Creating The Battle of Rorke's Drift (1 Viewer)

Hi Guys,

When I get a chance I will break out the Zulu War Sets and take a few shots for you to see. I have a few of their sets and really like them but the Durbar takes up a lot of room (I dont have it all out either) but I am planning some more shelves and may go ahead and make a small curio cabinet to display some of the sets I dont have room for right now.

All the best

Hi Guys,

When I get a chance I will break out the Zulu War Sets and take a few shots for you to see. I have a few of their sets and really like them but the Durbar takes up a lot of room (I dont have it all out either) but I am planning some more shelves and may go ahead and make a small curio cabinet to display some of the sets I dont have room for right now.

All the best


Thanks Dave meant to touch base earlier but wasn't sure you'd receive this base on the status of the forum. Hope all 's going well.....Joe
Hey Lt,

Yeah the forum move has messed me up some too but it appears that we are all going to be happy again.

The pictures will be forth coming.

All the best

Returning to "The Battle of The Drift" and before resuming the action that took place I thought I send along some photos of some who will be joining the battle. The figures were provided by Falon Minitures and are by Greenwood & Ball.


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Here's a group photo of them defending the Drift and soon to be working on a group of Zulus along with a mounted figure of Lt. Melvill...... The Lt.

A few earlier photos of figures from my limited ANI collection with Conte's Hospital in the background. The 1st photo of Lt. Chard is one of my favorites...The Lt.


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Here's a group photo of them defending the Drift and soon to be working on a group of Zulus along with a mounted figure of Lt. Melvill...... The Lt.

I'm sure The Lt knows, but for those that don't. A "Drift" is a name for a ford (this one being on the Buffalo River), that gave it's name to the locality including these buildings.
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I first saw the following figure of Colour Bourne by MINIMEN and Sculpted by J.B. Updye in the article written by Joel Banow of MODELING THE DEFENSE AT THE HOSPITAL which appear in the 1997 November/December issue of Campains Magazine. To this day it's my opinion the best miniature of Colour Sergeant Bourne I've seen to date. Having painted in back in the 80's I finally finished it by painting the base this past week. What I've been up to is finishing figures to photograph for a CD of my painted figures so it's been the reason the individual photos have been coming your way on selected figures. I've a few more done by MINIMEN to send along......The Lt.

A few earlier photos of figures from my limited ANI collection with Conte's Hospital in the background. The 1st photo of Lt. Chard is one of my favorites...The Lt.
Are these all ANI figures? I am very sorry that he went out of business. :( He did very nice work. I have some WWI scots that he did. I will probably never get rid of them.:D
Are these all ANI figures? I am very sorry that he went out of business. :( He did very nice work. I have some WWI scots that he did. I will probably never get rid of them.:D

The figures in post 146 are all ANI. The bulk of his 24th figures as well a number of Zulus were copies of the Hinchliffe Models.
From time to time I'll be posting photos of individual figures I've painted of the Zulu War. All of my Mini Diorama photos will be posted in The Zulu War Thrend . The attached figure is another I painted of Private Harry Hook known to all as Hookie and is from my MINIMAN collection and another of my favorites. The Lt.

The Lt.

I have followed your work on The Battle of Rorke’s Drift for some time now. I just want to let you know how much I have enjoyed what you have done.
Keep up the great work.

You may not have noticed but we have a new forum member from South Africa that appears to live close to the battle site.
Thanks for your comments Chuck. Other than the recent photos all have been lost do to the foorum change so what I've done is started a new Thread Title the Zulu War starting with the Battle of Isandlwana and then on to Rorke's Drift. I happen to have saved the photos posted on a CD so they'll be coming up as the Zulu War continues. I've caught some of the posting from Damian and his photos of his Trophy and Little Legion Collection of set from the ZULU War and requested his support of this Cavalry....Joe
I live in Durban but will be moving to Pietermaritzburg soon as I now work there. PMB is the modern capital of KZN as well as the old colonial capital of the Crown Colony of Natal. It is a 2 hour drive to Rorkes Drift and Ishlandwana. I have been there many times. It is really remote and unspoilt so it is just like it was during the War. I have been to Melville and Coghills tomb and my wife and I have done the annual walk from the battle site along the fugitives trail to the Buffalo River.
It is a South African classic. If you want to hear a great song about this battle get hold of Johnny Cleggs song Impi.

