All of you are forgetting one important detail that may alter the entire ending and who ascends (or stays) to the throne! Cersi has got that green, wildfire voodoo nuclear chit that can blow up virtually anything and everything. Remember when she took out the High Sparrow on the Sept? Remember when it was used to defeat the whats his name Naval fleet...Brother Boratheon? Yeah, she has the secret artillery weapon of all time in the 7 Kingdoms and you know she will unleash it when they attack. So, I predict she will use it.
But on to some other things:
-The Hound is off to kill his brother The Mountain
-Araya is off to kill Cesci as she is on her list. Plus, I think she has a face or two in her purse to use for cover.
-No clue where Jamie is going, but probably to protect Cersci, but then will want to whack her out since she is pregnant with whats his face child...Euron Greyjoy and when he finds out she cheated on him I think he will flip his lid. He'll have to take a number though.
-Sansa, Briane of Tar and company will join the battle and leave Bran to rule if she does not come back.
-Jon Snow can't be killed as he is on his second life.
-Deanrys don't know, but Varys seems to be scheming an accidental death of some sort. He is a slick fellow and always comes out looking like Mr. Clean.
-Tyrion will not die and always be hand of the king/queen drinking wine.
-The unsullied will be wiped out...probably by a nuke. I love that chick. She is the most gorgeous, evil queen I know. She has paid her dues...losing all her kids, been promoted and demoted, endured the Shame walk, got her hair cut off and exacted revenge so cold the Wight King would be jealous. So, I am betting that she is going to get hers in the end. Maybe she draws everyone in and pulls a suicide mission so that NO ONE gets the throne via the green voodoo nuclear chit...roll credits?
We shall see.
John from Texas