Leaving the forum. (1 Viewer)

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Maybe he'll be replaced by Hogan and his famous goat"one eye".
Maybe it aint worth the trouble.Theres a thought.
I'll shut up again.
Damian, I suspect he was pushed, then he pushed back, then he jumped because he didn't think it was worth the trouble.

Oz,are you saying he was pushed off this forum?.Must say i didn't notice it,what did he do to deserve that then?.

Oz,are you saying he was pushed off this forum?.Must say i didn't notice it,what did he do to deserve that then?.


Hi Rob, I didn't say he was pushed OFF the forum, but I understand he felt his input wasn't appreciated but some in the King & Country in-crowd.

For example he had some words with a few members about the price and quality of K & C's new warbirds. He also said that several of his posts containing critical comments about K & C's other products were deleted despite their lack of offence to other members.

I actually didn't see all of his posts so I can't comment further, but I know a number of my posts have been deleted in a similar manner - and most of them weren't offensive.

Although there has been plenty said about this being a fair forum with no bias towards King & Country I suggest this isn't entirely true. For example King & Country is at the top of the manufacturers list on the forum. Imo the companies should be in strict alphabetical order with no regard to what company is considered the most popular, in fact Forces of Valour sells far more product than King & Country.
Hi Rob, I didn't say he was pushed OFF the forum, but I understand he felt his input wasn't appreciated but some in the King & Country in-crowd.

For example he had some words with a few members about the price and quality of K & C's new warbirds. He also said that several of his posts containing critical comments about K & C's other products were deleted despite their lack of offence to other members.

I actually didn't see all of his posts so I can't comment further, but I know a number of my posts have been deleted in a similar manner - and most of them weren't offensive.

Although there has been plenty said about this being a fair forum with no bias towards King & Country I suggest this isn't entirely true. For example King & Country is at the top of the manufacturers list on the forum. Imo the companies should be in strict alphabetical order with no regard to what company is considered the most popular, in fact Forces of Valour sells far more product than King & Country.

Ok Oz i see what your saying now.I'm not really into the warbirds so much so i didn't really follow that thread,they are a little to rich for my blood!.(my wife can accept £100 a tank but £500 a plane would push her wonderful patience a little too far:D)Its a shame if any member feels they are not welcome on the forum though.I know what this is like as i have felt i might not be too welcome on another forum as i am a big K&C fan.I think what is important is to really be able to differentiate in these matters.As i say i am a huge fan of K&C they are easily my faveourite company,but i would make two points.1) I buy stuff from other companies HB,NMA,Figarti etc. 2) I would never attack anyone for buying stuff that i wouldn't buy.Variety is the spice of life,i have always fought against this 'K&C fans are rabid' idea.I do honestly believe it IS possible to be both passionate about a product at the same time as being open minded and appreciative about others,i can only speak for myself but its what i try to do.Hopefully Simpson and his Donkey may return after a break.

We will just have to be strong and carry on
For the donkey's sake
Baby please don't go
You know I miss you so
Please don't go down to New Orleans
Well the man done gone
The man done gone
To the county farm
Got the shackles on
Baby please don't go

The animals circa 1967 ? .

And BTW, as far as I can see, the guy who's left his donkey on the forum was treated with the utmost respect while he was contributing posts.

Vive La Belle France
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For example he had some words with a few members about the price and quality of K & C's new warbirds. He also said that several of his posts containing critical comments about K & C's other products were deleted despite their lack of offence to other members.

I actually didn't see all of his posts so I can't comment further, but I know a number of my posts have been deleted in a similar manner - and most of them weren't offensive.

Must we go over this again? Posts do NOT get deleted simply for comments made about a manufacturer.

Posts get deleted for personal attacks and/or inappropriate language. (i.e. "Andy is a *** for making ****" is not a comment about a manufacturer, it's an attack on a person) There are many, many threads critical of K&C. While I don't always agree with them, they remain? Why? Because this is a forum where people are allowed to share their views about the hobby.

Sometimes innocent posts are deleted because they are responding to posts that are inappropriate. We're beginning to 'soft delete' posts now, so people can see that a post has been deleted and why. I believe this will help people understand when an 'innocent' post is taken down.

Our moderator isn't sitting at his computer anxious to strike down posts! Brad does a good job of allowing for give and take on the forum. He has our total support.
Although there has been plenty said about this being a fair forum with no bias towards King & Country I suggest this isn't entirely true. For example King & Country is at the top of the manufacturers list on the forum. Imo the companies should be in strict alphabetical order with no regard to what company is considered the most popular, in fact Forces of Valour sells far more product than King & Country.

