Wondering if Luke and Hawker might be ready to make their appearence in the next announcements. Been kind of quiet on the KotS front of late. -- Al
Well, we got Hawker on the way, and another DH-2, so things are heating up a bit for KotS. Really like the looks of both pieces. -- AlWe're definitely behind on our pilots, no doubt about it.Hopefully, the situation will be rectified in coming months.
Good news out of the London Show as JJD showed prototype pilot figures of both Lanoe Hawker and Frank Luke. Be good to get these two heroes on the flight line with their respective aircraft. -- Al
Unfortunately, I don't have the pictures I saw, and I can't remember what thread I saw them in, or even what forum I may have seen them on. There is a London Show figure titled "WW1 American Pilot" that is not ID'ed as Luke but the pose sure looks like him. He is listed in the WW1 section as LTS2017 in the JJD section in the Treefrog store. Also, at the London show, there was a gray master of a pilot figure on foot with a pistol, which, while not ID'ed as such, was certainly meant to be Luke. Sorry I can't find it. -- AlDo you have a photo of the Luke prototype? Find nothing in the London Toy Show thread
I think there's a pic of the Luke set in the TF store where it's for sale.
Edit: Sorry, as it appears TF is out of them. There is a pic here:
I didn’t notice that the fuel tank was offset from the centerline of the model’s upper-wing when I viewed the promo pics. Along with the two-blade prop, this distinguishes it from the already released Lanoe Hawker version. It’s nice that our JJ models are more than just repaints of models that we frequently already own, something genuinely unique and more than just a knock-off. Great looking model, Mike!
I didn’t notice that the fuel tank was offset from the centerline of the model’s upper-wing when I viewed the promo pics. Along with the two-blade prop, this distinguishes it from the already released Lanoe Hawker version. It’s nice that our JJ models are more than just repaints of models that we frequently already own, something genuinely unique and more than just a knock-off. Great looking model, Mike!
Unfortunately, I don't have the pictures I saw, and I can't remember what thread I saw them in, or even what forum I may have seen them on. There is a London Show figure titled "WW1 American Pilot" that is not ID'ed as Luke but the pose sure looks like him. He is listed in the WW1 section as LTS2017 in the JJD section in the Treefrog store. Also, at the London show, there was a gray master of a pilot figure on foot with a pistol, which, while not ID'ed as such, was certainly meant to be Luke. Sorry I can't find it. -- Al
I am really excited about the new German groundcrew and pilots that John has previewed. There are just so many possibilities that these figures will be able to be used for. I really like the guys working on the props and the engine. I also really like the pilots exiting their planes.
Also really glad that the release of these figures will be spaced out.:wink2: -- Al