Creating The Battle of Rorke's Drift (2 Viewers)

Thanks for the Litte Legion link L-T, I tried to google it a couple of days ago and had to go thru an Ebay auction page to get to find it (must of been working on the site?), your link gets you there directly, thanks. I e-mailed Paul Herrman severals days ago about K&C and haven't heard a word.:confused: :confused: Paul, are you there?:confused: :confused:


Fred I believe he's not one who like's using the computer. I know when I e-mailed him asking about various items he ended up phoning me in lieu of answering by e-mail. If he hasn't got your phone number I recommend you e-mail it to him.........Joe
I just did a search Michael and he doesn't appear to have a site.

Here's his phone number: 404 302 1850

Corrected phone # 414-302-1850.......Just spoke to Paul A#1 super person to talk to. I ordered the Natal Native Horse Set ( Officer, trooper standing, trooper kneeling )............Michael
Corrected phone # 414-302-1850.......Just spoke to Paul A#1 super person to talk to. I ordered the Natal Native Horse Set ( Officer, trooper standing, trooper kneeling )............Michael

Sorry :eek:
Before continuing with The Battle of The Drift I thought I'd post a photo of one of the events depicted in the painting of THE 24th AT ISANDLAWANA, 22 JANUARY 1879 by C.E. FRIPP using Britians retired Sets 1 & 2 of "HOLDING THE LINE". Over all the figures do represent the event the only fault I fine is that The Foreign Service Helmet is of a latter issue........The Lt.
The Battle of Rorke's Drift as Little Legion joins the fight.........The Lt.
Fred I believe he's not one who like's using the computer. I know when I e-mailed him asking about various items he ended up phoning me in lieu of answering by e-mail. If he hasn't got your phone number I recommend you e-mail it to him.........Joe

Thanks Joe, Paul did get back to me and I agree with the comments made about him, he is a great guy.:) Thanks for the posting your Little Legion figures, now if we could only persuade Andy to do a K&C Zulu War series.;)

Nice pics Joe. Always enjoy Zulu stuff. Paul is a great guy. I got stuff from him for years after he took over the Toy Soldier Shoppe from Bill Schommer. He does not have a website but will call or e-mail. Hope to see him at Mich Show this weekend. Depends on driving conditions, need sun Sunday. leadmen:)
Hi Guys,

Some very nice sets displayed here!

I have some really nice Zulu War sets from Forward March that I picked up a long while back they are glossy and I think comparable to the Trophy figures. So if you can find their older sets in glossy check them out. I also hope to see some more unsual or at least some units that have not be done by everyone from Britains in the near future. They did some rather nice looking sets a few years ago so I hope they bring out some others.

Anyway keep post these great shots.

All the best

Thank you Dave for bringing up Forward March. By chance do you have a photo or two to send. I'm also looking forward to what Britian is coming out with. Leadmen and Dave I agree Paul's been great to deal with. By the way Leadmen if you get to the show and have read this give my best to Paul and let him know I'll be touching base with him sometime during the coming week.
I know there were no cavalry at the drift but I do know that the zulu were very affraid of cavalry troopers, are there any companies that make zulu era british cavalry and do you have any?
Also do any companies make any boar war figures? You could branch out easy into the boar war with all the british that you have if some one made some boar figures.
Does that era interest you at all Joe?
Hi Tim, at this time I've no mounted troops. Trophy had made sets featuring mounted troopers along with a few sets of figures of the Boar War. Little Legion also has some mounted sets but have'nt seen any photos of them. It would be nice if someone came out with a line of mounted action figures in a matte finish such as the Natal Mounted Police, Brithish Lancers. Mounted Infantry, Durban Mounted Infantry as well as Durnford Natal Native Horse. I'd love to see them in plastic as well. Where the style of the uniforms happen to be pretty much the same all that would have to be done is to change the colors of the uniforms therefore providing quite a selection. As time goes by with figures that would fit the picture the Boar War is of interest....Joe
The Battle Continues featuring Hinchliffe and Frontline. Joining the fighting are three Hinchliffe figures painted by me. They've joined in Hand to Hand combat with Frontlines Zulu Warriors. After finishing off a Zulu one joins a member of Frontlines 24th facing advancing Zulus. The painted figures are the first of my collection of Zulu War......The Lt.
Thought I'd Feature some of my earlier painted figures which you'll soon note will be joined the fighting at Rorke's Drift.......The Lt.
Thought I'd send along the following photo of the British Foreign Service Helmt that was worn during the Battles of both Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift as noted the plate was often removed and the helmt stained with tea or a similar substance. You'll note the difference of the helmets that appeared on the figures in Britians Holding the Line Sets.....The Lt.

Thought I'd Feature some of my earlier painted figures which you'll soon note will be joined the fighting at Rorke's Drift.......The Lt.
Did you paint these yourself Joe? They look real good! I like the painting style on these munch better then the gloss figures, I,ve always been a matte guy anyway.
Did you paint these yourself Joe? They look real good! I like the painting style on these munch better then the gloss figures, I,ve always been a matte guy anyway.

Tim I painted the figures back in the mid 80's and finished painting their bases just recently. Like you I also favor the more realistic look a matte finish gives. Back then I was strictly collecting and painting when time allowed. Back then we had nothing like what's available to us today.....

I have just been through this from beginning to end, it is absolutely outstanding, a fantastic peice of work, thank you for sharing with us.:) :D
Tim as I stated in my last post I do favor a matte finish over a gloss but with not much effort they can be made to look quite competive. I'm sending along a few photos I finished with a gloss finish to blend in with Trophy and others. Looking forward to your comements. Included in the photos are a few minor converstion done my changing a couple of the heads and and uniforms. Pandagen thanks for your support and compliments and will be looking for more of your photos. Dave got your message, with a little bit of time and effort and with Tim's encouagement I've learn to use photobucket. Not quite to the level of Tim yet but still working at it he was a great help. Leadman did you my chance get to make it to the show over the weekend? That's it for now and hope all's well at your end...........The lt.

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