Isreal (1 Viewer)

Footage released today of Palestinians walking on the humanitarian corridor going south.

The road is lined with idf tanks. Just a simple question - if Israel is targeting innocent civilians, why aren’t they killing the people? Hmmmm
I know one thing I'm getting tired of Jewish children not being able to go school because they are being threatened. Those who do this should be deported if not citizens and the rest should be criminally charged. Didn't here no complaints from politicians of the damage the heathens did in Washington this pass weekend. Spineless weaklings. The West better wake up quick.

You have a good point. I am really not very happy with students who are here on student visas and especially those getting scholarships (taxpayer money) that are perpetrating the college campus crimes. It is NOT protesting nor exercising of free speech, it is hate speech and worse hate crimes. The scholarships should be immediately revoked, and they should be deported when caught doing this. That would be a commonsense approach to that problem.

Another common sense approach - pull federal funding from colleges that promote antisemitism!

Harvard gets billions in fed funds via grants etc - all while sitting on 50 billion dollars in the endowment!
How come all these countries who want a cease fire don't demand the Russians stop slaughtering Ukrainian civilians which as been going on for 2 years and also take in the Palestinians refugees ?
Another common sense approach - pull federal funding from colleges that promote antisemitism!

Harvard gets billions in fed funds via grants etc - all while sitting on 50 billion dollars in the endowment!

I used to give some credence to the line that being anti-Israel or anti-zionist did not make you anti-Semitic.

Unfortunately as I have seen more I have come to realise that this is a complete canard.

There is in fact no distinction between being anti- Israel and being anti-Semitic.

So many anti-zionists have shown their true feelings of late.

The mask is well and truly off now.
I used to give some credence to the line that being anti-Israel or anti-zionist did not make you anti-Semitic.

Unfortunately as I have seen more I have come to realise that this is a complete canard.

There is in fact no distinction between being anti- Israel and being anti-Semitic.

So many anti-zionists have shown their true feelings of late.

The mask is well and truly off now.

Now, now. That’s not completely true. All Jews have to do is “bend the knee” and subordinate their way of life, culture, and worldly possessions to the “religion of peace”. The they will be warmly embraced by their “betters”.
Some say Israel is currently where South Africa was in the 1960s or 1970s. Only time will tell.

South Africa is currently swirling the drain. In fact, in the near future, it will likely attain failed state status. Gee, I wonder why....
South Africa is currently swirling the drain. In fact, in the near future, it will likely attain failed state status. Gee, I wonder why....

It tried to do the impossible, which was maintain its unique status quo against the tide of world opinion. White South Africans believed that their ancestors had paid for the country with their blood and treasure over generations but ultimately the native population rooted them out. It took decades but it ultimately happened. This is what the Palestinians are looking to do. Whether the Israelis can hang on long term will largely depend on how the rest of the world reacts. As I said before, to the extent demographic changes in the West impact how Western politicians treat Israel will be critical. If pro-Palestinian Arabs become a significant voting block that will be problematical for Israel. People looking at this issue through the lens of the post World War II world order are not seeing the world for what it is today and what it is becoming. As an aside, it seems like China mostly views this as a problem for the West, which plays nicely into their long term goal of hegemony in the East. Given US commitments in Ukraine and the Middle East, China could try and move on Taiwan now but it is too smart for that and will just play the long game.
It tried to do the impossible, which was maintain its unique status quo against the tide of world opinion. White South Africans believed that their ancestors had paid for the country with their blood and treasure over generations but ultimately the native population rooted them out. It took decades but it ultimately happened. This is what the Palestinians are looking to do. Whether the Israelis can hang on long term will largely depend on how the rest of the world reacts. As I said before, to the extent demographic changes in the West impact how Western politicians treat Israel will be critical. If pro-Palestinian Arabs become a significant voting block that will be problematical for Israel. People looking at this issue through the lens of the post World War II world order are not seeing the world for what it is today and what it is becoming. As an aside, it seems like China mostly views this as a problem for the West, which plays nicely into their long term goal of hegemony in the East. Given US commitments in Ukraine and the Middle East, China could try and move on Taiwan now but it is too smart for that and will just play the long game.

