of their success.

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