He was a white south african who befirended Sipho Mchunu in the 1970's and recorded music which was a cross between Zulu music and western pop. The lines are fantatic

Hapless battlalions destined to die
Come to extract the realm sprice for peace
Come to bring the people of the sky to heal
I live in Durban but will be moving to Pietermaritzburg soon as I now work there. PMB is the modern capital of KZN as well as the old colonial capital of the Crown Colony of Natal. It is a 2 hour drive to Rorkes Drift and Ishlandwana. I have been there many times. It is really remote and unspoilt so it is just like it was during the War. I have been to Melville and Coghills tomb and my wife and I have done the annual walk from the battle site along the fugitives trail to the Buffalo River.
It is a South African classic. If you want to hear a great song about this battle get hold of Johnny Cleggs song Impi.

He was a white south african who befirended Sipho Mchunu in the 1970's and recorded music which was a cross between Zulu music and western pop. The lines are fantatic

Hapless battlalions destined to die
Come to extract the realm sprice for peace
Come to bring the people of the sky to heal

It's nice hearing from you and the fact that you've had the chance to visit both Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift. I've spent time with my nose in various books reading on the events that lead to the Zulu war along with the various engagements. The Movie Zulu lead me to purchasing my first group of figures to paint and have been hook on the subject as well as acquiring a limited collection of both toy soldiers and kits to paint. Do you by chance know where I could get photos of the Shiyane Hills to use as background when taking photos for my mini diorama. Looking forward to seeing photos of your collection of the period . Notice in your photos figures from Trophy as well as Little Legion. I'm sure your aware I started a thread on The Zulu War and would like to see photos from your end filling in some of gaps where I have no cavalry and events that I may miss at Isandlwana and then on to Rorke's Drift. Looking forward to a reply......Joe
It is importnat to remember that although the movie Zulu is a classic it is also inaccuarte. It was filmed in the Royal Natal Park which is actually not even in Zululand but in the Drakensburg mountains about two hours drive from Rorkes Drift. Let me have a look for some pictures of the Shiyane Hills in my books. I took pictures but my photographic skills are a bit ordinary. I have moved to Little Legion as Trophy is no longer in prodcution, which is a great pity. I hope to build a new house soon in PMB and will have a special room built for my collection. I will then be able to display my Rorkes Drift and Ishlandwana scene to better effect.

The following reflects The Buildings and Defenses based on a Map prepared by Lt. Chard showing the Hospital, Storehouse, Mealie Bag Wall, The 2 Wagons along with the Biscuit Box Walls and Well Built Kaaral on January 22 1879. Not quite to Scale but as close as I could create it. Battle Scenes to follow refecting figures from Throphy Miniatures,Frontline Figures,Britians, Little Legion, ANI, King Cast and Conte both in Matte and Gloss Finishes along with Kit Figures from HINCHLIFFE Models, Monarch, Greenwood and Ball, MINIMEN, New Hope Design and Tradition. Photos will appear high lighting various events that happen during the defense of the Drift....."The Lt."

It was a year ago today that I introduce the Zulu War to the forum posting my first group of photos Creating The Battle of Rorke's Drift. The photos no longer appear in this thread due to the change that was made in the revamping of the forum. So in order to celebrate the introduction I've attached a photo will tell it's story on it's on. Thanks for a good year guys it's been fun. You'll note that Ithe time posted is a year to date at time....The Lt.

Lt., your Rorke's Drift has come a long way. I know you have turned a lot of people on to that War with your pics and logic of the War. I know it will only get better. Thanks for sharing all of your great collection and knowledge with us. :)
It was a year ago today that I introduce the Zulu War to the forum posting my first group of photos Creating The Battle of Rorke's Drift. The photos no longer appear in this thread due to the change that was made in the revamping of the forum. So in order to celebrate the introduction I've attached a photo will tell it's story on it's on. Thanks for a good year guys it's been fun. You'll note that Ithe time posted is a year to date at time....The Lt.


And it's been a most enjoyable year watching :) As the old photo's have gone into cyber space, I for one would like to see these again if possible.



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