Honour Bound (2 Viewers)

OzDigger said:
That HB stuff looks great. Can someone tell me what material the models are made out of and what scale they are (I had a look on the website but couldn't find the answers there). I did notice they don't yet have a dealer downunder - I hope they get one soon.

Just curious about your opinion of the HB vs KC Panther. Particularly the new Winter Panther. You seem to be an unbiased observer.
Peter Reuss said:
Oz - The HB tanks are polystone with metal accessories. They are in 1:30 scale.

I know Ana at HB is looking for a dealer down under, so feel free to suggest to your favorite local dealer that he might consider carrying the line.


Thanks Pete, I'll certainly give that some consideration.
Combat said:
Just curious about your opinion of the HB vs KC Panther. Particularly the new Winter Panther. You seem to be an unbiased observer.

Hi Combat, and thankyou for you confidence in my opinion. Clearly I've spent to much time on other threads as I didn't realise these tanks were made of polystone and the same scale as King and Country. From the detail in the pictures I thought they were made mainly from resin which I don't particularly like as it breaks so easily. And when I read some time ago that three had broken during transit to some show that sort of reinforced my mistaken belief. I've now taken the time to read this entire thread and discovered that only some bits were broken off and a track fell partly off or something. Which is hardly the drama I assumed it was.

I've now had a good look at the pictures on the Honour Bound and Treefrog websites. If they are pictures of actual polystone models and not resin pre production models I'm nothing short of amazed. The detail on the 'Barkhorn Panther' and others is terrific. I could only find pics of the 'Winter Panther' you mentioned on the sculpting process link but it's impressive as well. And as for that Bergepanther - Armoured Recovery Vehicle, I wants it :)

Some people prefer their replicas to have an artistic somewhat sculptured look. Whilst I, and I believe most collectors, prefer models to look like miniatures of the actual thing, which is what Honour Bound has achieved.

I also had a look at the pictures of the German infantry and compared the camo detail with my Schiffer "Camouflage Uniforms of the Waffen-SS" book I have. The uniforms appear very accurate with excellent shading and the winter/autumn tones of the different patterns looks spot on. One or two of the figures appear to have rather sallow and gaunt expressions. However such close-ups can over emphasize facial features on models when enlarged 200% and more as those pics are. In any case the expression is more accurate and true to late WWII soldiers than some of the cherub faced figures you see on some figures on the market.
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sceic2 said:
I will always collect K&C. I will also continue to collect other makers stuff that can complement my collection. I have the entire set of Britains Panzer IV's. I think that they are great representations, even with the polyresin tracks. I also like the Britains 105 howitzer sets, I've got six of them. By-the-way, they look really good tailing behind the K&C GMC truck.


Hi Michael, please understand that my remark about purchasing HB, NMA, etc. and still being able to remain a K&C enthusiast was my feeble attempt at a little ribbing on those who seem to be of the opinion that anyone who even suggests that a vehicle or figure set made by a manufacturer other than K&C looks well made, that person must be a heretic.:rolleyes: My point is I think there's room in anybody's collection for whatever they like. OK, I have to confess that as of this moment I only have K&C , but I've only been collecting for three months and I do have two HB panthers and the figures on order and will most likely buy the third panther and will diffinitely get the winter version. I guess I'm trying to say is that even though I think K&C makes a fantastic product, except for the vehicles with blue windows, I'm with Oz on that one, that I'm going to buy whatever I like and thinks fits in with K&C no matter who makes it.

Oz, I'm glad you revisted the greatly over stated Honour Bound damaged in shipping issue. I've talked to George G. at MinuteMen several times about this and his take on it is that only one tank was slightly damaged in shipping, loose figures in the box scuffing the tank, and any other breakage most likely occured at the show through mishandling. The exhaust pipes were broken on one panther, but according to George, were not when the tank was first put out on display and niether were tracks on a second panther. These tanks are very heavy, heavier than K&C , and it's easy to see how somebody could have dropped or broken them. I think even Oz will like the detail of the tracks and be able to get past the dreaded polystone.:D

Hi Fred, thankyou for the clarification about those breakages which sounded very minor from what you say. You said you already have some HB Panthers. Can you tell me what ones you have as the Treefrog website indicates they are waiting for some to arrive. I guess they issued some earlier but I may well have missed seeing those.

It's also pleasing to hear from another person who isn't blind to the negatives of King and Country. Yes, they have some great gear but they also have some very poor pieces. However their greatest strength is in the way they market their product which includes some very subtle methods.

As you say, the best way to collect is to pick and choose and buy what you like, whoever makes it. And when I spend my money I usually do it with people that give me the least aggravation, why put money in the pocket of people that don't respect their customers.
I've just received the Barkmann tank and it's quite nice. It's a very good complement to whatever K & C person may have. If you're expecting K & C figures, they're not. It generally survived shipping ok. The tank is fastened down. However, I think the cut out styrofoam that K & C uses for shipping tanks and vehicles might a better way to go.

The detail is quite impressive and, yes, for those who think the tracks are important, they're an improvement over K & C.

But why must threads be an opportunity to attack K & C? This is the Honour Bound part of the forum. If you want to criticize what K & C does, I suggest you use the K & C part of the forum for that.
jazzeum said:
I've just received the Barkmann tank and it's quite nice. It's a very good complement to whatever K & C person may have. If you're expecting K & C figures, they're not. It generally survived shipping ok. The tank is fastened down. However, I think the cut out styrofoam that K & C uses for shipping tanks and vehicles might a better way to go.