It makes sense to us to list the categories in the order in which they are the most used. We have a FOV thread - it's seldom used. We have a K&C thread, it's used extensively. This is not bias, it's a reflection of the people on the forum. We try to keep things as simple for people as possible.

FOV & 21st Century are very different from K&C & Britains. Yes, they sell more in raw numbers, but in a very different category. As we say in the States, that's like comparing apples to oranges.
...I know what this is like as i have felt i might not be too welcome on another forum as i am a big K&C fan...


Which is a false impression and you know it. You were invited several times and the last time was November 15, 2007. Maybe your nephew did not tell you about it, but here is my reply to him about his/yours concerns in respect of the other forum*:


Good to hear from you.

(...) is a big, big fan of K&C and he is the owner (meaning that he is the one who pays the monthly fees) of this place.

To my knowledge, (...) is a big, big fan of K&C.

I think that I can say the same thing about (...).

(...) and (...) are also collecting K&C and I am sure that I forget some members.

Despite what some people may think, I am a fan of K&C and Andy. 95% of my collection is K&C and I know that I can contact directly Andy and can expect a very fast reply.

For me, Rob is welcome. The rule is simple: everyone respects everyone. That may even drives someone to not reply to a post.

In fact, members have to deal with the forum, not the forum to deal with them (I am not whiter than white and made my mistakes on (...), not less than one week ago, and I certainly should not give any lessons to anyone).

We have the chance to have three fantastic tools here. First, the forum. Two, the shoutbox. Three, the chatroom.

Finally, as (...) wrote it a couple of months ago, you can post that you love K&C.

Hope to read you again soon.

Best regards,


I really hope that I finally made things clear and that you'll stop to carry stories that you are not welcome in a specific forum because you like K&C.

My very best regards,

* Sorry for the invasion.
It makes sense to us to list the categories in the order in which they are the most used. We have a FOV thread - it's seldom used. We have a K&C thread, it's used extensively. This is not bias, it's a reflection of the people on the forum. We try to keep things as simple for people as possible.

FOV & 21st Century are very different from K&C & Britains. Yes, they sell more in raw numbers, but in a very different category. As we say in the States, that's like comparing apples to oranges.

Peter, I can see no logic in that because Beau Geste is listed directly after King & Country despite the Beau Geste section being seldom used.

All manufacturers are listed in alphabetical order EXCEPT King & Country, if that isn't biased I don't know what is.
The animals circa 1967 ? .

And BTW, as far as I can see, the guy who's left his donkey on the forum was treated with the utmost respect while he was contributing posts.

Vive La Belle France

I have a really good LP version of that song from 3 welsh guys in the seventies...I thought it was originally andy fairweather low? 'Budgie' is the band - god old fashioned rock! Any other sad old geeks?:confused::eek::D

Meanwhile, we can plant carrots for the donkey;)
Peter, I can see no logic in that because Beau Geste is listed directly after King & Country despite the Beau Geste section being seldom used.

All manufacturers are listed in alphabetical order EXCEPT King & Country, if that isn't biased I don't know what is.

K&C has over 2000 threads. Britains is next with 279. K&C is pulled to the top to make it easier for people to find. If you want to call it bias, that's your right. We see it as reflecting the audience on this forum.
As a supplement to Pete what just said, I don't think there would be a forum but for the interest in King and Country. As the interest in this Forum has grown, Shannon and Pete have added numerous categories to satisfy the interests of the growing number of varied collectors (many of whom are not interested in King and Country or only very little). If that's not a lack of bias, I don't know what is. It's a big tent and this Forum tries to appeal to the entire toy soldier collector and manufacturer community.

If there are areas in which members think this Forum is not serving the community, we would like to know.
The animals circa 1967 ? .

And BTW, as far as I can see, the guy who's left his donkey on the forum was treated with the utmost respect while he was contributing posts.

Vive La Belle France

I was thinking of the great AC DC version actually
I know that EVERY other member of the forum will join me in wishing for a successful outcome in your wife's tests.
Our thoughts are with you mate.
Best Regards
Thanks both of you.I should not really have mentioned that about my wife but have been struggling of late to hold it together,but your support means a lot.

Thanks both of you.I should not really have mentioned that about my wife but have been struggling of late to hold it together,but your support means a lot.


Absolutely no sweat man. Just hold out for the GOOD NEWS.
Best Regards

Please accept my best wishes for you wife as well. I know I'm an ocean away, but I consider all of you gentlemen on this forum my friends, and wish only the best for you.
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