Re: Heco Tinplate Vehicles
Can't wait to get the Heco RAF Nissen Hut and Water Tower. I have decided to re-arrange my entire airfield, to try to be more creative and set up the airfield closer to the way Gordon Neilson originally envisioned when he first set it up for me 3 years ago. He had the whole thing set up at an angle to the viewer, as he felt it gave a more visually striking impression. I will try to follow this concept when I rearrange the field. I am thinking of setting up all five Nissen Huts (2 new K&C, 1 vintage K&C and 2 vintage Heco) on an diagonal line parallell to the angle of the runway and the control tower, and siilarly place the Heco Wind Sock Tower and the Heco Water Tower on an angle, near the Heco Nissen Huts. I will set up the Heco stuff all together near the Nissen Huts and towers, towards the rear of the airfield, so Heco has its own area.
All the Heco and K&C BiPlanes will go behind this line of Nissen Huts, for a separate WWI portion of the airfield. This should also make the airfield look a bit more authentic and less crowded than its present configuration (with WWI, inter-war, and WWII aircraft on the same field). I just have to wait for the Heco and one more K&C Nissen Hut (which I already ordered) to arrive, and then I will send Brad some photos of the redesigned airfield with a polite request that he post them on this thread.