GAME OF THRONES Season 8 (1 Viewer)

I read somewhere that the producers consulted with George Martin to see if what they proposed to do was too radical or not in line with his thinking (or something like that) and he either approved or had no objection. Do you buy that?

Hmm, tough one b/c Martin IMO is never going to have a finality for an ending. He has self admitted that he really doesn't know how to end it or how it will end, so in a way, he may have had no objection. Who knows, as much as I love the show, it probably has torpedoed the books so to speak.
I think if Cersei had survived she would have asked for a refund on the Golden Company. No elephants and as for their battlefield performance - all mouth and 'baggy' trousers.
Tom...are we 100% sure Cersei is dead?

I think so, they gave her the easy way out and made Jaime look like a compassionate guy in the end. All they ever did was want to be together, I would really find it incredulous if they brought them back.

Funny note was Sir Gregor crushing Cersei's hand, the little weasel met a quick end!
I think so, they gave her the easy way out and made Jaime look like a compassionate guy in the end. All they ever did was want to be together, I would really find it incredulous if they brought them back.

Funny note was Sir Gregor crushing Cersei's hand, the little weasel met a quick end!


I dunno...
I didn't see her die...
or Jamie either for that matter...

don't ever count anyone out in this show...

the Hound was left for dead after Brien wiped him out...
dead dragons come back to life...
Beric from the Band of Brothers came back...
Jon Snow came back...
not to mention the Whit Walkers reincarnations of his armies...

it's a common theme...

and I liked Qyburn...
especially when he had his little birds stab Pycelle to death....
he was sneaky little bastard...
and he created Ser Robert Strong...formerly The Mountain or Gregor McClean...
I want to cut Greyworm's head off.^&grin. The imp always comes out ahead but Jon Snow always suffer.The leaks were accurate.Good episode but I didn't like the way it turned out but I'm not one of those who are demanding they rewrite the season.
Well after reading all the books and watching all the seasons I was really let down by this finale. Not what I expected at all but whatcha gonna do c'est la vie.
Even though they had 2 years to do this season I felt it was a tad rushed.They should have done a couple of more episodes.I know the cost was enormous and the challenge of making these episodes daunting but with a show like this it would have been worthwhile IMHO.
I don't think this ending will get rave reviews...
I didn't care for it that much...
but you can't please everyone...
while it seemed rushed...
it also seemed like it could have been filmed in a 30 minute version...

it's amazing what a dozen peasants with 4th degree burns can do in a few days in cleaning up that pile of smoldering rubble...^&grin

glad the Imp and Jon lived...
glad to see Tormund Giantsbane still kicking...
glad to see one eared Ghost still alive...
liked the make up of the King's counsel...
liked how Brien wrote some good stuff in the book for Jamie...

don't understand The Wall needing sentries...what are they protecting the North from?
I thought the wall came down.Who rebuilt it?^&confuse
I didn’t think it was very good. I didn’t like the ending but some will and some won’t. What I found interesting (and perhaps this is the producers making a political statement) but Dany and her kind represented change and were a threat to the established order and in the end what we see (with the Council arguing about this and that) is politics as usual. When Sam proposed having the people participate in the decision on the new ruler, they all laughed. That is why Dany destroyed Kings Landing — to make a statement and sweep away the old order. It’s no coincidence that a member of the established order urges one of her loyal followers to kill her.
You have to be joking!!
That is it the only highlight Was the return of Ghost.
To rushed after all these years that's what we get,oh well now wait for the boxset and be dissapointed again lol.
Completely rushed, and considering they had 2 years to do it and only filmed 6 episodes. What a shame, that was probably the biggest series of this decade and the final season spoiled it.

I don't think this ending will get rave reviews...
I didn't care for it that much...
but you can't please everyone...
while it seemed rushed...
it also seemed like it could have been filmed in a 30 minute version...

it's amazing what a dozen peasants with 4th degree burns can do in a few days in cleaning up that pile of smoldering rubble...^&grin

glad the Imp and Jon lived...
glad to see Tormund Giantsbane still kicking...
glad to see one eared Ghost still alive...
liked the make up of the King's counsel...
liked how Brien wrote some good stuff in the book for Jamie...

don't understand The Wall needing sentries...what are they protecting the North from?

Yeah what he said...

John from Texas

PS: OZARK anyone?

This final season was about one thing: setting up the GOT spin off and prequels. HBO is terrified subscribers will now leave in droves. So They've set the stage for who knows how many GOT related series in the future.

So it seems in Westeros, the $$$$ is more powerful than a dragon! Lol
Yeah what he said...

John from Texas

PS: OZARK anyone?

Jason Bateman has said he won’t film in Ga if the new anti abortion law is upheld. Ozark is filmed in Lake Oconee Ga, about an hour due east of Atlanta.

Don’t let the door hit ya in the arse, Jason...
I don’t think Jason has to worry; none of those laws will be upheld.
They will probably head to the Supreme Court,Whether the court will hear them is a different matter.

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