Delivery day!!!! (2 Viewers)

Took receipt of 2 more AWI militia today and already looking forward to more additions in the future. Lovely figures all. Currently have 12 and would like to add as many as 6 more of the current range eventually. :smile2:

Took receipt of 2 more AWI militia today and already looking forward to more additions in the future. Lovely figures all. Currently have 12 and would like to add as many as 6 more of the current range eventually. :smile2:


Enjoy those new militia figures. As you say, they are certainly lovely and they are certainly the best thing out there for this period.

I have a couple more grenadiers showing up tomorrow. Can't wait!

Twelve More FL AWI figures should be arriving next week and then that should complete my display that I had planned. Maybe three more figures after this batch arrives ^&grin

The militia figures is what got me started in the first place. I just couldn't say no they are that awesome.
Twelve More FL AWI figures should be arriving next week and then that should complete my display that I had planned. Maybe three more figures after this batch arrives ^&grin

The militia figures is what got me started in the first place. I just couldn't say no they are that awesome.

HOLY COW! i wish i could do 12 at a time. im lucky if i get one or two a month. im jealous.
HOLY COW! i wish i could do 12 at a time. im lucky if i get one or two a month. im jealous.
Well a couple a month does add up. I haven't gotten any since November so when I pick up the 15 Napoleonic Green Jackets that will only be two a month.:wink2:
Looking forward to a day off and traveling to Valley Forge this Friday. I am hoping to add a few more figures to Stalingrad collection. So far I have six individual figures and the Combat Pioneer group which I just love. Thinking also of a few Civil War guys to put in the display case to compliment my collection of dug Gettysburg artifacts.
Looking forward to a day off and traveling to Valley Forge this Friday. I am hoping to add a few more figures to Stalingrad collection. So far I have six individual figures and the Combat Pioneer group which I just love. Thinking also of a few Civil War guys to put in the display case to compliment my collection of dug Gettysburg artifacts.

That is a Great show :salute:: I was able to shoot up from Baltimore last year and spend about 3 hours there . I was blown away by some of the entries in the show truly some Fantastic work . The Diorama of Teutoburg Forest was a show stopper for me , I think I took 40 pictures of it . Oh and to be able to see soooo many of the GREAT Mr BILL HORANS figures in one place was worth the price of admission and then some . I would like to see George have tons of First Legion on display and sale , IMO seeing them next to the others is their best promotion and allows those less visual to appreciate their true quality up close . I really like your idea of displaying a few FL Civil War figures with your Artifacts , that would look nice .. Regards Gebhard
HOLY COW! i wish i could do 12 at a time. im lucky if i get one or two a month. im jealous.

Well yes I went quite heavy lately on FL figures. Almost done with my display, actually need to add 4 more Marching Grenadiers so about 200 more $$$ and then I believe I can call it finished.
Well yes I went quite heavy lately on FL figures. Almost done with my display, actually need to add 4 more Marching Grenadiers so about 200 more $$$ and then I believe I can call it finished.

I know I would like to see photos of your AWI display along with others here, especailly Noah . . .
:smile2: Mike
HOLY COW! i wish i could do 12 at a time. im lucky if i get one or two a month. im jealous.

You might be suprised how many of us actually wait and build up a good-sized fund before making a large purchase. Which if you split it up, would only be a few a month on average anyway. I prefer doing that and paying for shipping only once, instead of paying shipping over and over...

I know I would like to see photos of your AWI display along with others here, especailly Noah . . .
:smile2: Mike

Mike, I'm working on it, though I can't top your excellent efforts with your Grenadier company! For my birthday, my wife had been in contact with Mr. Osen at H & A about him doing one of his shelf dioramas. I hope to post some pics after getting the diorama, as thier work is second to none. Which is something you know very well!

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Exciting news about the potential birthday gift diorama base Noah. Will look forward to seeing it all topped off with your guys.

I am brainstorming ideas for displaying my militia men and am thinking of trying to include a portion of the old North Bridge at Concord in the project.

As for delivery day, I finally broke down and ordered this gorgeous looking mounted British Colonel. Arrived safely the other day and am so pleased.

Waiting for the hat company troops or some light infantry now I think. Might be tempted to buy the 2 standard bearers in the meantime.... :smile2:

As for delivery day, I finally broke down and ordered this gorgeous looking mounted British Colonel. Arrived safely the other day and am so pleased.

Waiting for the hat company troops or some light infantry now I think. Might be tempted to buy the 2 standard bearers in the meantime.... :smile2:


Congrats on the pick-up of the mounted colonel Dave. I've been holding back on purchasing him and the two ensign flag bearers but I will probably get them, if not before, at the Chicago OTSN show. I will be definately adding a second drummer since 2 drummers were standard in a grenadier company. I too, am hoping for Light Infantry for th eleft flank. Hat company troops would also be nice. Can you imagine having Grenadiers, Light Bobs, and Hat company troops all representing the 5th regmt of foot? That's the making of a nice dio . . .
:smile2: MIke
Exciting news about the potential birthday gift diorama base Noah. Will look forward to seeing it all topped off with your guys.

Dave, it was exciting news. My wife did all the work in contacting Mr. Osen and setting things up before she ever told me. I guess that must mean she isn't getting rid of me anytime soon!

I will post some pics in the future once I have everything. It is nice to have Mike's previous pics to help as a guide.^&grin

I too, am hoping for Light Infantry for th eleft flank. Hat company troops would also be nice. Can you imagine having Grenadiers, Light Bobs, and Hat company troops all representing the 5th regmt of foot?

Waiting for the hat company troops or some light infantry now I think.

I agree totally guys, some hatmen would be outstanding. And Mike, that is an interesting idea of having all three types of troops from one regiment, but I don't know if that will happen. The same thing could be done with some Napoleonic regiments, but I haven't heard any suggestion of it. Personally, I would rather have a little more variety, but if my only option was all one regiment, that would work!:smile2:

Hopefully we will have an idea soon of what is up next in the AWI line. A teaser pic in the next newsletter would be great....

Not to interrupt the AWI party but I just opened up my latest order containing six more Prussian figures :wink2: Man these are great , If anyone is producing anything even remotely close to these guys I'll take fifty of em :redface2: .. Regards Gebhard
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Not to interrupt the AWI party but I just opened up my latest order containing six more Prussian figures :wink2: Man these are great , If anyone is producing anything even remotely close to these guys I'll take fifty of em :redface2: .. Regards Gebhard

It's always a great thing to get multiples of First Legion of any line!! congrats Geb!! I'm looking forward to my Russian 45MM GUN/TEAM very soon, then only 4 sets left and I'm completely caught up with WWII Stalingrad, so come on Matt, don't leave a brother hang'n, need some new Stalingrad:)...Sammy
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I did receive the three dead and wounded AWI 5th foot Grenadier figures yesterday haven't opened the box yet.
It's always a great thing to get multiples of First Legion of any line!! congrats Geb!! I'm looking forward to my Russian 45MM GUN/TEAM very soon, then only 4 sets left and I'm completely caught up with WWII Stalingrad, so come on Matt, don't leave a brother hang'n, need some new Stalingrad:)...Sammy

I'm really impressed with your custom shelf display it is one of the best I've ever seen ^&cool your building a first rate collection no doubt . I'm also still plugging away at Stalingrad, I put one or two in my order per month . Regards Gebhard

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