I got a Golden Ticket! (1 Viewer)

Thanks everyone for the reply. I guess more patience will be required.
The ACE-07 replacements left HK on Friday so Golden Ticket shipments may have also left HK on Friday.

ACE-07N arrived today accompanied by my Golden Ticket gift. I'm sincerely grateful on both counts. Thank you, John!:D

WOW!!! My first Golden Ticket!

How does it work? Do I get to choose a set from the War of Roses series? I already have more than half the sets. There is a good chance I could receive a duplicate of what I already have!

You can include a note with your Golden Ticket of what you already have to help eliminate receiving a duplicate set. A short note or letter will not go unread :)

It's been my experience that JJD sends a notification that your prize is on the way, with tracking info, once they have mailed it. I am guessing that no notification means that the prize has no yet been dispatched. -- Al
I received notification this AM that my prize is on the way. Do not know for which Golden Ticket, the 4/9 or 4/12 ticket. Perhaps it is both. I'll soon find out.^&cool -- Al
Just received two york archers! what an amazing promotion this is!
Just received two york archers! what an amazing promotion this is!

I must be a copy-cat...today received NFYORK-15, "Two Yorkist archers", for my third "Golden Ticket" !

You are correct, never have seen a promotion like this.

Thank you JJD.
I received notification last week that my prizes for my 6th and 7th Golden Tickets were on their way to me. Should receive them soon . . . .
:smile2: Mike
I received notification last week that my prizes for my 6th and 7th Golden Tickets were on their way to me. Should receive them soon . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Now that's a lot of Gold you're talking about.^&grin -- Al
I'd been hoping/wishing for a "light truck" for my TS-airstrip. Jenkins came through with the Crossley Tender. It's a beautiful little replica with a lot of nice detail. I"m particularly impressed with JJ's rendering of the spoked-wheels. JJ could do a great motorcycle, I betcha.:cool:

View attachment 212168

Oh, and it came with a golden-ticket!{sm3}

I'd been hoping/wishing for a "light truck" for my TS-airstrip. Jenkins came through with the Crossley Tender. It's a beautiful little replica with a lot of nice detail. I"m particularly impressed with JJ's rendering of the spoked-wheels. JJ could do a great motorcycle, I betcha.:cool:

View attachment 212168

Oh, and it came with a golden-ticket!{sm3}

That's a real beauty of a truck. Wonderful detail. And congrats on the GT. :salute:: -- Al
Congrats Moe . . . . . A great addition to your collection plus a golden ticket . . . . can't get much better than that . . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Got my latest WoR's sets from the Mighty TF today and was fortunate enough to find a Golden Ticket with my Yorkist Billman. It is my 4th WoR GT, and 6th overall. This promotion is just incredible. I have received 4 GT's in the 23 sets I have purchased. I am either extremely lucky in regards to this, or John is extremely generous in this promotion, or it is a combination of both. I tend to think it is John's generosity, as my luck is problematic at best. Anyway, Wahoo! -- Al
I received my 3 Golden ticket prizes a few days ago. A set of 2 marching Poilus, one set of 2 Yorkist Archers and a single Yorkist Archer.

I can only echo everyone else - what a superb promotion this has been. I really can't see how John can afford it........... I mean - just looking at the cost of the postage
on the package they arrived in {eek3}

Very many thanks John - you're the Guvnor :salute::
I received notification this AM that my prize is on the way. Do not know for which Golden Ticket, the 4/9 or 4/12 ticket. Perhaps it is both. I'll soon find out.^&cool -- Al
Got one of my GT prizes this AM, a York archer. Since it was a single figure, I am assuming it was for the 4/9 ticket. This leaves 2 GT's still MIA from my 4/12 notification. Haven't heard about these yet.^&confuse -- Al
This morning my prizes for my 6th and 7th Golden Tickets were delivered. The prizes were WoR OXLANC-15 and OXLANC-16 four very nice "Lancastrian Archers, The Retinue of John De Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford . . . . Yorkist look out ^&grin . . . . .
:smile2: Mike
My prize for the first golden ticket has just arrived RRB60-14, 60th Foot Skirmishing, lovely figures and a set I was wanting to get too !

Well done to John Jenkins for this promotion ! :salute::

Got my Golden Ticket prizes for tickets 4 and 5. They are WoR sets NFYork-17 (Yorkish archer) and RYork-16 (pair of York archers). Outstanding figures and as always, very generous of JJD. I needed archers as I have concentrated elsewhere collecting the WoR series. Plus, I just mailed in GT #6, found in a WoR purchase a couple of weeks ago. I continue to be amazed by the wide reach of this GT promotion. -- Al
Here is the Golden Ticket set that I received from Hong Kong: ROT-03, The Seven Years War, The Battle of Leuthen 1757, Roth Wurzburg Infantry Regiment, 2 Figures, Loading and At The Ready. Photos are a little fuzzy because I forgot to use the close up camera setting which was either because of a senior moment or jet lag after returning from Italy.

What a nice set. Thanks again, John.


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Got a nice surprise today in the form of GGC-25, or "Traveling Eindecker," my latest Golden Ticket treasure:


This'll look awesome with my Immelmann E.III and GGC hangar-facade.^&cool

Thank you JJD!:D

Got a nice surprise today in the form of GGC-25, or "Traveling Eindecker," my latest Golden Ticket treasure:


This'll look awesome with my Immelmann E.III and GGC hangar-facade.^&cool

Thank you JJD!:D


I've toyed with getting this to put with my KotS collection - got a feeling I'll pick it up at some point

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