King and Country Glossy (2 Viewers)

Can you post photos. I'm sure we would all like to see them. I can always post the photos for you if you'd like.
Here is a picture from a brochure I have of the band I just picked up. These are the ones that I mentioned in the General Toy Soldier section that smelled a bit. I took them out and the smell has gone away for the most part. Of course, the box and original K & C packaging still smells. They need to be touched up a little bit so when I get that done, I will probably post photos. Sorry for the small photo.


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Louis asked me to post these. He moved them from one part of the Museum to the other. They look much better in the new location. Sorry they're small.


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Thanks Brad! The last photo is of all the old Glossy K&C Bands I have on a "Parade Ground" base Gordon Neilson built for the K&C Room at last year's Chicago Show. The Bands, marching figures & color parties include the Seaforth Highlanders Band & Color Party (both Red and Khaki coated) (1985), The 10th Ghurka Rifles Band (1987), the French Foreign Legion (Band, Marching Soldiers, Color Party & Pioneers) (1987), The Bahamas Police (Band and Marching Police) (1988), the Chesire Regiment (Band & Color Party) (1987), The Royal Marine Light Infantry Band, The Royal Marines (Band, Color Party, Marching, Presenting Arms) (1984), The Gordon Highlanders (Color Party & Marching) (1995), and The Black Watch Band (1995).
Those bands look great. If there's one thing I love about the K & C Glossy, it's those bands. Can never get enough of them.
I am sending Brad a couple of photos of some K&C Glossy Zulus fighting Seaforths led by one 24th Foot Officer in front of a classic K&C wood Zulu War Burning Farmhouse, as well as some shots of other classic K&C glossy items, with a polite request that he post them for me.
Here are Louis' photos :)


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Thanks to the kindness of our good friend Tom Dubel, I obtained the original glossy K&C Ludhiana Sikh marching color sergeant, the only early K&C Sikh figure I didn't have.:smile2: Photos to follow upon receipt.
Louis mate,
I do declare that your Museum should be classified as the Eighth Wonder of the World.:smile2:Outstanding collection. I still frequently review my many photos from my visit in March 2010.
Thanks also to Brad for posting some fond memories.
Any US collector who hasn't been to a New York Symposium just doesn't know what they are missing.
Cheers Howard
Without a doubt, this is one of the better threads on Treefrog! Great pictures & knowledge sharing!


I can't thank you enough for your generous trading nature! I am looking forward to the gem you are letting me have from your dupes!!

Anyhow, I have the other figure for Larry, have to raid his collection next............


I can't thank you enough for your generous trading nature! I am looking forward to the gem you are letting me have from your dupes!!

Anyhow, I have the other figure for Larry, have to raid his collection next............



It is absolutely my pleasure. The best part of this hobby is the friendships, and it is always fun to trade or give stuff to your friends!:smile2:
I went back through this thread this evening, and I must say it is one of my favorites.:smile2: I have added a few K&C glossy duplicates (Afghans, a Marine Pilot) but haven't come across any of the handful of glossy K&C figures I do not yet have. Well, Chicago is in a few weeks, and I will keep my eyes open . . . :wink2:
Here's a few shots I recently took of some of my classic K&C Glossy set-ups:


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