Well - not exactly Agincourt for these two lads - who pre-date that Battle - but what better place to show them.
A recent purchase of the book in the background ( Heraldic Miniature Knights by Peter Greenhill), has set me off down this path once again. I've shown Richard the Lionheart at the rear before - but he seemed to rather fit in with my newest creation seen in the foreground. Once again, this figure is based on a real person, Sir Robert, Lord Holland, shown here circa 1320, mounted and charging with lance.
My own figure is not exactly the same as the Courtney-Greenhill - but is based on an illustration in the above book - which I immediately fell head over heels with when I saw it! ( Op.cit. Fig.5.26, page 107). The original has a drawn sword - but I wanted him with couched lance in hand.
A check with my Bank Manager confirmed that I was unlikely to ever own a Greenhill Miniatures example, - besides - I like painting my own figures. SO.........on with the thinking cap!
The solution came by way of some parts from re-cast Selwyn-Smith's Knights of Agincourt, originally produced in the 1950's. With a change of arm, extra weapons, some Milliput to modify and make the parts fit better and a splash or two of paint - and hey presto!- Sir Robert rides again - and I have another Medieval Knight for my cabinet. Here's a couple of views below. Hope you like them. jb