Honestly...is anybody really gonna stop? (1 Viewer)


Nice thread and some nice replies!!! There will be some who state they will give up but, I wonder, the if those who do have the power to resist when that next nice set catches their eye to actually stop and say no my principles are more important cause, I still don't see what principles have been abused??

I thought this was like the telegram in Blackadder's goes forth so, please don't ever.... Stop!
Dear Mike Miller, Jazzeum is a big time friend of the K/C brand. All this negativity against the K/C brand makes him uncomfortable even though the K/C brand made all the bad news, all by their lonesome. In your defense, you asked an honest question. Some folks like Ixec have made no secret ( or maybe it is a bad kept secret )that his new friend is TG and he has been anti-Andy for a while now. My answer was truthful. Not the issue over increased costs slowing me, but the back handed way the deposed dealers were treated by forum members and then the K/C brand...God forbid that K/C overproduces klunkers and a small dealer must eat them forever and heaven forbid that a member or collector might be used as an informant for K/C policy decisions. Andy has enough buddies on this forum to help him out without an innocent posted remark perking up the ears of the K/C police..Michael

No Mike...I'm no shill for TG...I just like manufacturer's that don't insult ones "common sense"....But I agree with your other opinion..
Probably not start a new line of collecting and not purchase something I might have considered of marginal interest. Already started to back away from KC prior to the recent events.
I will still buy K&C. And Im sure alot of you other guys will continue buying also. :)
Stop buying K&C? You're kidding!! There is no antidote for
this addiction:D:D:D
I'll toss my 2 cents in here. I have a budget. The price increase will hurt the amount I buy. I have always been a very selective collector because of my budget and interests. I love the B.O.B. series, but I will not buy it even though I think they are really some of the best figures that K&C does.

So I can control my impulses. If a figure comes out that looks like it will fit with what I have and am doing, then I'll see how it fits in with my budget.

I made up my mind when a single figurine hit $35 that was it. I will probably still buy some very selected items, however, K&C has lost a pretty big buyer. Regards, Larry.
Stop buying K&C? You're kidding!! There is no antidote for
this addiction:D:D:D

Very true, collecting K&C is totally addictive and so enjoyable. Just this morning my mate James is blaming me for influencing him into buying the D Day Tilly!:D

I will still buy. I'm not as big a collector as many others on here, I only own maybe 35-40 pieces, and I dont purchase toy soldiers on a regular basis, so a price increase doesn't really affect me all that much. I'm not going to say I will continue to buy no matter what the price is, but 32-35$ for a single figure doesnt seem that much to pay to me.
I will not stop buying ......but I have to admit some i would buy on impulse....I am going to keep collecting any RAF untill they stop....and of course if there is anymore Egyptians ......I think over time when my Visa bill comes..... it will tell the story .....;)
I love the product.....I understand business enough and I realize Andy is trying to run one.......We view our little hobby through the rose colored glasses of being a "collector". Put yourself in the shoes of someone trying to run a toy soldier BUSINESS and its not so hard to understand the choices he makes. You have someone representing your brand that goes against your wishes and I assume possibly a signed contract and in your mind is trying to undermine your brand....get rid of them. The competitive global economy and changing environment in China cutting into your cost effectiveness.....take steps to maintain your profitability so you can support salaries for your employees.....and yourself! You don't understand or like this.....stop collecting....FREE market....more for me!
Hey Mike

my answer is that I am cutting back significantly. The events that have unfolded lately aren't really the root- the root- well, I have enough WW2 stuff to cover nearly two full sheets of plywood!! I started buying when SPR was all the rage and times are a changing for me. I have been waiting for years for someone to give me some more modern stuff so, Figarti has answered the call and will get the bulk of my coin next year. Then there are the Romans and St. Pete/ East of India still dominate there for me- with Conte in for very good measure.

KC-wise, well, I'll stick with Egypt- not sure how I am going to move on the price adjusted sets. I gotta believe that there will be some new releases soon so I will probably hold out to see how those look compared to the adjusted ones. WW2 wise- I will cherry pick- some nice HJ's out this year. AWI- want to get a couple of the recently retired British troops and then the RI Arty piece.

Otherwise, if KC branches out their Life of Jesus set with perhaps the Judean wars of Vespasian (which happened well after the crucifixtion :)) then I'll definately jump on that. The other line that would get me full throttle with KC would be perhaps if he did a Bannockburn 1314 line or relaunched modern troops.

I bought two WW1 figures last year but will probably drop that line. Depends on the doughboys.

Long story short, KC is moving to the middle of the pack spending wise, and that is more a reflection of my personal tastes changing.
This is a general answer and has nothing to do with anything that has gone on the last couple weeks. My self imposed limit of $35 for a figure has been reached as has my vehicle (planes, tanks) maximum. I will continue to collect what I can afford within my limits, which I suspect will be mostly WW1 aircraft. Figures are all but out at this point. It is a budget problem I cannot solve. I will be buying fewer and fewer planes as prices rise, but I will buy. Whoever makes what I like gets my money. That simple. -- Al
I love the product.....I understand business enough and I realize Andy is trying to run one.......We view our little hobby through the rose colored glasses of being a "collector". Put yourself in the shoes of someone trying to run a toy soldier BUSINESS and its not so hard to understand the choices he makes. You have someone representing your brand that goes against your wishes and I assume possibly a signed contract and in your mind is trying to undermine your brand....get rid of them. The competitive global economy and changing environment in China cutting into your cost effectiveness.....take steps to maintain your profitability so you can support salaries for your employees.....and yourself! You don't understand or like this.....stop collecting....FREE market....more for me!

Agree 100%.
NO, I,m waiting for the White Tiger,and the ME262. After that I'll start on BBGand BBA.........Ron
the tough part of collecting for me has come the past 2 yrs when i used to buy everything (completist) to having to cut back because of the shear volume of items produced and offered, to lack of space, to slow economy and also because some other manufactures have come out with some nice things, notably the figarti train and russian vehicles. but seriously how can anybody that is a true ts collector really say they are not buying anymore kc, come on, lets get real. and just wait til the jadgtiger appears.
Lots of different answers here based on a wide variety of financial circumstances. From my perspective as a collector any price increase is unwelcomed, especially if its dramatically high or all inclusive. However business is business and its not personal so I won't stop purchasing from any manufacturer based on those reasons if I like their product. I'ma collector who appreciates the extraordinary work many manufacturers are producing for me. Bottom line is I have a finite amount of money to spend on these pieces. Therefore if the prices go up I simply buy less, but I'm still spending about the same. Being a completist or even someone who dabbles in many lines is quickly becoming a thing of the past for me. :(
Mike, first off, don't worry about comments from certain members. They feel that they should control certain topics and discussion on the K&C forum. Andy certainly has his attack dogs and their self control the last week or so is surprising.;)
As for purchasing K&C products, I have the Snow Tiger on order and that's it. I was planning on picking up three American and four German BoB sets before the price increase but now they will have to wait.
Figarti, TG and CS are at the top of the list for me.

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