Well, I've got two ACE-22 owners reading. Let's do a little market research...
While far from perfect, my pics do a decent job of highlighting some of the model's fine points, what I'd characterize as "detail-shots." That said, I'm wondering if y'all can consider some areas where future models might be improved. In digesting that possibility, keep in mind that DRAMATIC improvements in detail would almost certainly entail SIGNIFICANT price increases.
My thoughts on the matter revolve around the likelihood that collectors will invariably want more, juxtaposed with the reality that the release of the marvelous DH.2 has us within a stone's throw of $300 models. Because of that, it MIGHT be advisable to suggest improvements that can be offered with minimal increase in cost to the manufacturer.
As an example of where such improvement might really shine, I'd note that Jenkins' has begun to treat us with a little bit of photo-etch parts on the aircraft replicas. Would a good candidate for a similar treatment be the "ring-sight" mounted atop the MG on many of the company's models? BTW, the Guynemer video above has a slide highlighting the existing resin treatment of the sight.
Another area where a change of materials might be beneficial involves the windscreen frame on the same model. As rendered, the frame is oversized. I'm relatively certain that his was done so that the resin would be strong enough to survive contact with an errant thumb, index-finger or pilot figure. Use of metal for the assembly would likely yield a thinner frame that's at least as robust as the resin approach.
What might be really cool, PE-wise, but would drive the cost of the model way up? How about small metal sleeves to serve as simulated turnbuckles? BTW, the associated cost would be proportional to the complexity of the model's bracing. Some models might be doable, cost-wise, but a model like the SPAD would likely become significantly more expensive. As for the DH.2, the $288 model *could* end up pushing the $400 mark. The bracing is that complex, as anyone who owns one will attest.
Thoughts gentlemen? In particular, am I wrong to be so focused on how all this impacts the cost of the models? As JJ has been known to say, "hey, this stuff adds up pretty quick!"

On the other hand...If enough of us are willing to eat the price increases...I suspect that much is possible (my words, not JJ).