GAME OF THRONES Season 8 (2 Viewers)

Actually, only six episodes. I wonder if the book, when Martin eventually gets to it, will end the same way.
I didn't love this particular episode, the death of the Dragon was in my opinion a waste and on a whole - stupid. Those Dragons were seeming invincible and since when has fire not been unleashed on the enemy. It would have been IMO a great point in the story to eradicate Euron Greyjoy. Yet Drogon never even lit a match much less destroyed them. The build up in the books was all about the return of the dragons. That is the part for me that was engaging. Simply coming up with a type of siege machine to stop them is ludicrous in my opinion. Just a waste.

As to the ending, who knows and frankly not sure I care as IMO again, inevitably when they decided to condense this season and end it in 8 eps, you knew there was going to be sacrifices to the story and I feel like that is what I am watching. It is not that I don't like the show, but the story line thus far at times is underwhelming.


Actually Tom I believe it is 6 episodes.I agree completely with the dragons.If they took one down she still could have destroyed the whole fleet before they had a chance to fire again.
Sorry, you guys are correct 6 eps. As to the books, there is much more depth and some twists and turns the series deviated from. I have a feeling the ending will probably be different should he write it, but who knows?
Actually Tom I believe it is 6 episodes.I agree completely with the dragons.If they took one down she still could have destroyed the whole fleet before they had a chance to fire again.


The Dragons thing really irritates me, I understand how the one got nailed by the Night King, ok, that I could believe, but Rhaegel being downed by a bolt that he seemingly didn't sense, didn't then move out of the way of the next 2? Huh? Too cookie cutter and basically diminished the "mythical crescendo" they built up over all of the seasons. Just BS the more I think about it and disappointing. I think it changes Martin's direction completely as we near the finish. Again I like the show and will watch it till conclusion as probably will go back and re-watch the entire series, but man oh man it really deflated a lot of it for me.

gotta agree with that...
there are lots of war movies...
but not many dragon movies...
I thought it was pretty cheesy to kill a dragon in the first 5 minutes of the show...
pretty anticlimactic...

and then not to torch the fleet in retaliation...
I wouldn't have written it that way...

those boat mounted ballista don't look too easy to maneuver and then aim...
seems like Dany could of gotten behind them quicker than they could turn them around...
and scorched Euron's entire fleet...

same thing for the castle rampart ballistas...
gotta agree with that...
there are lots of war movies...
but not many dragon movies...
I thought it was pretty cheesy to kill a dragon in the first 5 minutes of the show...
pretty anticlimactic...

and then not to torch the fleet in retaliation...
I wouldn't have written it that way...

those boat mounted ballista don't look too easy to maneuver and then aim...
seems like Dany could of gotten behind them quicker than they could turn them around...
and scorched Euron's entire fleet...

same thing for the castle rampart ballistas...
Exactly! I could not have put that better
Agree with all about the dragon,ruined it for Me and it does all seem a bit rushed to finish it.
From up that high why didn't they see the boats before they got in range then swing around the back of them and they would be sitting ducks.
Tom, what did you mean “I think it changes Martin's direction completely as we near the finish.” Are you saying that he will adapt his writing to the end shown in the series?
Tom, what did you mean “I think it changes Martin's direction completely as we near the finish.” Are you saying that he will adapt his writing to the end shown in the series?

No sorry, I meant that after reading all of the books, HBO altered Martin's direction as we near. I am not ever going to guess what Martin would write as he has a way better imagination than me, but the books definitely are "dragon tilted" in where they are/were going. I think HBO in their typical fashion once they had the ok to finish it on their terms probably asked him his "storyboard" but then went on their own ( I think I actually remember this from an article or interview over the last 2 years). As they say, all good things must come to an end and we may never ever see what Martin had in mind if he even had it finished in his mind!


All of you are forgetting one important detail that may alter the entire ending and who ascends (or stays) to the throne! Cersi has got that green, wildfire voodoo nuclear chit that can blow up virtually anything and everything. Remember when she took out the High Sparrow on the Sept? Remember when it was used to defeat the whats his name Naval fleet...Brother Boratheon? Yeah, she has the secret artillery weapon of all time in the 7 Kingdoms and you know she will unleash it when they attack. So, I predict she will use it.

But on to some other things:

-The Hound is off to kill his brother The Mountain

-Araya is off to kill Cesci as she is on her list. Plus, I think she has a face or two in her purse to use for cover.

-No clue where Jamie is going, but probably to protect Cersci, but then will want to whack her out since she is pregnant with whats his face child...Euron Greyjoy and when he finds out she cheated on him I think he will flip his lid. He'll have to take a number though.

-Sansa, Briane of Tar and company will join the battle and leave Bran to rule if she does not come back.

-Jon Snow can't be killed as he is on his second life.

-Deanrys don't know, but Varys seems to be scheming an accidental death of some sort. He is a slick fellow and always comes out looking like Mr. Clean.

-Tyrion will not die and always be hand of the king/queen drinking wine.

-The unsullied will be wiped out...probably by a nuke. I love that chick. She is the most gorgeous, evil queen I know. She has paid her dues...losing all her kids, been promoted and demoted, endured the Shame walk, got her hair cut off and exacted revenge so cold the Wight King would be jealous. So, I am betting that she is going to get hers in the end. Maybe she draws everyone in and pulls a suicide mission so that NO ONE gets the throne via the green voodoo nuclear chit...roll credits?

We shall see.

John from Texas
okay John...

you got a stalemate here...
in fact...
edge goes to the North...


Dany has a dragon that spits endless supplies of that wildfire voodoo nuclear chit that can blow up virtually anything and everything...

and he can fly...he is mobile...
just say "Dracarys"...and he vomits fire all over the place...^&grin

don't underestimate Greyworm...

while I do like your faceless idea on Arya......
she's already been a hero once...
killing the Whitwalker...
she has had her 5 minutes...

Dany is gonna die...
she's gotten too unstable...
becoming unlikable...

I do wanna see the Hound and Gregor get down...
the battle will be called the Clegane Bowl...
like Terrell Owens says..."get your popcorn ready"...

I saw Liam Cunningham on Conan the other night...
the finger less Sir Onion Knight Davos Seaworth...
and he said...
like Brad said...

the ending may not be wrapped in a pretty bow with a conclusive ending...

they released some photos...
the photos include Tyrion (who looks rather alarmed?), Grey Worm and Daenerys at Dragonstone.
also Jon Snow and Varys arriving at Dragonstone.
don't have a clue what that's about...

I think that other dragon is still alive...
and if not him...
I think there are more dragons at Dragonstone...
I hope...
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There are some articles claiming that what takes place in episodes 5 and 6 have been leaked. Do a search and you'll see what I mean. On the other hand, Emilia Clarke says they shot different endings so perhaps the producers are trying to keep everyone off guard.
There are some articles claiming that what takes place in episodes 5 and 6 have been leaked. Do a search and you'll see what I mean. On the other hand, Emilia Clarke says they shot different endings so perhaps the producers are trying to keep everyone off guard.

Why would anyone want to know the ending before hand?
Ruin all these years of enjoyment
I just read them...wish I hadn't...but will not comment on this thread til the series ends...
It was a surprise to see the dragon go down - but that's the fortunes of war. People/characters have bad luck or make mistakes - this show is famous for the consequences people face.
I think we might see the end of Cersi in Ep 5 but then a Varys twist in Ep 6 will give us a surprise winner of the throne.
I heard something about shifting alliances.{eek3}
Death and destruction. Eyewitness News brings you the full report. Film at 11.
Danys is now the Mad Queen!{eek3}A+ episode. Only one more.:mad:

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