Favorite quotes (2 Viewers)

Indeed, so long as it was not his blood that was shed to obtain it.;)
Well, clearly we have a difference of opinion. I do not want to provoke a futile argument, but any negative word concerning Napoleon is like the hot breath of a portfire on the touch-hole of debate;) Napoleon would certainly shed his own blood for France! He led troops over the canister stricken bridge at Arcola. He took bullets, and came very close to death on more than one occasion. DO NOT SAY HE WAS A COWARD. Napoleon was France, and France was Napoleon.
Well, clearly we have a difference of opinion. I do not want to provoke a futile argument, but any negative word concerning Napoleon is like the hot breath of a portfire on the touch-hole of debate;) Napoleon would certainly shed his own blood for France! He led troops over the canister stricken bridge at Arcola. He took bullets, and came very close to death on more than one occasion. DO NOT SAY HE WAS A COWARD. Napoleon was France, and France was Napoleon.
Yes my comment was meant as well all in good fun and I am not saying anything that has not been said to me by many French friends. On a more serious note, the point was not that he was a coward, which I agree is far from the truth, but that his tactics were relatively free with the lives of his soldiers. We all know how much he was loved by the army BUT he was quick to consider all but the Guard rather expendible.;) Indeed, I would not question his brilliance as a commander, at least until the later years but his brilliance was frequently expensive in blood, hence my reaction to his quote.:)
Oh dear another thread going off the rails. A pattern????

Back to the quotes only:

''They think its all over.. It is now''

Another famous victory over Germany 1966

Another I like is:

''Iam always in the s**t its only the level that changes''
Yes my comment was meant as well all in good fun and I am not saying anything that has not been said to me by many French friends. On a more serious note, the point was not that he was a coward, which I agree is far from the truth, but that his tactics were relatively free with the lives of his soldiers. We all know how much he was loved by the army BUT he was quick to consider all but the Guard rather expendible.;) Indeed, I would not question his brilliance as a commander, at least until the later years but his brilliance was frequently expensive in blood, hence my reaction to his quote.:)

Agreed. He did love his army, but he did get a lot of Frenchmen killed. Here is a quote: "For her a Frenchman lives; for her a Frenchman must die!" look it up to find out where it is from:confused::D;):eek:
"Good ahead, everyone else has!" Jerry Lewis to a bird flying over him in Hook, Line and Sinker.
Agreed. He did love his army, but he did get a lot of Frenchmen killed. Here is a quote: "For her a Frenchman lives; for her a Frenchman must die!" look it up to find out where it is from:confused::D;):eek:
Ah, the Chant du Depart, the official anthem of the First Empire, right? Beautiful lyrics those, even better in French I think;):D:
La République nous appelle
Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr
Un Français doit vivre pour elle
Pour elle un Français doit mourir.
" I just want to go on record and state I support a policy of cowardice and appeasement." Craig Feldspar- Malcolm in the Middle:D

The scene has him and a bunch of other employees sitting in a break room discussing starting a union. Craig is the chubby but loveable guy who doesn't want to rock the boat- his opening line to the dialogue was:

" Mr. Jones makes more money than all of us so naturally, that makes him smarter than us."

You sit in enough meetings in corporate america, these lines make so much more sense:D
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once."
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
To be, or not to be– that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Hamlet: Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
Ophelia: No, my lord.
Hamlet: I mean, my head upon your lap?
Ophelia: Ay, my lord.
Hamlet: Do you think I meant country matters?
Ah, the Chant du Depart, the official anthem of the First Empire, right? Beautiful lyrics those, even better in French I think;):D:
La République nous appelle
Sachons vaincre ou sachon périr
Un Français doit vivre pour elle
Pour elle un Français doit mourir.

Right on the dot! Hey, if you like that song, try "oh ca ira". Back to quotes, "Oh not now for the songs of a nation's wrongs, not the groans of straving labor; let the rifle ring and the bullet sing, to the clash of the flashing saber!"
Right on the dot! Hey, if you like that song, try "oh ca ira". Back to quotes, "Oh not now for the songs of a nation's wrongs, not the groans of straving labor; let the rifle ring and the bullet sing, to the clash of the flashing saber!"
Good one;):D:

And frank souls there clear true and bare
To all, as the steel beside them,
Can love or hate withe the strength of Fate,
Till the grave of the valiant hide them.
It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. Alfred Adler

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