The Breaker
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- Sep 28, 2007
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The Crouching Apache is fantastic. The shirt is nicely done. You could raid farms and villages all day then hit the club at night in that shirt.
Great work K&C!!
Great work K&C!!
You went deep into that reply there, i had to have a sit down and triple read your reply. You have supported and legitimised my argument i feel, by playing the man and not the ball, as i was trying to stop it turning personal by wanting a discussion on the opinions in the post. By 'setting up the rules of engagment' as you call them the post is looking at having a discussion on the merits of my opinion.
Slamming is a very emotional word to use, have you been on YouTube or watching too much awful US news. As that is a word used by the shock jocks or sensationalist TV anchors and someone trying to get clickbait. I simply stated my opinon on the merits of one TS company against other TS companies with whom they share a common marketplace.
Was there anything in the post defamatory? Or in a factual sense wrong? On the opinons and the details in the post you were very silent, come on lets have a discussion on the merits of the toy soldiers not the person that posted it, same goes for 2 of the 3 people who liked your post, they are not normally quiet when anyone is critical of K & C releases. Lets not turn this into the awful thread about the historically inaccurate British D-Day releases. As that turned into a pitched battle [everyone came out of that badly] and there was a failure to get any constructive argument, descussion or answers to the questions raised in the thread. There was a great job done by some on TF to deflect the critics with personal attacks.
Why don't you put in another reply countering the arguments in the post, instead of trying to deflect by attacking the individual. what is your opinion on below,
1- K & C Hurricanes and Spitfires having the same camo pattern [Hurricanes have 1 pattern and Spitfires have 1 pattern], is this historically accurate? Why do you think they are same, ask Andy, you know him.
2 - Do you agree or disagree that K & C are becoming more like caricatures? More cartoon like? That is a talking point opinon not a fact, which is open to discussion, what a forum is for, discussion. For example some of the figures are what we used to term 'a snipers dream', they have huge heads when compared to their bodies.
3 - Are K & C releases of the same amounts as they were in the past, 5 to 10 years ago? Is that wrong?
4 - Are the other manufacturers releasing more in terms of volume and different eras/series that K & C? Yes or No.
5 - Are K & C more US focused, thats an interesting one for me, as living in two different countries our outlook could be different. My argument for it is there appears to be a shift to more American themed releases in the last few years. Vietnam, Pacific, Cowboys, US Civil War etc. Plus we have far fewer direct sellers in the UK [only 1 with decent stock] and mainland Europe since K&C UK went bust in 2016 and the lack of representation at the main European Toy Show in London seems to also back up my opinion.
Monthly K & C dispatch time has traditionally been an opportunity for collectors to praise the new releases while others complain that 'their' collecting ranges are being ignored. I can relate to the later complaint as I mainly collect Australian based sets plus the occasional German 'Normandy' and Afrika Korps item. However they do appear from time to time, and as Andy has often said, you can't please everyone. Even if there's nothing new in 'my' range interests, I am still interested in new releases for other ranges despite not having the space, and of course unlimited resources to collect a wider variety of themes. As I haven't worked for several days due to inclement weather I do have some spare time to provide some comment regarding your listed gripes.
1) In the European theatre most British single engined aircraft used either Pattern A camo or pattern B being the reverse of Pattern A, be they Spitfires, Hurricanes Typhoons etc, similar policy was applied to Two winged or Four winged aircraft. Different camo patterns and colours were applied to aircraft serving in different theaters and operational specifics such as Night Fighters, Recon etc. Of course there are exceptions to every policy, and the patterns and some colours changed throughout the war, however I feel that explains why there is a lot of similarity in aircraft camo you mentioned.
2) Some early K & C figures did have relatively large heads, some early Jenkins figures had heads like cavemen, similar issue with early figures from most TS companies. I have noted significant improvements in the figures from K & C and JJD as well as most other companies.
