COVID the 3rd (7 Viewers)

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The airlines are their own worst enemy. They have the absolute worst customer service. Rude, incompetent, and understaffed. Customers are stressed out by the time they get on a plane. Then they are crammed into a metal tube rocketing through the sky for hours with all manner of humanity and screaming babies. These people are sold alcohol even when intoxicated. The results are predictable.

Maybe but people didn’t act like that before the pandemic. The above is no excuse for bad behavior.
Whatever happened to the Brazil variant that was going to kill even more people than the original virus?

Jason, I believe the Indian 'Delta' variant has surpassed the 'Brazilian' version now as the most contagious which isn't surprising given its a virus prone to mutating rapidly to adapt to its given environment.

........And lets not forget it was given a little nudge by human hands...
Maybe but people didn’t act like that before the pandemic. The above is no excuse for bad behavior.

Sure they did. Maybe it has gotten more prevalent but it has always happened. Now that everyone and their brother has a camera at all times every event is captured on video. So it just gets more attention. The responsibility lies with the person who engages in this type of behavior but alcohol and the stressful conditions the airlines put passengers under are significant contributing factors to the behavior.
Maybe it has gotten more prevalent but it has always happened. The responsibility lies with the person who engages in this type of behavior but alcohol and the stressful conditions the airlines put passengers under are significant contributing factors to the behavior.

Sounds like typical American behavior; I want to get to where I am going ahead of everyone else, the sun rises and sets on me, I don't care about the passengers on the four planes in front of me waiting to take off, I want to get where I am going now and if I can't, I'll take it out on this poor flight attendant.

Goes a long way towards explaining a lot about how COVID became a year long show in the good old US of A, everything from hording essentials to throwing fit over having to wear a mask to refusing to get vaccinated.

Our greatest generation are all either shaking their heads or rolling in their graves in Normandy, in the sands of Africa or on the islands of the Pacific.
Sounds like typical American behavior; I want to get to where I am going ahead of everyone else, the sun rises and sets on me, I don't care about the passengers on the four planes in front of me waiting to take off, I want to get where I am going now and if I can't, I'll take it out on this poor flight attendant.

Goes a long way towards explaining a lot about how COVID became a year long show in the good old US of A, everything from hording essentials to throwing fit over having to wear a mask to refusing to get vaccinated.

Our greatest generation are all either shaking their heads or rolling in their graves in Normandy, in the sands of Africa or on the islands of the Pacific.

George I don't disagree but it happens all over the world not just in the USA. I started flying to Asia for business in the early 70's and probably flew over 100 times to that part of the world. With the exception of the Japanese who always seemed more polite and patient the pushing, shoving and rudeness of other Asian passengers was unbelievable. Eventually my boss let me fly business or first class on overseas flights and that was heaven compared to economy and coach!
I flew all over the US as well and asides from screaming kids and a few intoxicated morons it was never that bad. Nowadays politics, religion and the culture wars creep into everything and create more anger and resentment. We need to chill and make the best of a bad situation with logic and patience. Easier said then done!
Sounds like typical American behavior; I want to get to where I am going ahead of everyone else, the sun rises and sets on me, I don't care about the passengers on the four planes in front of me waiting to take off, I want to get where I am going now and if I can't, I'll take it out on this poor flight attendant.

Goes a long way towards explaining a lot about how COVID became a year long ****show in the good old US of A, everything from hording essentials to throwing fit over having to wear a mask to refusing to get vaccinated.

Our greatest generation are all either shaking their heads or rolling in their graves in Normandy, in the sands of Africa or on the islands of the Pacific.

so true George...
Americans do not like to be told what to do...
we are stubborn and have little patience or discipline...
the veil of democracy...freedom and independence that covers us...
makes us think we can get our way if we complain loud enough...

we couldn't even get everyone to wear masks here...
so true George...
Americans do not like to be told what to do...
we are stubborn and have little patience or discipline...
the veil of democracy...freedom and independence that covers us...
makes us think we can get our way if we complain loud enough...

we couldn't even get everyone to wear masks here...

What has happened here in this country the past year or so is unprecedented, needless to say no American has lived through a pandemic prior to this one, we were ill equipped on a number of levels to deal with it...........shortages of PPE equipment, shortages of toilet paper, canned goods, meat and dairy, frozen foods and cleaning supplies due to hoarders, lock downs and people freaking out over it, mask mandates that some ignored, people refusing for non medical reasons to get vaccinated, on and on it goes.

Truth is Americans are not wired for this sort of thing.

Makes me wonder how this country got through WWII with shortages and rationing of certain things for several years, they aren't referred to as the greatest generation for nothing.
Makes me wonder how this country got through WWII with shortages and rationing of certain things for several years, they aren't referred to as the greatest generation for nothing.

that was a different breed of Americans...
My grandparents survived WWI, Spanish Flu, Great Depression and WWII all in a period of 28 years.
My grandparents survived WWI, Spanish Flu, Great Depression and WWII all in a period of 28 years.

