FIGARTI / BSP / Fuel Truck (1 Viewer)

My opinion, not looking too good for this release. The driver looks like a 12 year old with a mustache. The other figure a little better, but they do not look like they match the other releases in this series at all. What a shame. Thanks to all who took the time to post the pictures. I know they helped me decide.
Fuel Truck Figure with Fuel Truck


LOL - I can imagine that guy singing out: "You-who boys, the ice-creams are here". Man, I'm still laughing at that image in my head :D But...yes...I'm still going to buy the model :cool:
Inspection Figure and Fuel Truck Figure


Alex, we see what you mean, but I think it's more the case that those standing pointing guys are to big, which is why they are at the back of my Figarti display. Why is it so hard to keep figure sizes within reasonable proportions, well maybe in this instance it is rocket science ;)
The fuel truck and the figures look "too small" to me when compared to the V-2 launch vehicle and figures and the K/C opel..... (the fuel truck appears to be 1:32 scale).......Consistency in size "within a series" should be a no-brainer......I do not collect figarti as a rule but simply do not comprehend how a manufacturer can have so much difficulty with variation in scale "within a series".......It borders on being irresponsible to their own product line......I purchased and returned a few years earlier the bismark gun crew which was definitely 1:35 scale.......too bad because I really liked its detail but the scale was WAY-OFF......
The fuel truck and the figures look "too small" to me when compared to the V-2 launch vehicle and figures and the K/C opel..... (the fuel truck appears to be 1:32 scale).......Consistency in size "within a series" should be a no-brainer......I do not collect figarti as a rule but simply do not comprehend how a manufacturer can have so much difficulty with variation in scale "within a series".......It borders on being irresponsible to their own product line......I purchased and returned a few years earlier the bismark gun crew which was definitely 1:35 scale.......too bad because I really liked its detail but the scale was WAY-OFF......

Did you miss the KC-Figarti Opel Blitz chassis comparison posted by Clive? Too bad, check it out, there's still time it's on page 3 of this thread.
They look the same to me. KC is the standard in 1/30 scale right?

I'll have to check out ther figures again in person when I get them.

The fuel truck and the figures look "too small" to me when compared to the V-2 launch vehicle and figures and the K/C opel..... (the fuel truck appears to be 1:32 scale).......Consistency in size "within a series" should be a no-brainer......I do not collect figarti as a rule but simply do not comprehend how a manufacturer can have so much difficulty with variation in scale "within a series".......It borders on being irresponsible to their own product line......I purchased and returned a few years earlier the bismark gun crew which was definitely 1:35 scale.......too bad because I really liked its detail but the scale was WAY-OFF......

The Fuel Truck is nearly the same as the K&C Opel???

The V2 Launch is a much larger vehicle in real life.

The Bismark was meant to be a one off model, so in my opinion does the scale really matter? Curious, what kind of diorama or scene were you going to use it for?

The fuel truck looks significantly smaller to me next to the K/C opel truck....That is at least my visual impression from the photos.....:confused:
The fuel truck and the figures look "too small" to me when compared to the V-2 launch vehicle and figures and the K/C opel..... (the fuel truck appears to be 1:32 scale).......Consistency in size "within a series" should be a no-brainer......I do not collect figarti as a rule but simply do not comprehend how a manufacturer can have so much difficulty with variation in scale "within a series".......It borders on being irresponsible to their own product line......I purchased and returned a few years earlier the bismark gun crew which was definitely 1:35 scale.......too bad because I really liked its detail but the scale was WAY-OFF......

I am a keen collector of Figarti, but I have agree that the figure size needs to be more consistent, the pointing Officers etc with the V2 are far too big, and more recent figures are a bit small.
The second photo shows a comparison to the KandC Opel truck.
The wheelbase is the same length but the fuel bowser is approx 1cm shorter
which is probably correct given the extra weight.
To my mind no issue on scale either between the Figarti sets or in comparison to the KandC vehicle.


Vezz, not talking figures here as I agree with the posts on that subject, but look at this photo again, they look pretty close to me. The K&C piece is much brighter colored, maybe that makes it appear bigger, but looks pretty close to me.