3) I suspect (don't know) that K & C have reduced the production numbers for sets compared to earlier times, lets face it there seems to be fewer collectors each year. And of course JJD and TGM have never released large numbers, say around 100 to 150 of each set. Limited numbers create collector interest and reduces the potential for old stock remainders.
4) IMO K & C continues to have a wider number of ranges. However if interest in a range declines commercial imperatives require reduced releases or cancellations, such policies are used by all wise TS manufactures. I have seen the ALH range cancelled recently, sad but that's the way it is.
5) I understand most TS collectors, especially matt painted sets live in the US, and most K & C dealers are US based. However if you take the time to check the history of K & C Toy Soldier production you will notice that US based ranges, figures and vehicles, are actually underrepresented and suspect that will continue.
Well Mr. Goldman maybe I can answer at least some of your questions…In reply to the above:
1. RAF Camo Patterns…
I picked the two I liked best and have utilised those particular ones for our ‘Spits’ & ‘Hurricanes’ for several years and they have been extremely popular, going by overall sales which go into four figures for both aircraft…So some collectors seem to like what we are doing …even if you don’t.
FYI we are working on a new edition of our Battle of Britain ‘Hurricane’ which does have an alternative ‘camo’ pattern and belongs to a different Fighter Command Squadron.
2.K&C caricatures..?
Really! That will be news to many K&C collectors who collect a lot of different ranges including ‘Vietnam’…’Arab/Israeli Wars’ …’The Real West’… and virtually every other series K&C makes!!!
3. Producing same amounts as 5 or 10 years ago..?
In some series we are producing more…in others less… That is normal in any business you alter your production in response to demand and interest. That’s called…Being sensible!
You also consider what is happening around the world and how it may affect your business and the pockets and buying power of your collectors and dealers.
4.Are other Makers releasing more items and different eras and series..?
Personally, I don’t care if other Makers are releasing more items…That’s up to them…Nothing to do with me…K&C releases what we’re happy with and what we believe will appeal to the great majority of our collectors.
As for different eras and other series..? WE already cover the widest range of historical subject matter out there…Could we do more…perhaps but we have plenty on our plate already, thankyou very much!
5.I’ll answer that one later…I’m going for dinner now…
Adios for now and ‘Hiyo Silver!’
Here we go, here we go , here we go.......... ^&grin It's been a long wait - SO good to see the Falklands series getting into it's stride -
My Falklands shelf awaits.
Why don't you put in another reply countering the arguments in the post, instead of trying to deflect by attacking the individual. what is your opinion on below,
1- K & C Hurricanes and Spitfires having the same camo pattern [Hurricanes have 1 pattern and Spitfires have 1 pattern], is this historically accurate? Why do you think they are same, ask Andy, you know him.
2 - Do you agree or disagree that K & C are becoming more like caricatures? More cartoon like? That is a talking point opinon not a fact, which is open to discussion, what a forum is for, discussion. For example some of the figures are what we used to term 'a snipers dream', they have huge heads when compared to their bodies.
3 - Are K & C releases of the same amounts as they were in the past, 5 to 10 years ago? Is that wrong?
4 - Are the other manufacturers releasing more in terms of volume and different eras/series that K & C? Yes or No.
5 - Are K & C more US focused, thats an interesting one for me, as living in two different countries our outlook could be different. My argument for it is there appears to be a shift to more American themed releases in the last few years. Vietnam, Pacific, Cowboys, US Civil War etc. Plus we have far fewer direct sellers in the UK [only 1 with decent stock] and mainland Europe since K&C UK went bust in 2016 and the lack of representation at the main European Toy Show in London seems to also back up my opinion.
Totally disagree with 007 as I think K&C quality has greatly improved mostly by removing the black outlines on WWII soldiers, the sculpting (poses) are very well done as seen in the German soldier in the photo...keep up the great work K&C.
