Joe's collection (3 Viewers)

Joe...that is tasty...another home run with your amazing detail!

Mike, Much appreciated brother! You know the joy of creativity, Joe

Wow stunning - and your version of Boudicca is the nicest I have seen - this makes me want to do this with my figures - if only I had any talent.

Thank you, AJ! Boudicca is definitely one of my favorite Aeroart figures. It's a wonderful sculpture, and I'm lucky to have a few paint variants. I love making dioramas but wouldn't do it with all of my figures, because pieces that can be displayed from either side are now permanently fixed in one position. But I make my dioramas viewable from all sides in case they end up on a turntable (like a large Roman/Celt one I made) which restores 360 degree views of the figures.


I am at a loss for words to describe just how great your work is.

I love the attention to detail and the base work you did!!

You have a fantastic set of art skills.


Thank you for your wonderful, enthusiastic comments! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos! Cheers, Joe
Hello to all, and I hope your 2021 has been good to you so far! I'm still alive, so I consider it a success thus far! I started a thread over in the painting section showing my progress on a 54mm kit figure of a Hussite warrior with flail by Medieval Forge Miniatures. I finished painting it last weekend and completed the basing today. The basing part is my favorite stage because it's just pure fun. I love building dioramas, and basing a figure is just like composing a mini-diorama. Somehow creating an immediate environment for a figure just brings it to life. In addition to the photos below I will be posting a bunch of close up shots too.

Before I start my next diorama featuring Aeroart Samurai I think I will paint another figure or two. There's a soldier from Old Russia I've been wanting to paint, but I might do a Viking next. For now I hope you enjoy the photos! Best wishes to all, Joe

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and that your 2021 is moving in the right direction.
I've finished painting another Medieval Forge figure and thought you might like to see. This is a Russian knight in 54mm. I didn't do any base work yet, because this figure will probably be going into a diorama. I have three other Russian knights by the same sculptor that would be very harmonious in a group setting. Once I've finished painting them all, I'll decide then if I'm going to group them all together in a diorama or separately with each having its own base. It will be several weeks before I get to that point. So for now it's one down and three to go!

Have a good week!


that is very realistic, I love the colouring of the chain mail and your work on the shield,

well done,

Great painting skill you have Joe. Looking fwd to the next three figs. :salute:: Chris

that is very realistic, I love the colouring of the chain mail and your work on the shield,

well done,


John, Thank you so much! I'm glad you like the shield and chain mail. I mostly prefer a dark chain mail but almost tried something different this time. I guess I made the right choice.:smile2: Cheers, Joe
Great painting skill you have Joe. Looking fwd to the next three figs. :salute:: Chris

Chris, Thank you for your most kind words! I'll be sure to post photos of the 3 related figures as I finish them. Thanks again, Joe

Very well done. Looking forward to see more of your work...

Wolfgang, Thank you! Your kind words are much appreciated and will propel me forward. Best, Joe

Fantastic work, especially the shield and the face!👍👍

Louis, Thank you for your wonderful comments! I always try to paint the face the best I can, because that feature has such potential impact on the presence of the figure. I enjoy the process of seeing the figure kind of come to life. Regards, Joe
Here's the Sun King as requested by AJ. The EW series by Aeroart has some of my favorite Arsenyev works.


Hello to all in TF land!
I've completed painting three more 54mm Russian knights and thought you might like to see. I need to decide if I will build them into a diorama together or if I will base them in pairs or separately. If anyone has any opinions on that, please let me know. That's why the bases aren't painted yet. The basing decorating (maybe the most fun part of the process for me) will be done once I decide how the figures will be displayed/mounted. For now I'm going to start work on a diorama with Aeroart Samurai. I've been wanting to do it for a long time, and it will have a lot of fun details to look at. Hopefully it goes as planned. I also have some great 54mm Vikings that I'm itching to paint. I almost want to do them before the diorama since I have a lot of painting momentum right now. But it would be nice and to switch it up and do some diorama work. Then I have some amazing Mongols that I'm super excited to paint. I hope you enjoy the photos! Joe

Nice work,

keep on posting more, I love seeing your fine work,

This might be your best work yet - really impressive painting textures!

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