There is no disputing that factory RAL7021 was very dark.
Yeah, but I'm starting to get a queasy feeling about this. Now I know you like looking at the old pics & current 7021 sg fandeck swatch for reference, but there are other references & they are not all in agreement. By now I've looked in depth wrt American colors and the confusion which has ensued over the decades, and the source for nearly all the confusion was color conversion charts. I am wondering if this has not infected our (& respectable authors) understanding of what the German colors were too.
Being that we are talking about grey (ignoring the blue tint), we can use simple Munsell Neutral scales for comparison (fandeck is available from X-Rite).
So if we go with the current RAL products, we have:
7021 sg fandeck swatch: N2.5
7021 HR standard card: N2.6
and we have the chip Chory put in his book at a bit lighter:
7021 Chory: N3.2
however, in the early 1970's, a magazine called G2-AFV published four articles on German Panzer Grey (issues I/7, II/7, III/9, V/4) in which the author included a paint chip in each article made from a recipe of Floquil RR paints* and sourced to a original can of WW2 7021 paint in the authors possession.
I/7: N4.3
II/7: N3.7
III/9: NN4.4
V/4: N3.8
...not all identical, but they do establish a range based on a can of paint.
Then there are these guys whom seem to have more resources than conversion charts for data:
and they claim the Heer Panzer Grey is more like current RAL 7043:
7043 sg fandeck swatch: N3.7
add to all of this that I have now sent 3 different people to look at the original color cards in Germany, and all 3 have gone silent on me. Now, either looking at the original color cards turns one to stone, or more likely, they saw something interesting & want to sell the information to the highest bidder.
I don't know what is going on, but there is data suggesting that the true color lies in between Chory's sample & 7043, which is far from the current RAL 7021.
*For the record, the G2-AFV recipe was 5:2:2 :: RR12 Reefer Grey:RR10 Engine Black:RR56 Big Sky Blue