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I have never understood why anyone must look down upon or be nasty about other collectors favourite manufacturers. I have always been eclectic in my habits. I collect K and C, Britains, Conte, Trophy and Little Legion. I am now being forced to focus my habits due to my life circumstances. I try and not be too partisan. Just as I don't like blind loyalty or triumphalism I also don't like knee jerk negativity about particular manufacturers. That just serves to antagonize. If you don't like a manufacturer that is also fine but to continually attack a manufacturer about particluar issues when you may not even collect his particular toys is also tiring. I like Shannon's siganture about Being kinder than you have to. I think we should apply it on pur posts a bit more regularly. This is only a hobby. The world will go on whether we buy these things or not.
Damian Clarke

If you don't like a manufacturer that is also fine but to continually attack a manufacturer about particluar issues when you may not even collect his particular toys

Nice one Damian - you might also have added if you don't like SOHK figures as well.
I think this forum has become much more balanced even since when I joined in July, and especially since I first started reading posts here in late summer 2006. When I first came here I was looking to stir things up a bit because the hype and group-think was a bit nauseating and covering up the truth about legitimate problems with K&C's products. Now I think the atmosphere has changed and the forum is much more open to us freely voicing our opinions about the products we buy. I think the day is very fast approaching when members who provide a balanced appraisal/review of K&C's strengths and weaknesses will be welcomed and thanked for sharing their thoughts, rather than chased out with pitchforks like in the days of old. So congratulations goes out to the concerted efforts of all forum members to make this a nicer place to visit - to K&C critics for trying not to cause trouble for troubles sake (and giving K&C credit where credit is due), and to the K&C home crowd fans for being more tolerant of the critics and learning to accept that like all things in life, there is always room for continuous improvement in their favourite product.:)
The forum is in alphabetical order except for the King & Country section because its the largest and most often used. Makes sense to me.

Yeah but, no but....it makes no sense to me because the rest are in alphabetical order. However I have to agree that the K & C bias is much less than what it used to be, so I guess we'll leave it at that :cool:
I think this forum has become much more balanced even since when I joined in July, and especially since I first started reading posts here in late summer 2006. When I first came here I was looking to stir things up a bit because the hype and group-think was a bit nauseating and covering up the truth about legitimate problems with K&C's products. Now I think the atmosphere has changed and the forum is much more open to us freely voicing our opinions about the products we buy. I think the day is very fast approaching when members who provide a balanced appraisal/review of K&C's strengths and weaknesses will be welcomed and thanked for sharing their thoughts, rather than chased out with pitchforks like in the days of old. So congratulations goes out to the concerted efforts of all forum members to make this a nicer place to visit - to K&C critics for trying not to cause trouble for troubles sake (and giving K&C credit where credit is due), and to the K&C home crowd fans for being more tolerant of the critics and learning to accept that like all things in life, there is always room for continuous improvement in their favourite product.:)

Its people such as you who have made this forum an extremely pleasant and informative place to visit. Thanks for your excellent ongoing posts that are a very real pleasure to read.

Best Regards
I dont understand what the big fuss is all about ?

There is a lot of support for King and Country and if you want to call it bias - I guess thats your right - but, it does not reflect that most K&C Avid Collectors here also collect other manu. figures.

It seems that if you really like K&C - there are some who want to say - "AH HA - A RABID COLLECTOR" and not recoginze you collect other manu figures as well. Its what we call "GOTCHA POLITICS" here in Washington.

All the PRO-K&C comments are found on the K&C Thread - so I still cant understand why people get upset because you praise K&C / Andy on the K&C Thread?? :confused: This is the right place for that.

So fight if you want - but, KING AND COUNTRY is my favorite Toy Soldier Maker and I proud to say and say it LOUD ! :D
I dont understand what the big fuss is all about ?

There is a lot of support for King and Country and if you want to call it bias - I guess thats your right - but, it does not reflect that most K&C Avid Collectors here also collect other manu. figures.

It seems that if you really like K&C - there are some who want to say - "AH HA - A RABID COLLECTOR" and not recoginze you collect other manu figures as well. Its what we call "GOTCHA POLITICS" here in Washington.

All the PRO-K&C comments are found on the K&C Thread - so I still cant understand why people get upset because you praise K&C / Andy on the K&C Thread?? :confused: This is the right place for that.

So fight if you want - but, KING AND COUNTRY is my favorite Toy Soldier Maker and I proud to say and say it LOUD ! :D

Sounds like a James Brown song
Say it loud.....and I ' m proud
Maybe we should put this little discussion to a VOTE ?

Lets have a POLL and only allow each member to vote once and see where everyones opinion is on who is the best manufacturer ??

That should clearify things quickly.... How about it - who up for a little Democracy today ??
Maybe we should put this little discussion to a VOTE ?

Lets have a POLL and only allow each member to vote once and see where everyones opinion is on who is the best manufacturer ??

That should clearify things quickly.... How about it - who up for a little Democracy today ??

It is good to have you back in the ring Ron
PS I am game for a poll if you organize it
It is not important who casts the votes, but who counts them
Joseph Stalin


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Maybe we should put this little discussion to a VOTE ?

Lets have a POLL and only allow each member to vote once and see where everyones opinion is on who is the best manufacturer ??

That should clearify things quickly.... How about it - who up for a little Democracy today ??
I would question the usefulness of this poll since it would be similar to going to San Francisco and asking what is the best party, Democratic or Republican? Guess which party will win?:D
I would question the usefulness of this poll since it would be similar to going to San Francisco and asking what is the best party, Democratic or Republican? Guess which party will win?:D

The Airfix party?
Well I suppose this thread started off with a donkey and now we have an elephant.
So Democrats vs Republicans.
Politics invades the forum
Well I suppose this thread started off with a donkey and now we have an elephant.
So Democrats vs Republicans.
Politics invades the forum

Or we can do toy soldiers....


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