It's been interesting to observe the winter storm etiquette of those here in Central PA. Many of these folks are of Dutch-German descent which means they keep their properties neat as a pin. Regardless of age or physical capacity or amount of snowfall, within about an hour of the snow ending, they begin to clean their driveways with pedantic zeal. Within two hours of the storm, their driveways are so clear that it would be impossible to find a single snowflake with a magnifying glass. In contrast, my strategy has been not to shovel a single handful of snow if there is anyway possible to get my car out of the driveway thereby saving myself hours of backbreaking work and a potential heart attack. It allows my wife the opportunity to point out to me the pristine driveways of our neighbors as we approach our house where the driveway currently looks like something out of the battle of Stalingrad. I've found that about 8 inches is the breaking point for my strategy. At that point I have to push the car while my wife guns the accelerator to get it out to the street.