Found past efforts. (1 Viewer)

Enormous amount of effort amongst these, not to mention the talent. A credit to you Wayne. I remember most of these over the years in various scenes. Robin.

This morning my fourteen year old God daughter, bless her cotton socks, found a file on my PC which I had searched for endlessly and believed I had cast it into the cyber wilderness! Scary what kids can do with a phone / PC! Anyway what was lost was found!
Pictures of some of my past efforts.......



Know what you mean Wayne, my grandson borrowed my mobile phone and when he gave it back, he had installed YouTube for kids. Said in future, he needed to tell me first before doing anything on my phone. I think he understood, after all he is three years old{eek3} , Robin.
glad you found them...and great work are a brick casting machine!

You are one talented gentleman!!:salute:: I especially loved the Hanger.
You are amazingly talented Wayne, I mean hold cow! I'm so glad this file was recovered! Thank you for sharing.

Mate all fantastic, your very talented, many of us collectors would love to have your skill set to enhance our displays, congrats
Those are beautiful pieces, Wayne! Outstanding!
I would love to hear about your process to produce the different building or architectural elements, products you use, how you make stonework, brickwork, etc. Even if we've discussed it elsewhere, would you mind adding some info in this thread about how you do things?


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