East coast friends (1 Viewer)

So glad no damage or injuries.Hopefully we can all get through this in one piece.Had to turn TWC off,just couldn't stand hearing about it over and over.

Thanks Mark!:smile2: I am hopeful that, being on the North Shore, even though my front porch is 100 yards from the Harbor, we will make it through without too much damage. I feel for the people in areas that had to be evacuated, the storm surge is already causing a ton of damage to areas directly in the path of the surge (New Jersey, the South Shore of Long Island).
Thanks Mark!:smile2: I am hopeful that, being on the North Shore, even though my front porch is 100 yards from the Harbor, we will make it through without too much damage. I feel for the people in areas that had to be evacuated, the storm surge is already causing a ton of damage to areas directly in the path of the surge (New Jersey, the South Shore of Long Island).

Well I hope you and yours are all well Louis, stay safe mate.

Glad to hear nothing was damaged Louis. Just went out and did an inspection and everything looks ok.

Our company is closed today and tomorrow in NJ, Pa and NY. Still had a few calls today though.
Not too bad so far in central PA. Persistant rain and wind gusts. The poor folks west of us, though, are getting a foot of snow on top of everything else.
Powwe has been out here for about an hour. We ate dinner. By firelight. Using my I-phone to post this. Probably my last post until the power is back, could be days. Good luck everybody!
We lost it again for a few seconds. Don't know how much longer we will have it. If we make it through midnight, I think we'll be ok.
Hunker down fellas, that's all you can do! Did any of you manage to grab a generator or have generators?

Hope that you guys and your families in the affected areas stay safe and well through this nasty storm.

Take Care, Raymond.
It's been raining most of the day in Toronto but not in any great volume. But the winds picked up about 4 pm and now it's 8 pm and really blowing - hard enough to occasionally rattle the glass doors on the display cabinets. Supposed to get a lot of rain and stronger winds overnight.

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As of 9:30 p.m. Two big pine trees in my front yard are down, as is another portion of the first tree that I mentioned earlier. Basement is flooding because there is no power to operate the sump pumps. But nothing that can't be fixed, and we are all okay. Weather permitting I will start cleaning it up in the morning.
Wind picked up quite a bit here around 4:00pm, lasted until about 8:00pm or so, seemed like it had passed to some degree, then a monsoon erupted for a good hour, incredible how heavy the rain was for a solid hour, seems to have let up a great deal.

Power is still on; like Brad, hoping I make it through the night as the word is if it goes out, it's staying out for days.

To this point, over 500,000 people in New England are without power, about 250,000 in MA alone, so crews will be up against it trying to restore power to that many people.

What a storm this one was.............
Power went out about one hour ago. Who knows when we get it back.
Surviving here in Maryland, strong wind, all day rain, more of the same til Morning. I wish I could say the same for family beach house. Won't find out til Thursday, but it is right on the bay, so I figure, the decks and dock will be bad, probably water in the lower level. Hopefully nothing worse than that. One of the running jokes is that everything else on the place has been replaced except the 2 story decks. This may be the storm to cause that.

In the end, what a pain in the rear, hope everyone else stays safe. AND Hackensack better be on for this weekend.............

Over a million have lost power in NY,800,000 in NJ.I don't know how but I still have it but winds from the back end of the storm has picked up considerably but not much rain right know.I can here the wind roaring outside.
Power back on in Gloucester at around 2 am. Very little wind and rain 2:30 am.
We have no power. Who knows when we get it back. My county, Morris County, is almost totally without power. No flooding for us thank goodness.

I would bet no Hackensack on Sunday.
Just watched it on the news here Brad what a mess,hope all is back to as normal as soon as possible,the fires in Queens look terrible,fire with all that water around unreal hey.
Lost power about 12:10 am but came back on around 3:00am.I really couldn't believe it.It just boggles the mind when you see the damage all over.Still windy so I'm crossing my fingers...and toes.

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