So the world is becoming leftist dominated, I suppose? Yeah, right. Pry my cold dead fingers from my cold dead hands...

South Africa is failing just like Rhodesia/Zimbabwe before it, as well as Haiti, etc. Grossly corrupt and incompetent governance, poorly educated population and rotten culture. But sure, blame the failures on "world opinion" and the evil colonists -- who are solely responsible for raising the world's standard of living into wealthiest and longest living in human history. But sure, maybe the Palestinians can make tunnel digging into an Olympic Sport....What an absolute joke.

But yea, no doubt many folks do come here (and Europe) under the false pretense of assimilating into the culture. But all the while are actually the modern version of a Trojan horse. Europe is learning the hard way that they are going to be overrun if they dont take action. We have fended off far more dangerous adversaries than some students wearing keffiyehs. In fact our nation has, so far, come out stronger after vanquishing its foes. I predict that trend continues and Arabs as a population never become more than a tiny minority. Especially as a few generations down the road most get pretty comfy in the American way of life and move on from childish endeavors.
So the world is becoming leftist dominated, I suppose? Yeah, right. Pry my cold dead fingers from my cold dead hands...

South Africa is failing just like Rhodesia/Zimbabwe before it, as well as Haiti, etc. Grossly corrupt and incompetent governance, poorly educated population and rotten culture. But sure, blame the failures on "world opinion" and the evil colonists -- who are solely responsible for raising the world's standard of living into wealthiest and longest living in human history. But sure, maybe the Palestinians can make tunnel digging into an Olympic Sport....What an absolute joke.

But yea, no doubt many folks do come here (and Europe) under the false pretense of assimilating into the culture. But all the while are actually the modern version of a Trojan horse. Europe is learning the hard way that they are going to be overrun if they dont take action. We have fended off far more dangerous adversaries than some students wearing keffiyehs. In fact our nation has, so far, come out stronger after vanquishing its foes. I predict that trend continues and Arabs as a population never become more than a tiny minority. Especially as a few generations down the road most get pretty comfy in the American way of life and move on from childish endeavors.

Are you American? Who has the US “vanquished”? I don’t get it.
It tried to do the impossible, which was maintain its unique status quo against the tide of world opinion. White South Africans believed that their ancestors had paid for the country with their blood and treasure over generations but ultimately the native population rooted them out. It took decades but it ultimately happened. This is what the Palestinians are looking to do. Whether the Israelis can hang on long term will largely depend on how the rest of the world reacts. As I said before, to the extent demographic changes in the West impact how Western politicians treat Israel will be critical. If pro-Palestinian Arabs become a significant voting block that will be problematical for Israel. People looking at this issue through the lens of the post World War II world order are not seeing the world for what it is today and what it is becoming. As an aside, it seems like China mostly views this as a problem for the West, which plays nicely into their long term goal of hegemony in the East. Given US commitments in Ukraine and the Middle East, China could try and move on Taiwan now but it is too smart for that and will just play the long game.

I believe what you point out is exactly what Israel aims to do and that is eradicate the problem - Hamas. They do not need permission to to do this and I don't see any current or foreseeable future US Leader not supporting them regardless of make up. My own personal opinion is that this has galvanized the middle in the US with regards to terrorism. End game, Congress even censured Talib in the House, which honestly while symbolic, she has pretty much been off limits for all of her past egregious behavior, not now. Politicians are opportunistic, they are looking at the polls, middle America is NOT with the Palestinians. College campuses and street protests do not represent the voting populous.

I find it amazing that no one seems to want the Palestinians except Terrorists and Sponsors of Terror (Iran) to use as pawns. I don't think this situation will change and if America stops supporting Israel, we will have fallen as an Empire. It is simple, look at history, the Arab and Persian Empires I mentioned previously since the dawn of time have tried to achieve world domination. It is an endless cycle that continues to repeat itself. I guess i find it amazing how stupid the world is a times. BTW< I am working out of the Peoples Republic of California and saw a great billboard on I5 in LA - "Don't be Naive. Hamas is your problem too".

