Yeah, I liked it too, but the price means no purchase. -- AlBrad, as usual we agree, I,m a WW1 guy but at $255, I,ll pass!
Yeah, I liked it too, but the price means no purchase. -- AlBrad, as usual we agree, I,m a WW1 guy but at $255, I,ll pass!
Good, if depressing, point. I fear the Jagdtiger, as much as I would love to have it, will be another non purchase because of the price. -- AlJazzeum...
No arguments from me but, I think, sadly, this is a sign of the times. I fear for the price of the Jagdtiger if this is the price for this set
The standout pieces for me are the Kaisers staffwagon and the mounted crusade set. which, is probably the best piece that will be released in the german WWI range its excellent and looks a big piece. I don't really collect crusades but, the detail of that set is excellent.
Good, if depressing, point. I fear the Jagdtiger, as much as I would love to have it, will be another non purchase because of the price. -- Al
That is my worry. Once prices went past $200 the chances of me purchasing an item become practically non-existant. I am trying to put together money for the snow Tiger but $250 is a non-starter for me. Just too much. -- AlLancer...
I may sound more worried than I am as I expect it to be around £250
Not everyone will buy it therefore not everyones collection will look the sameThe WW I vehicle is interesting but the price ($255), to put it as nicely I can, is daunting.
Happy New Year to all TREEFROGGERS!!! Well I must say 2011 has begun very quietly for me. Not many releases and no retirements. Thats probably good news however as I just picked up some of the older sets before price increases! I don't collect the WWI or desert ranges however the Crusaders look great and the British armoured car is certainly unique, probably my favourites of the bunch. I fear the price increases like some have mentioned. It definitely limits ( not stops) and makes me far more selective about my future purchases.
Personally I'm looking forward to the future 2011 dispatches when K&C gets into areas I'm more interested in collecting. I'm sure there's lots to look forward too!
I think a lot of WWII collectors may have secretly had a sigh of releif this will allow time to either catch up on backlists or, prepare for more to come as Rob says D-Day in 6 months or so and, Arnhem shortly.
The calm before the storm!!