Fancy a Knight out in Agincourt? (1 Viewer)

Hi everyone - I think mUy old computer has just died - so have borrowed daughter's lap-top and am learning all over again how to post pictures to and from photobucket once again. Same thing - just very different screens etcetera - so if I make an error - please bear with me.

First picture below shows general painting of my five foot-knights (Knights of Agincourt) progressing at an early stage - when the shields have been chosen and completed. It's now up to me to decide how the rest of the figure is to be decorated.


The next pic shows the first foot figure completed. He is Richard (although there is some debate concerning his first name). le Staple - and this is his device at the siege of Rouen in 1418. I have decided to go with his name as Richard - because I like his shield. He is on foot - facing the charge from John de Boscawen, armed with a sword. If Richard misses with his lance - John is almost certain to hit with all the power of the charging destrier!

Good stuff this - I can have great fun and games with these when they are all completed!

Back later on - with a bit of luck. jb


These are coming along very nicely jb {bravo}}:salute:::salute:::salute::


Hi Martyn - yes, they are coming along one by one - and nice things to do too. I'm thinking I maybe should have called the thread something like "Rent-a-thug" though - as the latest thug with a club has now joined in! This latest member of the aristocracy is John de Lonye, seen around 1350, and about to give someone the good news with a mace.

I have come to know him better as Nigel though, because of the chequered flag he's wearing so nattily. I was tempted to give him a handlebar moustache as well! -to remind me of another former hero - . Nigel Mansell

Still might, actually!

The other guy is "Spike"! - if you get the point!


And here's a view you would get - if you had enough common sense to leg it - if you met up with this pair on some dark night (Dark Knight - geddit?).^&grin jb

Hi Martyn - yes, they are coming along one by one - and nice things to do too. I'm thinking I maybe should have called the thread something like "Rent-a-thug" though - as the latest thug with a club has now joined in! This latest member of the aristocracy is John de Lonye, seen around 1350, and about to give someone the good news with a mace.

I have come to know him better as Nigel though, because of the chequered flag he's wearing so nattily. I was tempted to give him a handlebar moustache as well! -to remind me of another former hero - . Nigel Mansell

Still might, actually!

The other guy is "Spike"! - if you get the point!


And here's a view you would get - if you had enough common sense to leg it - if you met up with this pair on some dark night (Dark Knight - geddit?).^&grin jb


^&grin^&grin^&grin very good jb


A central Knight has now joined the mellee - along with the other two This is Sir Stephen de Wassington 9 circa 1334) brandishing a sword and shield. He bore this shield at a tournament in Dunstable in that year. I have been calling him "the tin man" - as he's covered in metal!

OOO er missus, these are a little bit good aren't they ?? Nice work again JB always a pleasure to see your work.
Okay Frankie - wot's with the impersinations? These are just great fun to do - as you can really let the imagination go. No such thing as a rivet counter here - you just need to get in as many as you can! I just love 'em. The next one is definitely gonna be Errol Flynn! jb:D
Hey JB

Just seen this thread, lovely work these knights look pretty good in glossy. Ive got a load of New Hope tourney Knights that I was going to do in mat
but now Ive seen yours Im thinking they would look better in a glossy finish

Cheers John
Hi John glad you like them in gloss. I hink I like the freedom you get with figures like this to let the imagination go a wee bit. I will very much look forward to seeing how your knights turn out. I don't know the New Hope figures at all - I think I once saw some Star Wars figures made by them. Are they a current supplier who make castings of Knights too?
Last but one knight joins in now - Sir John Stamford ( second in from the left), with an axe! He was around circa 1350 - and his shield displays his Essex heritage with a red background, four leopards faces on an "Argent Saltire" ( white cross).

Have some of that!

Won't be long now - and I will show all ten in a melee! johnnybach


New Hope originated from the Northumberland area in the 70/80s they made castings from all period and modelled their kits from the Osprey Men at Arms books. I believe the company was sold and ended up in Holland, I have now lost track of their existance, dont know if they are produced anymore. The figures I have are all from Ebay purchases, I have a quite substantial cache of kits waiting to be painted they vary from the Ancient to Medieval to a sprinkling of Napoleonics and Victorian periods. Its just getting time to do them and of course I keep buying more when I find them{sm3}

Maybe someone on the Forum knows a little more about New Hope Design?

Regards John
Thanks for the info on New Hope, John. I will keep an eye out for any of those that I see - though haven't seen any yet! There is a company of that name that produces Star War figures - so maybe they changed over to those - if it is the same company.

Anyway - will also watch out for them here - when you find some time. That's the beauty of being retired - lots of time for painting. Snag is though - by the time it happens - they eyes are starting to go, and the fingers are getting less nimble!

Hey ho - you win some..............^&grin jb
Reference New Hope Design, as John stated they commenced operations in the Northumberland area, later moving to the Isle of Man and did indeed have an arrangement with Osprey publishing making figures to conform with Osprey's artwork. They then moved to Holland at which point the owner had a sex change operation, production almost ceased and the company was then sold on to someone from the Continent, I am not sure whether Dutch or Belgian. The company was then sold on again to someone in the south of England but lapsed into obscurity again after a brief flurry of activity. They have not shown up on the radar again for about ten or twelve years. Present status and location not known. Trooper
Hi Trooper - If you go to mbm models (home address Holland) - then click on 1/32-54mm part of the home page - there they are New Hope Design - with lots more knights out!!! johnnybach.
Hi guys,

Appears the entire New Hope Design range is also available in the States from Dutkins Collectibles in NJ.


My last knight, fighting on foot, has now joined the melee. This is the last of the ten original "Knights of Agincourt" - as designed by Roy Selwyn Smith back in the 1950's.

I have painted him as Sir Edmund Trafford, around 1350 - with a Gryphon device as his Coat of Arms at the time. He is at the front fourth right with a lance. I have also added in at the back my two knights from Tradition of London - because I like them too - and just because I can!

I will try to take some better pics tomorrow and post them - so that you can get a better look at this long overlooked little band of brothers - which I think are just a wonderful classic design. It would appear that I have tried to paint them in a style that Roy might have approved of - albeit - almost by accident - as I knew little about their former history. I just like them, very much - and hope that you do too. Joohnnybach

I like 'em jb they look great :salute:::salute:::salute::


Verra nice! I have a few of the Dutkins molds of foot figures. I am going to get some of the mounted ones soon.
Hi both - glad you like 'em.

KV - when you do get some of the mounted ones - I wouldn't mind a look at what you do with them. Are you buying the moulds??? After a tip from Beating Retreat (John) - I think I've tracked down a New Hope supplier of castings here in Europe-land (as that Good-Old-Boy Double-Ya used to call it!^&grin) It's in Holland - so I may be able to get some (castings) too at some time in the future. jb

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