So the world is becoming leftist dominated, I suppose? Yeah, right. Pry my cold dead fingers from my cold dead hands...

South Africa is failing just like Rhodesia/Zimbabwe before it, as well as Haiti, etc. Grossly corrupt and incompetent governance, poorly educated population and rotten culture. But sure, blame the failures on "world opinion" and the evil colonists -- who are solely responsible for raising the world's standard of living into wealthiest and longest living in human history. But sure, maybe the Palestinians can make tunnel digging into an Olympic Sport....What an absolute joke.

But yea, no doubt many folks do come here (and Europe) under the false pretense of assimilating into the culture. But all the while are actually the modern version of a Trojan horse. Europe is learning the hard way that they are going to be overrun if they dont take action. We have fended off far more dangerous adversaries than some students wearing keffiyehs. In fact our nation has, so far, come out stronger after vanquishing its foes. I predict that trend continues and Arabs as a population never become more than a tiny minority. Especially as a few generations down the road most get pretty comfy in the American way of life and move on from childish endeavors.

Whilst I would not be so quick to write the Afrikaner off, there is unfortunately a lot of truth in your assessment of things
It tried to do the impossible, which was maintain its unique status quo against the tide of world opinion. White South Africans believed that their ancestors had paid for the country with their blood and treasure over generations but ultimately the native population rooted them out. It took decades but it ultimately happened. This is what the Palestinians are looking to do. Whether the Israelis can hang on long term will largely depend on how the rest of the world reacts. As I said before, to the extent demographic changes in the West impact how Western politicians treat Israel will be critical. If pro-Palestinian Arabs become a significant voting block that will be problematical for Israel. People looking at this issue through the lens of the post World War II world order are not seeing the world for what it is today and what it is becoming. As an aside, it seems like China mostly views this as a problem for the West, which plays nicely into their long term goal of hegemony in the East. Given US commitments in Ukraine and the Middle East, China could try and move on Taiwan now but it is too smart for that and will just play the long game.

Yes with South Africa's wild corruption that starts at the top and spirals all the way down is heading for the toilet and it doesn't help itself with having populist poliitian Julius Malema with his racist "call to Kill the Boer" and blaming every problem SA has on Whites and yet power was ceded to them 30 odd years ago and still they take no responsibility and yet at the same time expecting Western help oh and more money, lots and lots of that !
Demographically, I think over time it will end up that way, as they Muslim countries do to put it bluntly, outbreed all others regardless of whether they can support their children and once again they look to the West as their own countries being more corrupt for help via the UN another worthy cause at it's creation, but now, well do I need go on !
Nope with their dominance and with them being led by their religion, the World will not be making forward progress but will rather stagnate, if not fall back. Fortunately, that's all quite a way off yet !
Yes with South Africa's wild corruption that starts at the top and spirals all the way down is heading for the toilet and it doesn't help itself with having populist poliitian Julius Malema with his racist "call to Kill the Boer" and blaming every problem SA has on Whites and yet power was ceded to them 30 odd years ago and still they take no responsibility and yet at the same time expecting Western help oh and more money, lots and lots of that !
Demographically, I think over time it will end up that way, as they Muslim countries do to put it bluntly, outbreed all others regardless of whether they can support their children and once again they look to the West as their own countries being more corrupt for help via the UN another worthy cause at it's creation, but now, well do I need go on !
Nope with their dominance and with them being led by their religion, the World will not be making forward progress but will rather stagnate, if not fall back. Fortunately, that's all quite a way off yet !