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I like that figure too and the whole group of classic Germans it was part of, but it is not a recent figure. It was released many years ago. As far as the the black outlines on K & C figures, I actually preferred having the black outlining vs not having it. When I think back to the prior discussions on the subject I remember some collectors wanted the black lines removed and replaced with a dark outlining color that was more complimentary to a given figure. Ultimately I think the outlining production step was dropped altogether, but maybe not across all ranges?
classic response carlosgoldman,
nice job slam a release and a company, then you set up the rules for engagement. Then, you'll judge the content of replys to demonstrate your virtue and righteousness under the guise of seeking agreement of your point on recent releases.
Heck, it's an invitation to joust from higher ground of your making.
Shame on you!
carlos i missed you at the west coaster , i was out visiting my daughter in l a on a last minute trip, , i have not seen you in a couple of years since the chicago shows a few years back.many thanks, carlos…i could not have said it better!
It was also great to meet up once more at last weekend’s ‘west coaster’….a very enjoyable time was had by a whole lot of people, including myself, thankyou again,
and… happy collecting,
Poor month, for me nothing, poor monthly releases from K & C, which has been a trend for a while.
Not very diverse, 2 of the ranges only have a single set release. Very US focused, but as some other TFers have said, you can see why, US main market for K & C. European collectors have become a bit of a backwater. No vehicles of any kind this month, there has been few tanks/vehicles/planes released in the last couple of years. When both compared with T Gunn or John Jenkins, as well as compared to what K & C released in their heyday. The amount of releases has fallen, with T Gunn or John Jenkins Design month on month releasing more ranges and amount of figures than K & C.
Quality level are roughtly the same for me, but i agree when someone pointed it out on the forum K & C are becoming more like caricatures, the new Cowboy range looks more like Blazing Saddles than Shane or The Searches, whereas JJDs Fur Trade look 'real' and gritty. K & C Romans remind me of Asterix the Gaul cartoon rather than Gladiator or Centurion.
John Jenkins Design are way ahead of K & C at the minute and have been for 2/3 years. More releases, greater ranges and pushing quality. Thomas Gunn have also moved on leaps and bounds, diverse ranges and affordable tanks, the new Panzer IVs are great [sold out very quickly], the Brummbar was special, the Hetzer is a joy, while a new multi thearte/version Matilda will sell out quickly, as new Allied armour is as rare. Thomas Gunn planes are outstanding, as opposed to the recent K & C releases, we got yet more Hurricanes and Spitfires with different markings, yet the camo pattern is the same on all Spitfires, as it is on the Hurricanes. Check them out, i did not notice until it was pointed out to me by a TF member. Thats either a bit lazy or taking collectors for granted, just churning out the same old 'wet smelly brown sticky stuff'. Their new strapline when compared with the TS market leaders, JJD and TG, might as well be "That will do'
Had my whinge, will now contradict myself by looking at some of the WSS and WH0 stuff i am missing and order them.
When replying please do not show your weak argument by playing the man and not playing the ball. Argue the points, concerning recent releases, not how they were 5 or 10 years ago.
I think any critique is valid if it was meant to be constructive.
I think Andy gets the most critiques because he is on top now.
I think we can be both critical-of and grateful-for K&C.
Personally, I like all of this months releases, which were impressive in that Andy made anything while travelling to boost the TS/MF Hobby. As far as heads go, a big (Irish{sm2}) head has been a thing since Trophy and probably far before: bigger heads give better facial expressions, period. But it is better to do those expressions in a "scale" noggin.
Anyway Best Wishes to All,
Please don't mind my occasional rant because I wish our Community only the Best,
Paddy (for Pat Sr. & Jr.(Paddy)).
Yet another thread where someone who made a critique comes under fire from all angles.
The world moves on and adapts, but not the forum.
Totally disagree with 007 as I think K&C quality has greatly improved mostly by removing the black outlines on WWII soldiers, the sculpting (poses) are very well done as seen in the German soldier in the photo...keep up the great work K&C.
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