So did mine, one set of grandparents from Greece, one from Italy, both of my Grandfathers served in the US Army in WWI, my Greek Grandfather George Karafotias was wounded twice, he walked with a limp the rest of his life as he was badly wounded in the leg...................
The airlines are their own worst enemy. They have the absolute worst customer service. Rude, incompetent, and understaffed. Customers are stressed out by the time they get on a plane. Then they are crammed into a metal tube rocketing through the sky for hours with all manner of humanity and screaming babies. These people are sold alcohol even when intoxicated. The results are predictable.

I have to agree with this. Based on our recent family vacation to Key West last month. We flew the same airline there and back. I told my wife, we will never book another flight with that same airline company again.

I have to agree with this. Based on our recent family vacation to Key West last month. We flew the same airline there and back. I told my wife, we will never book another flight with that same airline company again.


The airlines received billions in stimulus money from the taxpayers but treat their customers like cattle. They charge for absolutely everything - bags, food, water. Allegiant charged me to print my boarding pass to get on the plane. The airline industry has eviscerated all manner of customer service to save money. As a result, the few employees that have on hand are overworked and subject to constant abuse which makes them in turn rude to their customers. A vicious cycle. They cram passengers into seats with barely enough room to sit for hours on end. Then they wonder why there is trouble on these flights.
I will sum up COVID via living in both sides of the spectrum:

At the start of the pandemic, in Texas when I wore a mask I was met by looks of disdain. In California when I did not wear a mask I was met by looks of disdain.

Now, when I do not wear a mask in Texas I am met by looks of disdain. Now, in California when I wear a mask I am met by looks of disdain.

What a bunch of idiots we are, no matter what "side" you are on.......
I will sum up COVID via living in both sides of the spectrum:

At the start of the pandemic, in Texas when I wore a mask I was met by looks of disdain. In California when I did not wear a mask I was met by looks of disdain.

Now, when I do not wear a mask in Texas I am met by looks of disdain. Now, in California when I wear a mask I am met by looks of disdain.

What a bunch of idiots we are, no matter what "side" you are on.......

Jason, you just summed up our Dummy Butt Politicians in one concise post. Add the press and our medical experts in and you have the Looney Bin Trifecta.

I will sum up COVID via living in both sides of the spectrum:

At the start of the pandemic, in Texas when I wore a mask I was met by looks of disdain. In California when I did not wear a mask I was met by looks of disdain.

Now, when I do not wear a mask in Texas I am met by looks of disdain. Now, in California when I wear a mask I am met by looks of disdain.

What a bunch of idiots we are, no matter what "side" you are on.......

I’m surprised that people in Texas had that reaction.

My son and I went to Citifield on Wednesday. We brought our vaccination cards since the Mets policy, as stated on their website, is that if you’re sitting in the vaccinated section, you’re supposed to show proof of vaccination. They didn’t check. The only allowances they made to the pandemic was that you needed to show your ticket on your phone and that all transactions were cashless. Otherwise, everything was back to normal. There is no point in having a policy if you’re not going to follow it. Pandemic? What pandemic?
Went to CVS, the post office, the bank and the supermarket today....................I saw maybe two or three people with masks, they were older people (75 plus)...............everyone else was maskless, the clerks in all places are still wearing masks however.

It's so nice to see things getting back to some sort of normalcy; why anyone who's fully vaccinated at this point is still wearing a mask is beyond my comprehension, but we're all free to live the way we want to live.

My days of living in fear due to the 24/7/365 doom and gloom from the media are over.

Case in point; the Boston Globe used to send out daily updates on the number of daily infections/deaths..........they stopped doing that about three weeks ago...........I went onto their website and had to search high and low to find the daily stats..............the latest one for Wednesday showed 88 infections/2 that explains it; the number has dropped like a stone, so no need to keep panicking everyone with how this COVID thing is still out of control.

And just to be clear, I am in no way, shape or form suggesting we here in the US are out of the woods with COVID; case in point, the seven day average in one week went from 2,000 or so new cases a day up to 13,000, the total number of infected per day in the time period went from again about 2,000 a day to 21,000, so people are still getting sick with COVID, plus there are hot spots around the country, like Missouri for example.

We are far from over this.
I know many on here have expressed frustration regarding 'mis-information' well here's a recent interview involving the Doctor who invented the rMNA vaccine Technology that all the Covid vaccines are based upon.

The presenter is pro-vaccine and asks the obvious question about the troublesome spike protein that Dr Robert Malone raises concern about.

For those of you who've already been vaccinated or thinking about getting vaccinated this is important and useful information from the inventor himself.

As I've stated before I'm all about folks being 'fully' informed.

I’m surprised that people in Texas had that reaction.

My son and I went to Citifield on Wednesday. We brought our vaccination cards since the Mets policy, as stated on their website, is that if you’re sitting in the vaccinated section, you’re supposed to show proof of vaccination. They didn’t check. The only allowances they made to the pandemic was that you needed to show your ticket on your phone and that all transactions were cashless. Otherwise, everything was back to normal. There is no point in having a policy if you’re not going to follow it. Pandemic? What pandemic?


I will preface this response by stating that I love Texas. However.............

People in Texas (native Texans) simply hate being told what to do, no matter what the context, even if it is a matter of life and death.

So when experts said you should wear a mask they all said no, now that the experts are saying it is ok not to wear one those same Texans are saying I will wear one if I want to.

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