The fuel truck size issue was raised earlier and Tom is correct in saying the Figarti and K & C version are pretty much the same size. Without an example of either model I can't say if the trucks are the correct scale but Figarti are usually accurate with model vehicle size - their figures are another matter. Of course K & C also have some figure size errors or at best differences.
The fuel truck size issue was raised earlier and Tom is correct in saying the Figarti and K & C version are pretty much the same size. Without an example of either model I can't say if the trucks are the correct scale but Figarti are usually accurate with model vehicle size - their figures are another matter. Of course K & C also have some figure size errors or at best differences.


I'm impressed with your honest assessment :cool: :):)

I'm impressed with your honest assessment :cool: :):)

Thanks IXEC, I don't actually recall making any dishonest assessments. I usually just call things how how I see them without fear or favor using a good deal of common sense. I know I lack the intellect and sophistication of some other members, but we all have to work with what we have and try to make allowances for the shortcomings of others.
Thanks IXEC, I don't actually recall making any dishonest assessments. I usually just call things how how I see them without fear or favor using a good deal of common sense. I know I lack the intellect and sophistication of some other members, but we all have to work with what we have and try to make allowances for the shortcomings of others.

Oh, I won't go there :eek:
Well here is my assessment - The Inspection and Adjusting The Launch Pad Figures are the BIGGEST 1/30th Figures I have ever seen. The One Fuel Truck Guy is very Small, the other two are normal. The Fuel Truck, I am going to call a small 1/30th and a big 1/32, which actually makes it very versatile. Alex

I am going to quote myself........ I have them, I am doing a Diorama with them, which will be done in a week or so. Figarti's stuff has the best detail in the industry, and they, just like other Manufacturers have size issues. I have seen it in K&C - Honour Bound - Figarti and others. So they all need to address that. But do yourself a favor....don't miss the Fuel Truck, it is excellent, and can be used in many ways. The Inspection figures, although quite large, fit well with K&C. And with all of the aircraft stuff K&C has been doing, they will complement a scene using K&C stuff very well. Don't miss them either, they are very well done. Also as far as the the Command Vehicle is concerned, who really knows exactly how large it was, compared to the fuel truck, in real life. For the most part, it all works, and if it doesn't for you, use them in different scenes, as I suggested. Alex


Here's a couple of photos to help with comparisons.
Apologies for the quality, I took them quickly.
The first shows that the figures for the refuelling truck and the Command vehicle are the same scale... height, build etc.
Also that the Command vehicle is built on a large Sdkfz chassis so would be have been towering over the Opel.

The second photo shows a comparison to the KandC Opel truck.
The wheelbase is the same length but the fuel bowser is approx 1cm shorter
which is probably correct given the extra weight.
To my mind no issue on scale either between the Figarti sets or in comparison to the KandC vehicle.

Hope this helps.


I had another look at the above photos and they appear to be all around the same scale. I also had another look at my sets of standing pointing officers and I feel I need to clarify my earlier comment(s) and say that they are larger but they are not so over-sized that they look to be in a different scale, they just look like larger people compared to other figures in 1/30 scale that I have.
LOL - yes it's tempting, but we all promised to behave ourselves otherwise we get sent to the sin bin :eek: :D

Like the avatar Oz!:cool:.

Myself i prefer this fuel truck to the command vehicle,could be used in several dio situations i should imagine.

Like the avatar Oz!:cool:.

Myself i prefer this fuel truck to the command vehicle,could be used in several dio situations i should imagine.


Thanks Rob, I also prefer the fuel truck but will also get the command vehicle in due course to complete the display. What are your thoughts on a Mieller? Wagon to tow the V2? It would not be cheap considering the size, but well worth the coin imo, I hope Figarti make it.
Thanks Rob, I also prefer the fuel truck but will also get the command vehicle in due course to complete the display. What are your thoughts on a Mieller? Wagon to tow the V2? It would not be cheap considering the size, but well worth the coin imo, I hope Figarti make it.

Having the V2 being towed would be a great display Oz,eye catching to say the least.I'd be up for that.


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