East coast friends (3 Viewers)

Take care up there George and hope Hackensack goes well :smile2:

Thanks for the comments; the NYC marathon scheduled for Sunday is a go, so hoping the toy soldier show in NJ will be as well, it's still 5 days away, hoping things improve day by day till then...........
Prayers to everyone and their loved ones in this wicked storm's path. This is unbelievable.

Glad everyone is ok. I remember after going through a destructive blow in 2007 (cyclone Larry in Innisfail QLD Australia) and seeing destroyed houses with roofs blown off, power lines down and trees blown over everywhere. The one i went through here in Darwin back in 1974 (cyclone Tracy) had even heaps more destruction. These things are terrible with the never ending howling winds and heavy rain.

It's all over the news here and I see deaths have happened. I hope all you guy's are ok and safe. Houses can be replaced but loved one's can't. My thoughts are with you over this coming week. Simmo.
Hi guys,

Just wanted to ask how my friends in that part of the world are doing today, if you've got power back and such and if you've been able to get around? Hope things are starting to improve. NYC is demonstrating some real Blitz spirit as things are getting moving again so soon, I see an airport or two were open again today and did I hear a restricted service on the subway from tomorrow??

All the best guys.

Just getting online now from my parents' house. Power is out in many neighborhoods in the Lehigh Valley, but others have it. A lot of local transformers were knocked out Monday night, it looked like flashes of distant lightning. Fortunately, we got far less rain than was forecast, they called for 4-8 inches, and we didn't even get 4. Folks south of us got more. It's going to take into next week, before the fallen trees and limbs are cleaned up. Many traffic signals are out, and others are up with small generators connected to them. I just got word that my office probably won't have power till Sunday, though our data servers are up and running on generator power.

New Jersey got hit a lot worse, those folks will be cleaning up for a while.

Fortunately, we haven't had many injuries around here, and only a couple of fatalities. One was an idiot kid who took his ATV out for a joyride Monday night, in the height of the storm, and hit a tree that fell across a road. The other was an elderly lady who was found outside her house, she died of hypothermia, pretty sad.

No power out here. The whole area is almost universally shut down in northwestern NJ. Most damage was due to wind. It's nothing like the coast, which is a complete disaster. The main concern is having water but the firehouse has that so we're set. Another concern is gas. Practically all stations are shut down. Trees are down all over the place, many falling on power lines. A real mess.
The strange thing about these storms is that many people are unaffected and go about their normal lives once they pass. But those who were hit hard are in a world of hurt. Even if you are just without power for a few days its hard. And public radio was discussing some of those that were killed. When you read numbers like 50 killed it's somewhat impersonal. You think that in a storm like that it's inevitable that a certain number of people are going to die. But when you learn details about a grandfather of 7 who had a tree limb fall and kill him it's brutal.
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I am incredibly lucky. If you have seen the devastation in Seaside Heights I live about 12 miles from there and suffered virtually no damage. I had lights back Monday night, and my cable and Internet came back today. The one issue by me is people trying to get gas. Since parts of my area have power the roads are chocked with lines of cars. The supermarkets are picked clean. You can only by what non perishable foods they have left..
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I was very lucky also.Sandy made landfall not far from us and I think that helped us as everything was come arond us for a few hours then the back part of the storm came and we had high winds and hard rain for a while.Lost power for about 3 hours but no damage to hours and no trees down.So I was very lucky.
At 5:20 a.m. I was awakened by the most beautiful bright light: power was restored and the light in my bedroom came on! Simultaneously I heard the boiler turn on (thankfully we had the new boiler installed on blocks so it wasn't effected by the flood) and the sump pumps going full blast to empty the basement of water. About half the water has already been pumped out. Once the basement is clear, we will call the repair company to get the hot water heater up and running. Oh, and I am listening to the news on my tv this morning, as fios tv, phone service and Internet are up and running as well. I am very lucky that power was only out for 3 days, and I hope everyone else is back to normal soon.
At 5:20 a.m. I was awakened by the most beautiful bright light: power was restored and the light in my bedroom came on! Simultaneously I heard the boiler turn on (thankfully we had the new boiler installed on blocks so it wasn't effected by the flood) and the sump pumps going full blast to empty the basement of water. About half the water has already been pumped out. Once the basement is clear, we will call the repair company to get the hot water heater up and running. Oh, and I am listening to the news on my tv this morning, as fios tv, phone service and Internet are up and running as well. I am very lucky that power was only out for 3 days, and I hope everyone else is back to normal soon.
Glad to hear that your power is back on, Louis. I hope that everyone else who has been impacted can get their lives back on track as soon as possible. Not having electricity is a massive problem to overcome. I am also hoping that all of NJ/NY recovers from this terrible mess ASAP. My brother in Glen Ridge, NJ, just had some lost trees and that was it, thank goodness. My prayers to all in the storm zone. -- Al
No offense meant to anyone but all this talk about soldiers, etc., at least for me, seems to fade into insignificance with what's going on in this state. We might not have power for a couple of weeks and tons of people have had their lives destroyed.
No offense meant to anyone but all this talk about soldiers, etc., at least for me, seems to fade into insignificance with what's going on in this state. We might not have power for a couple of weeks and tons of people have had their lives destroyed.

Compared to whats happening on the eastern side of America right now it is of no importance at all Brad, its merely an attempt to keep things normal I guess by people who can do nothing to help but just send there thoughts and wishes at such a bad time to all our friends there, please know i would never post any Dispatches type thread if I thought people took it in a manner it was never intended.

My best regards Brad.

Rob .
I understand life must go on Rob.

Sitting on a gas line right now. Assuming they don't run out, it will probably take two or three hours.
Too soon?

This storm might make a case for collecting plastic figures.{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}

Send that along to comedian Gilbert Gottfried.
I understand life must go on Rob.

Sitting on a gas line right now. Assuming they don't run out, it will probably take two or three hours.

Do you still have water and power at home Brad?

No power and because the water runs off the power, no water. We had loaded up on bottled water but the town fire department has a hose that works so we've been replenishing supplies there, esp water for flushing :)

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