GAME OF THRONES Season 8 (2 Viewers)

While I’m as political as they come and love discussing it, let’s keep this thread focused so it doesn’t get deleted.
Ok...................................Dany is the ruler of all rulers, and she gets knifed in 30 secs. Bullocks. She is the true ruler and I find it hard to believe George Martin signed off, but as I said earlier, maybe he doesn't care b/c he couldn't get the books finished, so does it matter? They took 2 years to film this, that is the hard part to comprehend. They were never going to make everyone happy, but having Dany killed like that and the dragon disappearing is crap. Also, Jon is a Targaryen, that is why the Dragon let him live, he could have ruled with the Dragon and that would have been a more true ending to the story IMO.

I am glad I watched it, I will buy the big box set when it comes out and rewatch it, but as in the Sopranos, I didn't think the ending was great, if anything, it was a big buildup, then a let down. Felt the same way about the death of the Night King. So much more detail should have came out. Oh well, I could go on forever.

Ok...................................Dany is the ruler of all rulers, and she gets knifed in 30 secs. Bullocks. She is the true ruler and I find it hard to believe George Martin signed off, but as I said earlier, maybe he doesn't care b/c he couldn't get the books finished, so does it matter? They took 2 years to film this, that is the hard part to comprehend. They were never going to make everyone happy, but having Dany killed like that and the dragon disappearing is crap. Also, Jon is a Targaryen, that is why the Dragon let him live, he could have ruled with the Dragon and that would have been a more true ending to the story IMO.

I am glad I watched it, I will buy the big box set when it comes out and rewatch it, but as in the Sopranos, I didn't think the ending was great, if anything, it was a big buildup, then a let down. Felt the same way about the death of the Night King. So much more detail should have came out. Oh well, I could go on forever.


Agree mate they could of done so much more
Ok...................................Dany is the ruler of all rulers, and she gets knifed in 30 secs. Bullocks. She is the true ruler and I find it hard to believe George Martin signed off, but as I said earlier, maybe he doesn't care b/c he couldn't get the books finished, so does it matter? They took 2 years to film this, that is the hard part to comprehend. They were never going to make everyone happy, but having Dany killed like that and the dragon disappearing is crap. Also, Jon is a Targaryen, that is why the Dragon let him live, he could have ruled with the Dragon and that would have been a more true ending to the story IMO.

I am glad I watched it, I will buy the big box set when it comes out and rewatch it, but as in the Sopranos, I didn't think the ending was great, if anything, it was a big buildup, then a let down. Felt the same way about the death of the Night King. So much more detail should have came out. Oh well, I could go on forever.


Well, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who thought this. I was beginning to feel like a minority of one. My wife watched it tonight with my me and my son and she finally had to tell me to pipe down about how the episode transpired.
It was utterly and totally complete guff.

I felt embarrassed watching it.
I really didn't see that the season was as bad as everyone is complaining.I feel the worst was that it felt rushed compared to other seasons.HBO offered more money to do more episodes but the showrunners declined for what ever reason.I think they should have showed the origin of the Night King like who was he when he was human.I didn't care for Brandon the Broken as the king but however they ended it there would be a lot of people unhappy.I knew Dany would die and I think that was the correct choice for her.
The following may be of interest. The New York Times has a GOT newsletter (which I only recently discovered, unfortunately) and this was in today's, a question from a viewer.


Do you know if David and Dan’s ending aligns with George R.R. Martin’s? Or have they gone their own way? — Liz Longley

So how much did George R.R. Martin have to do with the plot of Season 8? — Lisa Wrabek

Given that George R.R. Martin has yet to release the penultimate book of the series (“The Winds of Winter”), let alone the final one (“A Dream of Spring”), it’s hard to say precisely how he will close the story. Some of the major beats will likely be the same, but because of what Martin likes to refer to as the butterfly effect, it might also be remarkably different.

The books have a lot more room to develop complex plot and nuanced characters, and there are a great many characters who were culled in the TV series but still remain alive in the books, as well as many characters never introduced into the TV show at all. A major character who will play a role in Martin’s story is Aegon Targaryen. In the show, we’re told that’s the birth name of Jon Snow, Rhaegar Targaryen’s son with Lyanna Stark. But in the books, Aegon is the supposed surviving son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. So there is a potential for three Targaryen claimants to Iron Throne (including Dany and Jon), and the Aegon of the books is the one with Varys’s support. Already, you can see that it will be a bit more complicated than the TV version.

Martin has said that he provided an outline of his version to the showrunners in various story conferences years ago, with the goal to arrive at the same place, even if there are big differences with secondary characters. Martin didn’t read the scripts, though, and he didn’t see advance footage. If the show were completely true to his version, however, he has estimated that it would take five more seasons to get there. — Jennifer Vineyard


60 Minutes interview with George Martin.


Rolling Stone interview with George Martin,
I can live with the conclusion, though it seemed mundane compared to the story high points that made the show so awesome overall. My biggest gripe was more context was needed to justify Dynares switch to crazy. Surely an episode comprised of talking (and plotting) wouldn't have cost too much. More could've been made of Varys end too - that was rushed too. Filming the Battle of Winterfall so dark was just stupid. A bit more attention to story telling would've made this better (where did Arya jump from? How did she still have some Dothraki?). This said, the destruction of Castle Rock was epic. War is Hell. Jon's departure with the Free Folk was a nice, though unclear, touch. He could lead a life of sorts with them. He made too many mistakes to end up justifiably on the throne.
Should have been 8 episodes...we've been cheated...hoodwinked.

John from Texas
This is an amazing look at what it took to put the show together, something most of us don't think about, unless you're in the business.

Yes it's unbelievable what it takes to put a show together.I saw it last night.
I turned the channel...a little boring and the lady who cursed through the entire doc was annoying.

Just saying...

John from Texas

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