Leaving the forum. (3 Viewers)

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Simpson & his donkey.

Sergeant Major
Feb 28, 2007
Hi guys and thanks for having me on this forum for a short time.I have come to the decision after thinking about all that goes on here that its just not for me.It was fun for awhile but I don't think I have the passion for toy soldier collecting any more.I just did not want to leave without saying thanks but this will be my last post.Some may be very happy about this especially the ones who collect those very over priced aircraft.So good bye good luck and good buying.Simmo.
Hi guys and thanks for having me on this forum for a short time.I have come to the decision after thinking about all that goes on here that its just not for me.It was fun for awhile but I don't think I have the passion for toy soldier collecting any more.I just did not want to leave without saying thanks but this will be my last post.Some may be very happy about this especially the ones who collect those very over priced aircraft.So good bye good luck and good buying.Simmo.

Well that's such a shame Simmo. I truly hope you reconsider your decision cos you WILL be missed.
Best Regards
Always sorry to see a forum member go,surely even if you don't like warbirds you could stay?

I know, Warbirds are rubbish (Sorry Andy I'm being forced to say something I don't want to:rolleyes::eek::p;)):D

LMAO, you dont need to go just because you don't liyk warbirds:eek::cool:

We all have an opinion, but sometimes it's better if we don't blurt it out or share them, not that you did blurt it out:):D:D
Hi guys and thanks for having me on this forum for a short time.I have come to the decision after thinking about all that goes on here that its just not for me.It was fun for awhile but I don't think I have the passion for toy soldier collecting any more.I just did not want to leave without saying thanks but this will be my last post.Some may be very happy about this especially the ones who collect those very over priced aircraft.So good bye good luck and good buying.Simmo.

Simpson, as one of the guys who collect those expensive aircraft, I am sorry to see you go. I don't mind a little good natured ribbing. Keep in touch, and I hope you get the toy soldier passion back.
Hi guys and thanks for having me on this forum for a short time.I have come to the decision after thinking about all that goes on here that its just not for me.It was fun for awhile but I don't think I have the passion for toy soldier collecting any more.I just did not want to leave without saying thanks but this will be my last post.Some may be very happy about this especially the ones who collect those very over priced aircraft.So good bye good luck and good buying.Simmo.

Sorry to see you go Simmo, but I understand your feelings :(
Let us also not forget,that from all of our Allies,it was the Americans who came to our shores during the dark days of 1942...Ern;)l
No the donkey will never leave he will stay to give you all a kick up the arse.He doesn't eat much but boy he is stubborn.:mad:
:(:( SO sorry to see you go! I do hope the interest arises again and we hear from you in the future. Your insite has been great.
Great to hear the Donkey's staying. by the way what's his name? Just Donke
Glad to see you're still around . . . maybe the Donkey can convince you to visit on occasion.
Baby please don't go
You know I miss you so
Please don't go down to New Orleans
Well the man done gone
The man done gone
To the county farm
Got the shackles on
Baby please don't go
Should I stay or should I go
Its always tease tease tease
You're happy when I'm on my knees
This indecision's killing me
One day is fine
The next is black
So if you want me off your back
Come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go
Listen to me very carefully, I will say this only once. Simpson has gone, it's only his Donkey that remains.

Like the real Simpson I suspect Simmo was a compassionate guy that thought forums where all about collectors being treated equally. We sure showed him the errors of his ways didn't we.
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