I agree with most of that except I don't think Muslims will dominate. There are Christian and Buddhist and secular and other developing countries with high birth rates as well. And Islam is one of of those things that I believe must become more "liberal" or the fundamentalists who hate us will be replaced by more reasonable people who can offer their people better lives.
Demographically, I think the younger generations are more likely to be anti-Israel. Not the left as such, but its younger demographic. I think they don't know enough History yet. Let's hope that the lens through which they see the world becomes less anti-Western.
I never meant to imply that Israel is evil. Israel is clearly in the right. I don't like violence to such an extent that I have questioned their strategy. But to date things seem in proportion. My previous advice was more of a warning. I mean, I've known people with a parent who died in the Dresden bombing, was raised and live with both Jews and Arabs (though most of my friends were Jewish and secular and most of the Arabs were Christian refugees or secular), and have heard a rousing chorus at Irish pubs denouncing everything British even though most of the crowd was pro-UK (when sober). So I think we need to understand the feelings of everyone and court the developing nations. Because they are better off with us.
Long Live The West.
Long Live Israel.
Long Live The Free World.
Long Live The USA.
Best Wishes & I promised before and lied but this time I'll really shut it,
I agree with most of that except I don't think Muslims will dominate. There are Christian and Buddhist and secular and other developing countries with high birth rates as well. And Islam is one of of those things that I believe must become more "liberal" or the fundamentalists who hate us will be replaced by more reasonable people who can offer their people better lives.
Demographically, I think the younger generations are more likely to be anti-Israel. Not the left as such, but its younger demographic. I think they don't know enough History yet. Let's hope that the lens through which they see the world becomes less anti-Western.
I never meant to imply that Israel is evil. Israel is clearly in the right. I don't like violence to such an extent that I have questioned their strategy. But to date things seem in proportion. My previous advice was more of a warning. I mean, I've known people with a parent who died in the Dresden bombing, was raised and live with both Jews and Arabs (though most of my friends were Jewish and secular and most of the Arabs were Christian refugees or secular), and have heard a rousing chorus at Irish pubs denouncing everything British even though most of the crowd was pro-UK (when sober). So I think we need to understand the feelings of everyone and court the developing nations. Because they are better off with us.
Long Live The West.
Long Live Israel.
Long Live The Free World.
Long Live The USA.
Best Wishes & I promised before and lied but this time I'll really shut it,

Hope you're right Paddy ! :salute::

And one last thing from me, the sooner the IDF utterly destroys Hamas and Iran's other pawns, Hezbollah also the better for everyone else in the World.
I recommend watching this video which is relevant to the discussions concerning civilian casualities in Gaza etc.

«What Hamas did on 7 October, slaughtering children, raping women, taking children and the elderly hostage and filming the scenes of violence is an insult to humanity», Mattarella made it clear, reiterating «in the interest of the Palestinians who Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people." As for Israel's response [...], of course "military actions must take civilian victims into account, but Hamas's deliberate action of targeting defenseless civilians cannot be put on the same level." […] Finally, the hope for the future, when hopefully soon the war will be over: «I remain convinced – said Mattarella – that the only solution that leads to stability and peace is that of two peoples and two States».

Said today the President of the republic ( Italy)
I recommend watching this video which is relevant to the discussions concerning civilian casualities in Gaza etc.

Nope couldn't leave it !
Twenty two years and a bit on now, and so it's probably by now the Mothers/Fathers and the Grandparents too, who were the ones out on the streets back then, celebrating 9/11.
These people are full of hate for Jews and the West especially America, and quite openly admit that they aim for World domination under their backward medieval laws, they don't want a two State solution for themselves with Gaza/West Bank and Israel, they only want one State, theirs and the Jewish people annihilated.

They claim that many children are being killed. I would not be surprised if this did not turn out to be true, probably because they are the ones shooting and trying to kill the Israelis and being a "Martyr" seems to be a goal for those of that mindset.
What we might term as Cannon fodder, may be one of the reasons why they have so many children, brain washed to believe in what they are doing by those with evil sick minds and if you have eight children, well you can be proud if six die for their cause.
Something the West need to get into their heads is they do not think the same way or have the same values and they believe they are in the right !
Are you American? Who has the US “vanquished”? I don’t get it.

Slightly American. One of my ancestors is a signer of the D of I. Another died heroically fighting in France in WW1 as a Captain in the American army. Thus the name Rutledge. Look it up. I doubt you’re as American… :)

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