If you have figures that you wish to sell please let me know, unless you don't want the bother of shipping, which I certainly understand.
Thank you all for the comments. Tom had mentioned to me yesterday that the figures with the oval bases were early issues. I have seen the soldier on eBay but not the others.
A more general question. Was the T & C series supposed to show life in London in the 19th Century or English life in general.
Nice and rare sets Al. Your knight is the first Prince of Wales.1. T&C early set C34 "A Lady with 5th Lancer", it was probably a special order, because one I already have is less colorful.
2. Legend and History Series DC4 "King Arthur of the Round Table he stands glazing at the sword EXCALIBUR embedded in rock
3. This is Knight has TM not D mark, I am not sure about his name.
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Hi Brad
I only have four T&C figures that I am taking to the London Show, funny enough you have just found 2 of them
I think Len gave his painters "a liberty to chose thier colors" when they painted the civilian figures in particular, so they would not get bored with their work
I obviously do not collect ALL variations:just keep the most colorful ones and let others go...
It's too bad that you missed my table yesterday, I had "a bum" figure for sale but sold it already. I might have another one, I will check.
A few show finds. I also located a Hamleys Bus with both Winter/Summer conversions. (pics will come later)
New Trophy toys, but not sure of set #s or which regiments
First saw action in May 1879, commanded by Capt. W. Whalley ex. 17th Lancers
The core of the unit was drawn from the Frontier Light Horse and at one time comprised of 138 men, their largest action was at the Battle of Ulundi on July 4th 1879. As the original troopers were drawn from the FLH there uniform was heavily influenced by that of the FLH. Along with Martini-Henry and Snider carbines many men carried sabres and revolvers
Hi Martyn,
Splendid. I like the way your photographs emphasize the shiny gloss finish.
I never did find out what was "superior gloss" finish.
Cheers, Raymond.![]()