The detail is quite impressive and, yes, for those who think the tracks are important, they're an improvement over K & C.

But why must threads be an opportunity to attack K & C? This is the Honour Bound part of the forum. If you want to criticize what K & C does, I suggest you use the K & C part of the forum for that.

Hi Brad,

I think that you are loosing your time in suggesting him to attack K&C in the King & Country part of the forum. For him, every public place to drain away his venom on K&C (and the people who loves the products of Mr. Neilson) are not enough.

And as we see from the following posts, some methods aren't so subtle :)

I have the right, as others have, to respond to posts on relevant subjects in whatever thread they are - that's how forums work. My comments were relevant and objective, which is more than I can say for some.
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Pierre said:
Hi Brad,

I think that you are loosing your time in suggesting him to attack K&C in the King & Country part of the forum. For him, every public place to drain away his venom on K&C (and the people who loves the products of Mr. Neilson) are not enough.


I agree with you Jazzeum.

I Agree with you Pierre but it is a public forum and it is his right speak his mind.

However, its my right to choose not to read his comments anymore.


You have the right to say whatever you want. I was just suggesting that if you want to criticize K & C, I think the best place is in the K & C forum, not here. Let's just use forum to talk about Honour Bound. However, if that's what you want to do, go ahead.

I also don't think it's necessary for you to characterize other poster's comments as irrelevant and subjective. I believe that others can draw their own conclusion.
Brad, I don't feel I, or any other person, has the right to say 'whatever they want', but I understand your intention of the phrase. On reflection I agree that it isn't fair to all concerned to critisize King and Country on this section unless it is a direct comparrison of similar products. My apologies to all that I got carried away with my critique to an overly general level.

My only excuse being that I am rather passionate about my belief in a fair go for all members irrespective of their opinions of King and Country, or any other manufacturer for that matter. Therefore I may have over compensated on to many occassions, and clearly I should apply a more balanced view in future myself.

I was only trying to redirect the conversation to another place and there certainly is no need to apologize. Passion is a good thing and different views are what it's all about.
I think you guys have been a little hard on Oz. He was just responding to a direct question from me regarding a comparison of the HB Panther to the KC Panther. That seems a legitimate point for this forum - just as we have discussed other companies on the KC forum. I don't see anything in his response that is inappropriate. A comparison may include criticism of one or both. There obviously is a strong KC bias on the board that may be well earned - I like them as much as anyone - but if you ask the folks on the other TS chat board why they never post here you might look at this thread.
Geez Oz, I hope I wasn't the cause of all this backlash heaped on you. Let me try explaining this again, keep in mind I was never very good in high school english. IMHO Honour Bound is producing a great tank, very nice track detail and accessories that are cast separately and glued on, yes the figures are not quite up to the standard K&C has set, but all in all it looks like a very impressive first effort. K&C will always be the benchmark for me and, aside from a few klinkers, their products are outstanding. I see nothing wrong with purchasing and displaying different brands and don't view praising one maker as a slam against another. As for owning any HB panthers, again I think I might have confused you with my horrible sentence structuring. I have two (the P1 and P3) on order along with the figure set and will definitely order the winter version panther when available. The P1 and P2 are the ones without (for the most part) side skirts, the K&C WS-72 has side skirts so I wanted to mix it up a little. Hope this explains my take on the subject, bottom line is I like both the HB and the bew K&C panthers!:D

Thanks guys, but let's face it, the backlash was not entirely unexpected as I'm sure we've all seen the personal attacks on people that express negative opinions of King and Country on the K & C thread. Despite such ant bites I'll certainly continue to make comments about relevant company products on this thread and K & C's etc.

However in fairness to the owners of Honour Bound and other interested parties I didn't think it was appropriate for me to discuss certain general aspects of K & C, such as their marketing methods on this thread. In future I'll try to confine objective general comments about King and Country to the K & C thread and trust the moderator etc will excersise an unbiased control of such discussions there.

Now back to the products. I guess it will be best to get actual examples of the HB Panther(s) before we can make a fair comparrison of them to the K & C Panther(s). However based on the photos Honour Bound have some winners on their hands and I hope I'll be able to buy their product locally one day. Meanwhile I note that some dealers in the US offer freight deals to US buyers - I wonder if any do freight deals to Australia :)

If you look at their website, there's a dealer in Singapore so it might be a little easier to get once they're in stock.
jazzeum said:

If you look at their website, there's a dealer in Singapore so it might be a little easier to get once they're in stock.

Thanks Brad, I actually tried that link yesterday but it needed some extra programs to download and run it. Dealer websites vary so much in their user freindly aspects. If I was selling online I'd make my site simple enough for computer illiterate buyers like me to get in, buy and get out. Treefrogs seem one of the better sites in that respect.
desk11desk12 said:
I agree with you Jazzeum.

I Agree with you Pierre but it is a public forum and it is his right speak his mind.

However, its my right to choose not to read his comments anymore.



I agree 100% with Carlos!

erniesstudio said:
Hey OZ..look up sierra toy soldier co...www.sierratoysoldier.com They ship free overseas on orders 250.U.S. and over regards Ern...:cool:

Thanks heaps for that link Ernie. I'm presently seeking the best deal freight wise, and currently following up with those that have offered.

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