I got a Golden Ticket! (1 Viewer)

This is the figure i received several weeks ago from my third Golden ticket. Robin.


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I opened the box of my amazing William Brandon with Battle Standard, from the Wars of the Roses line and there, on top of the protective foam packing, was a Golden Ticket! Flashbacks of Willie Wanka danced through my head. To receive such a wonderful figure and also be surprised with the Golden Ticket was a real Christmas treat! I consider this to be the nicest mounted medieval figure I have ever received...bar none! It will be exciting to see what I receive, after I mail in the ticket.

Congratulations !

I am envious of you for the Sir William Brandon figure...hope to have mine soon.

Thank you for posting photo.
I was very (pleasantly) surprised on opening my purchases from the December LTSS to find another two WOR Golden Tickets in amongst them.

Just had a wonderful start to the New Year - I received a package from Hong Kong this morning containing my prizes. WOW!!

I received:

One box of LANC-27 Billmen and one Box of YORK-27 Billmen.

Also there were two unlabelled boxes. One contained a just released LANC-22 and a (to be released in January) LANC-23.

Just the absolute icing on the cake though........ the last box contained two figures from (I believe) Rhys Ap Thomas' Retinue! ^&grin

Thank you so much John - your generosity is very much appreciated - chuffed to bits.......:salute::


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I was very (pleasantly) surprised on opening my purchases from the December LTSS to find another two WOR Golden Tickets in amongst them.

Just had a wonderful start to the New Year - I received a package from Hong Kong this morning containing my prizes. WOW!!

I received:

One box of LANC-27 Billmen and one Box of YORK-27 Billmen.

Also there were two unlabelled boxes. One contained a just released LANC-22 and a (to be released in January) LANC-23.

Just the absolute icing on the cake though........ the last box contained two figures from (I believe) Rhys Ap Thomas' Retinue! ^&grin

Thank you so much John - your generosity is very much appreciated - chuffed to bits.......:salute::


Wow !


Your "luck" sure has changed !

Great figures, thank you for posting.
That's the ticket Roy, at this rate you will have a great army built on freebies^&grin, Robin.

Wow !


Your "luck" sure has changed !

Great figures, thank you for posting.

That's the ticket Roy, at this rate you will have a great army built on freebies^&grin, Robin.

Thanks Ivanhoe and Robin :)

Yes indeed - my luck has changed (It must have been when I went down to the toy soldiers Crossroads at midnight....... :wink2: ) and my
ranks have certainly been bolstered by John's generosity :salute::

About to get stuck into my Christmas present from my daughter:


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And I just received my THIRD Golden Ticket in a box of French Militia! Oh Happy Day {sm4}
I purchased three sets of the 60th Regiment of Foot skirmishing, and one of them contained a Golden Ticket. So now I have some woodland Indians to skirmish with them. What a generous promotion!



Generous Indeed! Just received the two sets of Girls with Guns; not only lovely figures (let the jokes begin!) but each box held a Golden Ticket! These are my 4th and 5th Golden Tickets. Gotta love it ^&grin

John delivered my Golden Ticket prize last week in the pub (how's that for service!) and got to say I was left somewhat speechless at the quality of prizes JJD has put aside for his customers during this promotion.

I'm not sure about other recipients of Golden Tickets, but I've responded to the promotion with a greater degree of customer loyalty and respect - exactly the point of any promotion.

Well done to John and Yvette for an award winning year of customer attention, retention and appreciation.
Looks like some of "Old Bill's" luck has reached across the Pond !

Yesterday, I received three JJD "Wars of the Roses" figures from Treefrog, YORK-21, LANC-22 and HLANC-04.
Great figures.
Inside two of them were WOR Golden Tickets !

Put them in the mail this morning...as others have said; "What a great promotion".


Looks like some of "Old Bill's" luck has reached across the Pond !

Yesterday, I received three JJD "Wars of the Roses" figures from Treefrog, YORK-21, LANC-22 and HLANC-04.
Great figures.
Inside two of them were WOR Golden Tickets !

Put them in the mail this morning...as others have said; "What a great promotion".

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Congratulations on receiving two GOLDEN TICKETS! Exciting, isn't it. I just received my prize from my own single GOLDEN TICKET...a set of two of King Richard's archers. Very generous prize! Collecting this series is amazing, in so many ways!
Looks like some of "Old Bill's" luck has reached across the Pond !

Yesterday, I received three JJD "Wars of the Roses" figures from Treefrog, YORK-21, LANC-22 and HLANC-04.
Great figures.
Inside two of them were WOR Golden Tickets !

Put them in the mail this morning...as others have said; "What a great promotion".

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Congrats on the golden tickets and the addition of three excellent looking Knights. The War's of the Roses range is becoming quite popular as this thread so aptally shows.
Received my Valentines gift from my wife today . . . Several Wars of the Roses figure sets. Also received a Golden Tickets in one of them. Athough this is my first WOR ticket it's my fourth that I have gotten during John's 10th anniversary celebration . . .
Just got my Golden Ticket prize today and it was quite a surprise. I received GGC-21 from the Knights of the Skies series, which is the crashed Eindecker. It is a highly detailed and finely finished model of the Eindecker on it's nose. I never realized the detail in this particular model until getting my hands on it. The crumpled wingtip is great but the real neat thing are all the bullet holes in the aircraft, centered around the tailplane, rudder, and left wingtip. It really is a superb model, as well done as any of the other planes JJD has done. It will fit in very well with my other 2 Eindeckers (1 JJD, 1 TGM) on my 1916 German airfield. Thank you, John, this is a most generous gift/prize. I have been extraordinarily fortunate with my 2 Golden Tickets, having received IWA04, the Chambers Flag Spad, for one ticket, and now the crashed Eindecker for the other ticket. Very generous, indeed. -- Al
I got a golden ticket in a box with a war of the Roses Archer. There is an instruction on the back of the ticket how to send for the prize. There is a War of the Roses sticker so I'm guessing the prize will be from the War of the Roses Collection but have no idea what it will be. I don't think I get to choose. Perhaps it is a Roses special figure?


I only collect the F&IW so all of my Golden Tickets have noted the prize will come from the "Eighteenth Century Collection." Don't get to choose the prize but all have been useful so far. I just received my SIXTH in some new French Militia!

A great Saturday. Got 3 single figure sets in the WoR series this AM, and there were 2 Golden Tickets within the boxes. This brings my Golden Ticket total to 4, (the other 2 being in the Knights of the Skies series). I am very fortunate and just want to thank John again for his wonderful generosity. I am excited to get these 2 tickets off to Hong Kong and see what comes in return. So far, we have had snow flurries in March in DC, so why not Santa?^&grin -- Al

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