East coast friends (1 Viewer)

I know what you blokes are going through, i live in cyclone country (which is the same as hurricanes) and have been through a few destructive one's over the years. Hope you all stay safe and avoid the worst of it.

It's almost daylight and the wind is starting to howl, with tree branches going to and fro.
All the best to you guys on the East Coast.

Big news down here and scary looking maps of what the flooding might do to NY and DC etc.

Hope everyone is safe and minimal damage and disruption caused.

Just heard on the news that the HMS Endeavour replica (ie. Capt Cook's ship) crew have abandoned her off the coast.

Thanks Tom and Brett.

I don't know how it is in Maryland where Al is but we're starting to get some rain here. Right now, they're only predicting two inches of rain and the eye of the storm is supposed to be far west of here in Pennsylvania.
All you guys on the East coast stay safe and take care of your loved ones, just seen footage of storm from above, looks a big one. They are saying 60million people could be affected and thousands of international and internal flights cancelled. 370,000 New York residents being evacuated and Grand central station closed for only the second time in its History. Some big waves now seen arriving in Atlantic city, same in Ocean City Maryland.

Thanks Tom and Brett.

I don't know how it is in Maryland where Al is but we're starting to get some rain here. Right now, they're only predicting two inches of rain and the eye of the storm is supposed to be far west of here in Pennsylvania.
Brad, right now it is raining pretty steady, but not blindingly hard. Just the start of the wind, too. I am located to the NW of DC, sort of on the backside of the storm, but still in the projected track. Hoping it won't be too awful. Thanks to all for the wishes of safety. As I said, at 8:45 am, it is just a rainstorm. Things are supposed to go downhill this afternoon. Good day for a 'Law and Order' marathon.:wink2: -- Al
Brad, right now it is raining pretty steady, but not blindingly hard. Just the start of the wind, too. I am located to the NW of DC, sort of on the backside of the storm, but still in the projected track. Hoping it won't be too awful. Thanks to all for the wishes of safety. As I said, at 8:45 am, it is just a rainstorm. Things are supposed to go downhill this afternoon. Good day for a 'Law and Order' marathon.:wink2: -- Al

Or the whole of the Great War series Al:wink2: Stay safe mate.

Or the whole of the Great War series Al:wink2: Stay safe mate.

Thank you, Rob. Watching BBC America Sci-fi and reading Byron Farwell's excellent "Queen Victoria's Little Wars" as I take a moment to type this. I should be able to get quite a bit of reading done the next couple of days, as long as the power stays on.:wink2::tongue: -- Al
Some have already lost power in my county.Raining steady here but winds not bad yet.This monster is suppose to reach all the way to the Great Lakes region creating waves as high as 25'{eek3}
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Not much for Halifax this time.Some rain and high winds but nothing BIG.But these stroms do change.
My company closed for the day,probably tomorrow too.
I just saw on the news that one guy from Rhode Island has just taken delivery of a very expensive yacht and doesn't want it being reduced to matchsticks in harbour, so he's taking it out and going to try and sit it out out at sea!!{eek3}

Depends on the size of the vessel as they may not be able to take it out of the water. Boats of all sizes take a pounding secured to docks and piers and those moored or at anchor in harbors can be damaged when the wind shifts or other craft get loose. He might be able to ride out the storm in deep water. (I'm not volunteering to help him!)
Well, its already started here. The first casualty, the top 20 feet of a 45 foot tall tree in my driveway broke clean off (the trunk where it snapped was about 10 inches in diameter). I went out in the rain and wind and cut it up and dragged if off the driveway so we can get out if we need to. Luckily it missed the house and the cars.
Lost a couple of trees already. Power outages in 2 neighboring towns and the higher winds have not arrived yet. I feel bad for those on the south shore as I think they will be under water till Friday or Saturday. Power will take forever to restore. On a positive note we are thinking of clearing some room and starting a WB War Along The Nile display!
So glad no damage or injuries.Hopefully we can all get through this in one piece.Had to turn TWC off,just couldn't stand hearing about it over and over.

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